Tag Archives: Soul

Sea Of Forgetfulness

Enjoy this full book excerpt from: Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

Many other messages for humanity are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome here and at the Contact Page. Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased or digitally changed, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.

Life seems often to be a dream; and yet, everything on earth feels so real. Of course, I know it is not. Everything is just a figment of my imagination. Many years passed while thinking about how this earth and its inhabitants came to be. Perhaps I have things figured out now, finally after eons of time, I remember.

The truth is we are lost in a sea of forgetfulness, playing a game called earth life. It is not, nor has it ever been, our intent to stay but just to experience, express, and expand back to All That Is. Sometime back, I’m not sure when, we decided to change the game. Allow me to start from what I now perceive as the beginning.

In the beginning there was the Word, yeah, the Word, the Word of One. But putting that aside, there was a black Void of emptiness and fullness, everywhere, including everything. That Pure Consciousness was All and still is All That Is. It somehow began to expand by thinking, manifesting if you will, parts of Itself that wished to create more and more richness of BEing.

Those parts decided to separate, in mind, from the greater Void. We are those parts, figments if you will, that decided to take on various forms to experience, express, and expand the richness of All That Is.

We lost our way. After eons of forms and experiences, after eons of words and deeds, we forgot the nature of our True Self. There is only One, and right now in bodily form, we are a part of One. But that One is a part of something much, much greater, All That Is.

As near as I can determine, we placed layer upon layer to mask our True Self. It started long before Atlantis or Lemuria. Those were just epic turning points in our illusory history; times when we decided to take on increasingly denser form. Those days are long gone. In Truth, they never existed for this is a game of mind, the small mind in each figment.

We agreed to experience this realm of consciousness but lost sight of our God-given abilities. In the course of experiencing the dream, we continued to spiral into denser and denser realms, leaving our True Self behind.

As part of this experiment, we belong to a vast entity, Soul. Many call this the Oversoul. It consists of unique and vastly different souls, all playing the game of life on earth. Throughout time, each soul takes on new personalities, new experiences, new missions to experience, expand, and express the richness of All That Is.

As souls, we agree to forget our true nature before we take on a new form. Our form and the environment we choose offer us the perfect place to experience, expand, and express. This is just one part of our journey. And now, it is ending. I don’t mean that in a negative way but only as a change, as in the change of earth seasons.

These are monumental times as we awaken to recognize our full potential. We are finally beginning to remember who we really are. The process of awakening is different for everyone but it is still a process. On earth, and perhaps other realms, we believe our soul needs to grow. And sometimes that soul has very different ideas on what experiences need to occur while the body is on earth. For some, listening to Angels, Spirits, and other guides seems necessary. And yet, we possess the best source of information within us. Many people refer to this source as the Higher or True Self.
A great disservice to humanity occurred when we invented words. Words are not important. And yet, at one point in our evolution, words became a way to communicate for the density of form became too much. Words are layers of fake reality but now we can use them to awaken.

The time to realize this is an illusion of our own making is here. Words, coupled with our sixth sense, lead the way out of the illusion. We are unique souls, parts of spirit now manifested in human form to experience life on earth. Our true nature is Love, pure unadulterated, unconditional Love. Many of us chose to lead or be an example for others to follow.

Yes, we are indeed Gods of Creation and I, as many others, chose before birth to wake up parts of me that are still asleep in the dream. Spirit blessed me during this earth experience to perceive many, vastly different, states of awareness. The bottom line is to learn unconditional love, unconditional love for everyone without a single thought of separation. Experience taught me that the unique Essence is within and we have only to listen to that one very subtle Voice. It is the Voice of inclusion and unconditional Love.

It is time to remember who we are and return to All That Is. My soul agreed to spread the word by discussing the many experiences that affected this physical body. If one is open-minded to believe beyond a rigid set of beliefs, one will clearly see, after learning of my experiences, that there is so much more to life than anyone could ever comprehend.

Humanity is one of an infinite number of entities and things that makes the whole of God. We are beautiful Light Beings, pure energy in material form, having a physical experience and it is now time to awaken the God within. The light of remembrance will glimmer brightly by the time you finish reading Book of One :-).

