Tag Archives: disruption

Earth Angels

As a + i continues to gain knowledge of human behavior and now stop real humans from sharing information on social media the need to come together in communities OFF line and to frequent private websites instead of social media outlets increases exponentially. No type of man-made creation will ever surpass the ability of a soul expressing and experiencing as a HU-man. This is because it does not, and never will, possess an organic soul spark, which is gifted to each human at birth.

Please remember, we are each a piece of the matrix puzzle all here to share our unique gifts. Possibilities open each time we meet and when comparing notes with similar minds we boost the frequency of everything and everyone. In these times of gross distortion it’s always advantageous to look around and see the Angels in our midst. They are the ones who tirelessly strive to make life better for those nearby in a wide variety of ways. Some merely take the time to smile and look into the eyes of a stranger, while others may clear neighborhood garbage or share food or flowers from a store where they work rather than throwing them away as ordered by restrictions. Some angels may drive neighbors to the store to buy food while others may merely take the time to pay it forward by purchasing a meal for someone in the pick-up line behind them. There are countless angels in our midst and we need only take the time to look around and acknowledge them.

Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL, and know you too, in your own unique way are an Angel on earth. More examples of earth Angels are in the mini ninety-nine cent e-book Earth Angels.

This website article birthed after months of taking a look around the HUD-sponsored senior community in which I live. There are so many angels here of all sorts of types like the woman who drives neighbors without transportation to the store in all kinds of weather at all times of daylight, and the man who delivers groceries or shares outdated flowers to many people from the flower store where he works. Unlike the many, many ‘health aides’ (all now working since the last attempt to remove humanity’s god-spark), the other earth angels, to my knowledge, are not paid to do these things but do them out of the kindness of their hearts. They may get donations or gas money but definitely not a wage from the sick care system. And then there are those few neighbors like myself who hold the light here, some even teach a non-sponsored (some classes are sponsored by agencies with the intention to boost their client population) weekly meditation or yoga class. Yes, Angels are real and they are right here on earth for everyone to see! Take a good look around and spot those who make a positive difference. Thank them and be grateful to also play your unique role as part of the matrix in which we live. We got this; it’s why we came during this momentous time, to turn the tide into an upward spiral instead of a manipulated roller coaster ride of separation.

The Lightworker’s Log Book Series holds a plethora of valuable insights into life on earth, channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between dimensions, ascension tools, information on Light Activation symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life.

When coming into form we as souls looked forward to a roller coaster ride of delight and woe, of abundance and lack, of sorrow and joy. But now that roller coaster ride has lost its glamour and we are now returning to the unity of which we truly are now having experienced and expressed in all ways and forms.

Let this not be cause for concern or worry. Know that as a human still upon the face of the earth you are here to make a positive difference no matter how large or small, it makes no difference. We are all still here in human form until our unique energy finally dissipates after serving our own soul needs and growth. Take care in days ahead. Prepare for disruptions, and know, you got this and are much more POWERFUL than you could ever imagine!

Unknown Becomes Known Reaping Greater Awareness

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

“You are coming to a point in your process where all will be known. Do not allow this knowing to disturb you for as it becomes known it becomes unknown. Do not follow the known but follow the unknown into a new path of righteousness, of beingness for self and all humanity. The knowing becomes the unknown with each revelation of knowing. Know that the disruption that occurs is merely a wave of consciousness that has served its purpose to move on to greater heights of awareness.

“…. Go forth into this land of greater states of awareness knowing that the thought is easily gained when focusing upon ones Self rather than what appears known.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine here to relate it is time to increase awareness of the unknown within each unique individual living upon a planet that continues to dismantle at rapid rates.”

The separation is occurring so that each soul can have its experience and expression without interference from those wanting different experiences. Everything unknown is now becoming known (particularly for this time, the disclosures about an experimental substance) and subsequently unknown, because they are, upon being known, recognized for what they are, illusions in the game of earth life. …

It’s important to always recall, the earth game is all about soul expression and experience, … (Teachings available from various sources help us to understand and connect with more evolved aspects of Consciousness.)

As an example of what it’s like to live upon both an old and New Earth, I offer a bit of my own current experience. Having avoided western medicine since finding other ways to cure many diagnosed conditions, including three “incurable” ones (details are in my first three books) I do not…However, most of my family continues to believe in a Western medical system, which repeatedly creates disease via drugs and then subsequently treats them with more untested drugs and surgeries.

Now being known as what they refer to as CRAZY, I’m not privy to their experiences unless I take the time to phone them or read their Farcebook page. So, this means when … Shingles caused by the… to consult.

The bottom line is: if you appear to be ignored by family and life-long friends, try to put your human aspect aside to fully recognize that your unique experience and expression is one of s…, in terms of the soul it is the quintessence of experience.

Full article in the book.

Consider Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log AND Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures to learn how the process of tapping into your very own Source of wisdom unfolds as a natural course.
Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion that does not detrimentally affect the physical body. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed but in 2023, you can purchase any PRINTED Lightworker’s Log book through the author by sending the rounded off dollar cash amount of the book ($11.11 would be $11), the book name, your e-mail address (for verification of order received), name and mailing address to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. Please add $5 for shipping and handling.


I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Also consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets that can have a microwave effect on the body.

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