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Enjoy “After Death Communications…WOW” Messages For Humanity Book Excerpts!
Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!
“People will find that danger lurks in every corner when they concentrate on separation. It is with the utmost respect that we, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine, ask all to hold loving thoughts of kindness toward neighbors, friends, family and those governing your world systems, for it is in those loving thoughts that one reconnects and remembers the Oneness of all things.
“As humanity moves through this process of what many refer to as the ‘dark night of the soul’ a global event unprecedented in any arena or planet, all must know that the separation held within the small mind of one will continue as long as one concentrates on feeding that thought. Please know that in your world, the system of separation is now dissipating, and it shall do so for the next three years. We know this is alarming news (3 YEARS!) to those that now concentrate on the Oneness of all things, but we ask you to continue to hold the Light of One. For it is in holding this Light of One, while living in your world of Oneness, Love and Light, that all shall move forward, if you will, level up, if you will, into this state of Oneness for all of humanity, for it is a leveling up, a stepping up into another experience, another timeline, within your illusory system of the earth game.
“We ask now that those of you holding the Light, the Love, the Oneness of all things know that you are guided and the steady progress before you now will not end. We know many are becoming desperate in their situation and we ask again for you to know, the Oneness, the non-limitation, the Wholeness, the Perfection, the Abundance you seek is already yours in another timeline experience and it is with your emotions, thoughts and reactions that you shall merge with this timeline experience to step out of the mass of knotted consciousness of separation.
“We ask now that the channel remember, we are with all, we are with her, even though she believes all is illusion. We know that the Oneness of which she seeks to continue, to impress upon the small mind and those appearing outside of her, will continue to blossom in its fullness as all lie in wait for the next pin to drop, so to speak. Many pins, for lack of better wording, will drop in these next two coming years. But we ask all to move forward with their thoughts of Oneness, Love and Light, and those doing so shall remain within the guidance, wisdom and trueness of the very own timeline experience they have chosen as souls to relish in, while many fall by the wayside, succumbing to the ploys of separation voiced and manipulated by the puppet masters.
“We ask now that all of humanity move forth into this new timeline experience by holding thoughts of Oneness, Love and Light towards ones neighbors, family and friends and we step aside as each moves forward in their own timeline experience to guide those still not knowing of the Oneness in which many now live within.”
SO, as those of us holding the Oneness, Love and Light outside of the mass hysteria consciousness continue to be guided by our own Higher Self, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine steps aside to assist those who are not in that timeline experience.
Many of us realize this is the time we have been waiting for, a time to share our gifts and talents. But first and foremost, it remains of utmost importance to maintain a high vibrational rate.
For review, our normal vibratory rate is between 62-68 MHz and our brain functions optimally between 72-90 MHz. When the body vibration lowers to 58 MHz it can “catch a cold”; at 57 MHz the f*l*u; 55 MHz candida, 52 MHz Epstein Barr; 42 MHz cancer and at 25 MHz transition begins.
So, do everything you can to raise and keep your vibrational rate high. Be creative, sing “Do-Re-Mi”, dance, make jokes, watch comedies and getting out into nature to ground are a few ways to raise your vibration.
Remember, our point of POWER lies in the Present Moment. And higher states of consciousness radiate more readily whenever two or more people of like mind gather so do what you can to spend time with those of like-mind, for it is in local face-to-face interactions that we reap the greatest rewards (our hearts electromagnetic frequencies reach those within our physical radius and beyond). Continue radiating Love from your heart’s core throughout the day.
As incoming lightcodes continue to assist us, it is vital to stay hydrated and rest the body as needed. You will find numerous blogs, videos, audios and other resources at my website at SAM I AM PROductions to inspire and support. Here are additional tools to assist with envisioning a peaceful and loving world:
Global Coherence
Mass Meditation
Sunday Unity Meditations
World Healing Meditation
Radiating Heart Energy
The hardcover Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies is now available.
The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun
Book Two: A Change in Perception
Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation
Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log
Return to Light: John of God Helps
After Death Communications…WOW!
Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures
Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log
Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log
Adventures in Greece and Turkey
Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 2 excerpt!
“There will be assistance programs for those in need. Pay them no mind for they are designed to enslave you. The greedy cabal knows that many will seek these programs as the great storms (caused by these entities) make it difficult for people to live. You must form communities of wholeness and peace on your own. Live off the land and barter for your goods. This is the way humanity shall prosper in the future on your earth for it is the way you began before the greedy cabal took over.
“This is a necessary occurrence for those wishing, striving to become more in tune with All That Is. The freedom you seek is already yours, in all aspects. You have only to seek the wholeness within to find and secure it. Those wishing to enslave humanity for all time are but aspects of yourself reaching out in the darkness of their own illusion. Paying no heed to their game of enslavement, you bring these aspects closer to the Truth of their (your) BEing.
“Remember, everything is energy and energy flows where attention goes. The more people that pay attention to enslavement, the more humanity sinks down into the mire of disappointment. Let this not be the case in your small mind of one but continue to reach for the higher vibrating energies of wholeness, peace, love and joy, prosperity and Truth.
“As things ‘come to a head,’ on your earth, all these unnecessary occurrences will fall away quickly as people realize their own power to change the world in which they live. Having nothing will create a void that soon fills with the beauty of everything whole.”
Support Your Spiritual Truths. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!!
The hardcover Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies is now available.
The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun
Book Two: A Change in Perception
Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation
Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log
Return to Light: John of God Helps
After Death Communications…WOW!
Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures
Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log
Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log
Adventures in Greece and Turkey
SAM I AM PROductions specializes in Internet Technology to help with humanity’s ascension. We offer inspirational and thought provoking blogs, books, audios and videos with practical tools and messages based on experience in this and other realms of reality.
Enjoy this excerpt from a class held at the Theosophical Society in Deerfield Beach, Florida, which includes information from C. W. Leadbeater.