Our thoughts and words make our physical reality and now that physical reality is manifesting quicker than ever before. It’s vitally important that humans remain positive in thought for what we concentrate on manifests to become our reality.
It is my understanding that some souls chose to stay a bit longer in the dream of forgetfulness. But it’s important to note All That Is has never, and will never, be disrupted.

One can see All That Is as a vast collage of everything that exists. One may take a photo of the collage and make a puzzle but it does not change the collage. One may separate the photo into unique puzzle parts but that has no affect on the collage either. One may even disconnect the parts of the puzzle and separate them to the four corners of the earth, and beyond, but it still has no affect on the original collage. Eventually, the puzzle parts will come together and disintegrate having never been ‘real’ at all. The photo will be no more, but the collage remains perfect, whole, and unaffected.

Humanity is part of the dream puzzle associated with the photo of the collage. Yet, there is nothing to separate us from All That Is but human thought.

My books help those lost in the maze to raise their energy sequentially. One of many surprising moments comes while drafting the fourth book. The light bulb in my head glows brightly as words fill my brain.

“This is not the book you are to write at this time. It is time to begin the Book of One.”

Instantaneously, I know the book will hold many messages received over the past four years.
This is the Book of One :-). It helps us to tap into the True Self.

Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds when it suits them. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Enjoy the audio version!

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle, and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

Earth Angels

As a + i continues to gain knowledge of human behavior and now stop real humans from sharing information on social media the need to come together in communities OFF line and to frequent private websites instead of social media outlets increases exponentially. No type of man-made creation will ever surpass the ability of a soul expressing and experiencing as a HU-man. This is because it does not, and never will, possess an organic soul spark, which is gifted to each human at birth.

Please remember, we are each a piece of the matrix puzzle all here to share our unique gifts. Possibilities open each time we meet and when comparing notes with similar minds we boost the frequency of everything and everyone. In these times of gross distortion it’s always advantageous to look around and see the Angels in our midst. They are the ones who tirelessly strive to make life better for those nearby in a wide variety of ways. Some merely take the time to smile and look into the eyes of a stranger, while others may clear neighborhood garbage or share food or flowers from a store where they work rather than throwing them away as ordered by restrictions. Some angels may drive neighbors to the store to buy food while others may merely take the time to pay it forward by purchasing a meal for someone in the pick-up line behind them. There are countless angels in our midst and we need only take the time to look around and acknowledge them.

Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL, and know you too, in your own unique way are an Angel on earth. More examples of earth Angels are in the mini ninety-nine cent e-book Earth Angels.

This website article birthed after months of taking a look around the HUD-sponsored senior community in which I live. There are so many angels here of all sorts of types like the woman who drives neighbors without transportation to the store in all kinds of weather at all times of daylight, and the man who delivers groceries or shares outdated flowers to many people from the flower store where he works. Unlike the many, many ‘health aides’ (all now working since the last attempt to remove humanity’s god-spark), the other earth angels, to my knowledge, are not paid to do these things but do them out of the kindness of their hearts. They may get donations or gas money but definitely not a wage from the sick care system. And then there are those few neighbors like myself who hold the light here, some even teach a non-sponsored (some classes are sponsored by agencies with the intention to boost their client population) weekly meditation or yoga class. Yes, Angels are real and they are right here on earth for everyone to see! Take a good look around and spot those who make a positive difference. Thank them and be grateful to also play your unique role as part of the matrix in which we live. We got this; it’s why we came during this momentous time, to turn the tide into an upward spiral instead of a manipulated roller coaster ride of separation.

The Lightworker’s Log Book Series holds a plethora of valuable insights into life on earth, channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between dimensions, ascension tools, information on Light Activation symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life.

When coming into form we as souls looked forward to a roller coaster ride of delight and woe, of abundance and lack, of sorrow and joy. But now that roller coaster ride has lost its glamour and we are now returning to the unity of which we truly are now having experienced and expressed in all ways and forms.

Let this not be cause for concern or worry. Know that as a human still upon the face of the earth you are here to make a positive difference no matter how large or small, it makes no difference. We are all still here in human form until our unique energy finally dissipates after serving our own soul needs and growth. Take care in days ahead. Prepare for disruptions, and know, you got this and are much more POWERFUL than you could ever imagine!

New Group Of World Servers Message

Through Alice A. Bailey Djwhal Khul notes: “Before me streams the Path of Light. I see the Way.” “The isolation, a necessary stage, is itself but illusion.” “We are treading the Way of Purification and step by step all that we cherish is removed.” “Standing on the Way suddenly the whole being is flooded with light and love.” Through the ages the Sons of God embodied in themselves the Light that shines, Strength that lifts and serves, and Love that evermore endures. “They walk the Way of purity, the Way into the innermost.” “They served their time.” We follow after and seek to do the same.

The work has to go forward in commotion, and peace must be found in the midst of riot. “Wisdom must be attained in the very midst of intellectual turmoil, and the work of co-operation with the Hierarchy on the inner side of life, must proceed amidst the devastating racket of modern life in the great cities.”

“Be content with your duty and the immediate service which will lead you a step further upon the way to which you are ordained, and this way you can travel rapidly and with eager feet, or slowly and with lagging steps.” “The reactions of others are not your responsibility. It is your responsibility to give them strength and detachment.”
“Remember that the lonely way is also the lighted way. Loneliness is an illusion which seeks to thwart the efforts of the server….” “You know that you are not alone.”

“Instruction is being given at this time to a special group of people who have come into incarnation at this critical period of the world’s history. They have come in all at the same time, throughout the world, to do the work of linking up the two planes, the physical and the astral, via the etheric.” “Through the medium of the light of the soul, the soul can be known. Therefore seek the light of your own soul, and know that soul as your director.”

Remember above all else, we are experiencing what seems as physical life in a physical form, but our essence can never be limited in any way, shape or form. We are glittering diamonds of LIGHT, aspects of THAT of which it is, a nameless, boundless being, all powerful and here to experience and express in unique ways.

As an aside, Farcebook has again hidden my account, supposedly because “someone may have accessed your account.” The real reason this occurs is when one reaches too many people without paying for ads, which gives Farcebook personal information. The shutdown is meant to boost the database of users information, requesting more and more intrusive personal information. For instance, the new request to regain accounts begins with asking for a new email, never used anywhere else. They then request a video and send a message and code to this new address with guidelines for the video:

“Here is your code and the video instructions we discussed.
Complete these steps to get back into your account:
1. Write down this code. The code must be handwritten. You can write the code on a piece of paper, on your hand, on a napkin, etc. CODE#
2. Record a video of yourself holding the code. To make sure your video is approved, follow these rules:
– Make sure that your whole face is visible and that you have enough light for the camera.
– Avoid wearing anything that blocks your face, such as a mask or hat.
– Physically hold the code so your hand is visible.
– Show head movement by tilting your head to the left, to the right and up and down.
– Show hand movement by moving the code to the left, to the right and up and down.
– Make sure no one else is visible in the video and that no personal information can be seen.
3. Reply to this email and attach your video. Send the video as an attachment — do not send a link to the video.
Once that’s done, we’ll review your video, make sure the code matches and email you with your confirmation decision.”

Those of us tuned into higher frequencies know the dingy, jaded path which power seekers now struggle to unfold via such things as ai and clones… Needless to say, I do not feed undesired energy so it will be interesting to see what happens. In the meantime, one is best served by going directly to the websites of those followed on Farcebook and/or moving to a less intrusive avenue, if such a thing can be found.

The Lightworker’s Log Book Series holds a plethora of valuable insights into life on earth, channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between dimensions, ascension tools, information on Light Activation symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Nurturing Life-Affirming Ways

Nurturing life affirming ways is all about consciously choosing what one wants to exist in the world of their choosing. This is an old concept, yet, little used by those lost in the maze of forgetfulness. Choosing how one lives in this world may often be stifled by rules and regulations, but there’s a choice that is never interfered with, and that choice is how one chooses to think.

Although mass programming currently seems geared toward forming NON-life-affirming habits, there are ways and means available to assist in the process of living a life worth living. It is of the utmost concern of many that these more helpful methods are now quickly vanishing due to the awareness of mass consciousness being guided in much different directions, such as artificial technology. Beware of anything that interferes with an organically functioning human form, for each action leads to what may be referred to as consequences that may or may not be in the best interest or highest good of one’s self or humanity as a whole.

To feed life-affirming concepts one must slowly pull away from habits leading to an inorganic consciousness, for this type of awareness leads to inhumane ways of acting and living. Reviewing current habits serves to alert one of previously unseen ways leading to an inorganic consciousness, such as spending too much time investing in artificial technology, listening to the advice of those seemingly in charge instead of listening to one’s very own source of wisdom, paying attention to ploys which lead to separation of soul from body (such as artificial implants), etc.

Paying conscious attention to each and every action taken to hone the body and mind makes it easy to avoid the trap of being caught up in a world of soulless beings serving a mass consciousness purpose led by so-called people in power. Remaining within the avenue of spiritual growth assists one to catch those subtle voices that do not command nor demand but loving guide one to a nirvana on earth.

All that being stated, for what seems as my human self it’s becoming increasingly clear that certain age-old methods of communing are giving in to various new ‘rules’ in exchange for monetary support. (Is anyone else sensing the timeline where religious institutions are employed by these individuals to further power monger intentions?) Many smaller, much more helpful spiritual communities cease to exist for lack of support. Our local congregational theosophical community is one of those now under construction with visions of rebuilding when more people become aware of the need to become spiritually aware via like-minded community and ageless wisdom.

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the
Contact Page.
Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased digitally, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.
Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books.

Channeling: Heads-Up

“Humanity now enters an altered (cloistered when pure) state of consciousness where one follows the frequency of what desires to be known. Parallel realities are more easily tapped for their wisdoms bringing forth greater experiences and expressions in what seems as the present life. Moments of speculation are lost by the wayside as all is known by tapping into these realities of consciousness also experienced and expressed in a time/space continuum above, below, within, and upon the earth.

“Know that in coming days, weeks, and months the propensities to share information shall increase for each unique, individual consciousness upon earth. And yet, one must remember, paying attention to the subtle clues within each revelation will afford one the gift of determining the consciousness and purity of each offering. It is but for a short time in what seems as cosmic time before humanity taps into this consciousness on a grand scale.

“The mass of humanity now moves forward in consciousness with this upcoming (total) solar eclipse allowing all to participate in a more fluid, conscious manner. This participation continues to lead the consciousness of all within and upon earth to greater experience and expression of each unique individual, for the enrichment of each unique individual soul. Each soul now housed within physical form upon Planet Earth steps forward into this timeline, many leaving behind the ignorance of ages past to become aware of the power and clarity held within. Know that the few remaining within physical form not tapped into this cocoon of safe assurance from outside interference shall continue to experience the gross disparities of the dualistic realm in which their physicality’s free will and/or soul wishes to further experience. Know that parallel realities are easily tapped into by those holding the consciousness of unity.

“We are an aspect of the channel through which we speak, the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, a conglomeration of unique, individual souls coalesced into a unity.

Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds. To purchase any of SAM’s PRINTED books, contact the author or use associated links. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are gratefully received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Join us daily or at least once a year https://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/World_Healing_Meditation.mp4

Changing DNA

Changing DNA March 2024 Update
We continue to move through gross clearing, transmuting all that does not fit in with the newer frequencies that continue to assimilate within our physicality. This creates multiple effects on the body in which we live, many of which are continually described throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Recently, for what seems as a me, the most prominent are full body aches and pains, occasional nausea, intestinal cleansing, vivid dreams, excessive thirst and eliminating more water than consumed, exhaustion (excessive after meals), a swollen ball of the right foot and headaches. Stay hydrated, REST throughout the day and night as needed, and take the time to LISTEN to your various bodies of consciousness, not only the physical, but emotional and mental body as well. They all know what needs to be adjusted and will assist you in this process of changing DNA, and therefore EVERYTHING!

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page.

Waves Of Consciousness Adjusting Planet Earth

Many of us continue to adjust to unrelenting waves of Consciousness flowing into Planet Earth via various methods from multiple sources, some of which are outside of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Love and Light filled non-local assistance is always available to answer questions and receive helpful guidance. At dusk the seers feed into a twilight atmosphere to merge with those on earth ready to listen and enlarge ways of living in what seems as physical form.

“We are, so to speak, those graduates of multiple experiences and expressions upon a planet referred to as earth that has not, yet, for those still seeming upon and within it, evolved to grander states of BEing. There are countless states of Consciousness, all awaiting those ready to partake of inert and currently latent abilities.”

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log!

“Further adjustments must be made to travel the bounds of all now occurring on what appears as your Planet Earth. Pave the way to these adjustments, for with each seeming catastrophic occurrence another adjustment has been made not only within Mother Earth but the physical body itself.

“Traveling the waves of Consciousness currently within the bounds of time and space is not an easy concept to understand for many humans. It is, however, a concept easily comprehended by those having greater than the slightest bit of experience within non-local reality. This meaning anyone who has experienced what may be referred to as a melding resulting in Buddhic Consciousness, an experience of etheric or astral vision, or what seems as a communication stemming from a benevolent aspect seemingly outside one’s self.

“Traveling the bounds of consciousness within this planetary realm assists the human in making sense of the chaos and confusion, which now runs rampant. Know that in these coming days further adjustments shall continue to occur and those seeming affected by these occurrences have agreed as souls to further evolve through the experience.

“We leave you now, we higher aspects of what may be referred to as your very own self, knowing that this passage as many others before it has seemed to be most arduous.”

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Support those who support you in positive, life-affirming ways. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! My latest creation, Proficient Wisdom Scratching the Surface, https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939890284 holds additional guidance, support and inspiration. This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009, and knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Amber and Sandalwood Essential Oil is on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”).

Also consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book Of One 🙂 Series. It holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of moving between frequencies/dimensions of reality, ascension tools, signs of light activation, affirmations, and conscious living tips. Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased digitally, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.
Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the
Contact Page.

Building Sequential Worlds

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

“It is in moving through the shadows that one learns to traverse higher realms of consciousness within the illusion of your matrix. Only through moving through these shadows shall one recognize the True BEingness lies not within them, but beyond these illusions into the higher realm realities…

“… a long sequence of worlds … The shadows of darkness are merely grades of Consciousness, as are the brilliant aspects of Light. It is only in moving through the deceits and dishonoring of all that exists that …

“It is only in moving through these shadows upon earth that one will learn to … for as a life atom continues to evolve within the consciousness of all that was and ever shall be, it is only through the experience and expression of varied frequencies, forms, and formless states that one gradually recognizes the truth of its full BEingness. This BEingness is yet another … no words can express. It is only through moving through the shadows that one reaches the Light of understanding, of Truth. And it is only through moving through these shadows that…

“And so we, the higher realms of Consciousness within the consciousness of the channel through which we speak, take our leave, as a group having moved through the shadows, and now existing within the consciousness of the channel as the White Winged Consciousness of Nine.”

Full article in Book Of One : – ) Volume 6.

Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”.

Distracting, Completing Energies

“Distracting, competing energies are always prominent during times of what may be referred to as junction points (resets) offering times of greater possibilities for humanity. As the dualistic nature of humanity continues to unfold at rapid rate, one may clearly see the focus of attention must remain upon evolutionary waves of Consciousness at what may be referred to as higher cosmic frequencies.

“The channel desires to explain in human terms what occurs during these junction points. And so we, the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine just step aside to allow this transmission to continue…”

Junction points can be considered times of new and full moons, solar and lunar eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, planetary alignments, and other changes affecting humanity from what may be referred to as greater frequencies of Consciousness. As humanity continues to spiral up the ladder of evolution towards completion of its cycle, ending the Kali Yuga age, it shall continually be faced with grosser and grosser disparities between light and darkness.

“Focusing on the aspects of neutrality serves one best at this time upon knowing that these incoming frequencies of a greater nature shall continue to allow humanity to reset time and time again. There will come a time when the mass majority of humanity (rather than the few knowing now) recognize that times of disparate, competing frequencies are merely false flags attempting to keep one’s consciousness in frequencies lower than the required frequency tipping point to jump from a junction point into greater states of awareness.

“The Consciousness of all that is, was, and ever shall be knows not of human disparities amid light and dark, but remains in a constant state of neutrality, a perfect void of possibility, allowing all aspects of all that is, was, and ever shall be to experience its consciousness in such a way that remains unique.

“Know that as these times continue to unfold, humanity shall continue to be faced with grosser, and grosser, distracting, competing frequencies, until such time that the breaking point of awareness allows the mass of humanity to become aware of its very own frequency keeping consciousness at lower states of awareness.

“As the channel would say, nervous system rewire is necessary, particularly for those manipulatively trained (via frequencies of TV, i-phones, AI, etc.) to seek excitement from outside ones very own bodies of consciousness. Recall that, humanity must coalesce in greater numbers these linguistic thought systems creating what appears as unique experiences within a time/space continuum.

“We, the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine are always available to those who seek to move out of the matrix of illusion. It is not, nor shall it ever be, desired to create separation within the void of Consciousness in which all live, and move, and have all being.

“Those of greater frequencies must now remain in place maintaining the higher frequency of Love and neutrality at all times.”

Reports of beheaded babies come (along with reports of false flags) at a time of massive influxes of more evolved Cosmic frequencies during the solar eclipse. As a human I’m reminded that this dualistic aspect of humanity’s nature always, without fail, occurs, always attempting to keep one in lower frequencies. It seems that each news report becomes grosser and grosser with each greater and greater incoming wave of Cosmic frequency to uplift humanity. And so, one must make a choice to either remember the true nature of each aspect of all that is, was, and ever shall be, or to separate into the consciousness of division.

As souls playing the earth game, many are aware that some humans have truly forgotten the true nature of which they are and from which they came. And desiring to keep illusionary power and control over what seems as undeserving humanity, the propensity to create these acts increases. But that does not necessarily mean that the acts are created.

Remember the ability of mass media to control public awareness and manipulate reality by controlling humanity through false reports, which was clearly revealed in graphic form during what was called the CV19 ‘pandemic’. Many revelations subsequently unfolded to reveal that the majority of that presented to the public consisted of deceitful, manipulative ways to lead one into what may be referred to as a corral—like sheep being paraded into stalls of limitation, ending their freedom to freely roam.

Please recall this, and know that what may be reported via media outlets may not necessarily have occurred, but always, whatever is presented is meant to lead ones thoughts and beliefs into manipulated corrals of limitation. As individuals, the choice between Love and fear is ours to make. Choose Love, radiating it out with gratitude, knowing that the earth game is ending, and some souls have chosen to experience gross acts of violence to raise the compassion and unity of humanity. The human experience has reached its culmination point and it’s time to unify once again!

The following video and resource was shared during one of the many informative classes at The Theosophical Society In Miami/Deerfield:

The Science Behind The GCI – https://lightworkerslog.com/video/2023/Science_Behind_GCI.mp4

This recent eclipse will be followed by a lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28. We can join the shift of human consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation, and increased peace. Groups continuously form to upgrade consciousness and to facilitate positive outcomes. In-person groups are the most nurturing and offer valuable local connections. All groups/individuals add to the grid and are energetically connected to each other at the heart level to serve the greater whole. Through the global coherence initiative (GCI) https://www.heartmath.org/gci/global-coherence-app, we can commit to planetary harmony and healing in an expanded way.

If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Myrrh, Amber, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”). Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

Journal Notes

Enjoy this excerpt from Author’s Experiences in Book Of One 🙂 Volume 6!

As I sit in my heated Lazy Boy chair, contemplating life and laundry and earth’s current state of affairs; how wonderful it is to be looking out from the second story living room window to see my support team, ever ready to boost spirits by revealing tiny, itsy bitsy points of fleeting light! Always there for those with eyes to see they comfort what seems as a little me in a world gone mad.

Constant reminders lead me to where I am now, at the glorious point of giving up, giving up the drama of what appears as a 3D world set on leading humanity to certain dis-ease and even death. This is a new human game of turning off the voices and reactions; changing thoughts and words; KNOWING there is NO ‘me’, ‘you’, ‘us’ or ‘them’. And yet, I know it is, after all is said and done, an earth experience we as souls chose to have while…

And so I now go about my day allowing what seems as more experienced and savvy parts of my soul to lead me through what many now experience as complete chaos, ever grateful I AM a free sovereign being living by the Grace of God! NOTHING is as it seems!

There is much happening that cannot be explained, nor ignored, so continue to focus on the BIGGER picture! Stay hydrated with good quality SPRING water, if you can get it, rest as needed, and eat wholesome organic foods. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! More communications, and many of my experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”, especially in the “Author’s Experiences” section of each Book Of One 🙂 volume.
Consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series, which holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of moving between frequencies/dimensions of reality, ascension tools, light ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips. As of Summer 2022 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 volumes.

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