
Join us on SUNday at Thubten Kunga Ling (located in the Cove Shopping Plaza, in the teal colored building upstairs), at 201 S.E.15th Terrace, Suite 207, Deerfield Beach, FL. 33441. Learn more about the venue by visiting this link:

SUNday, June 9, 2024, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

Today’s sharing of“Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies” includes an interactive discussion centering on the temples of Philae, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Karnak and Luxor, past lives, patriarchal energy and dark priests, walking between two worlds and body frequency changes, cruising the Nile, and the West Bank.

SUNday, May 12, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
Plan to come early as parking may be a challenge…

In Person

An Egyptian Journey of Enlightenment
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

Many people take trips to Egypt with thoughts of merely visiting a foreign country, but what really prompts the journey? Today’s sharing of “Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies” will begin to shed light on how the subconscious mind always leads the way. Join in on this interactive discussion that centers on progressing enlightenment brought about via experience dealing with the concepts of initiations, vibrational disparities, the FLOW, past lives, habits and the Pearl of Egypt.

Wayshower SAM, author of the Lightworker’s Log Book Series, founder of SAM I AM PROductions, and administrator of couples ageless wisdom with personal experience in multiple realities. She is the Corresponding Secretary for the Theosophical Society of Miami/Deerfield Beach, FL.

SUNday, April 14, 2024, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Employing Theosophical Concepts While Moving Through Chaos”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

Choosing a course of action while moving through chaos can be difficult to do. Yet, experience proves that it helps greatly to employ theosophical concepts as circumstances change rapidly based on the varied frequencies of earth conditions, people, and conditions involved. Join us for a discussion of an example of moving through months of distracting bedlam while employing theosophical concepts and maintaining heart-centered Christ Consciousness.

Enjoy this class excerpt about the sick care system, hospice and doing what needs to be done to change it.

SUNday, March 17, 2024, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Detachment: Compassionate Neutrality”

Neutrality places ones consciousness in a space of non-local reality, while recognizing the true nature of everything and everyone. Join us for a discussion on unresolved imprints, how to clear them, and meditations.

Short Audio Class Excerpt

SUNday, Feb 11, 2024, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Detachment: Multidimensional Living”

The process of detachment becomes easier while tapping into innate multidimensional aspects. This way of living is quickly becoming the rule in 2024 amid major changes in every arena of life. Join us to share the multiple ways one can detach from chaos and confusion to live in a Heaven on earth.

SUNday, Jan 14, 2024, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Detachment: Making Room For Divine Frequencies”

The process of detachment leads one to a place of Christ Consciousness where the only moment is NOW and filled with Love. How does this detachment unfold?

SUNday, Dec 17, 2023, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Communication Frequencies”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

Today we continue group discussion on how Spiritual Intuition unfolds to assist us in moving through unprecedented times. Discussion Keywords Are: evolution, geomagnetic frequencies, and physical effects. Join us in person as we continue to raise our frequencies.

Nov 19, 2023, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Communication Frequencies”

with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

This class series intends to relate how Spiritual Intuition unfolds; hone frequency communication skills; offer opportunities for open sharing; and assist us in moving through unprecedented times. Join us as we collectively share our very own unique piece of the puzzle that continues to evolve to greater and greater frequencies. It’s always advantageous to meet in person, for sharing higher frequencies serves to heighten them even more. Support your spiritual truths because unsupported they no longer exist.

Sept 24, 2023, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Esoterically Speaking”

with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

Connecting with bodies of consciousness, accessible via non-local reality (beyond our five senses), is a process that unfolds via various lifetimes. Humanity continues to move toward this achievement as never before to become multidimensional beings with greater awareness of ageless wisdoms. Today we begin group discussion on these communication frequencies, THEOsophical aspects of the Seven Planes of Nature, and their merging while still seeming to be in physical form. Join us to share amid similar minds.

We continue to move rapidly through tumultuous times, with everything changing, including physical bodies and systems counted on for eons of time. One of the intentions of sharing my classes is to assist us in moving through these unprecedented times with more Grace and Ease as opportunities for open sharing of wisdoms from Higher Self aspects occurs. Additional intentions are to relate how Spiritual Intuition unfolds; assist us in honing communication skills with higher frequencies; and to discuss occurrences and their esoteric meanings. We are at a point where the division of worlds is most prominent. Remember, group activity offers much more than online events to nourish body and soul. These sharings often contain what has previously been known as confidential information to only be shared with initiates. Attending members of The Theosophical Society and our lodge receive printed copies of each class upon request.

June 25, 2023, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Etheric & Astral Chakras”

with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

This second class in our series covers 3D force centers (details including physical body associations), energetics, physical health & flow, and kundalini awakening. We shall then discuss some minor chakras, 4-5D force centers, signs of imbalances/blockages, and techniques to heal and balance chakras to improve our earth experience and expression.

April 23, 2023, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Bridge Over Troubled Waters”

with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

Join us as we continue to discuss classic theosophical aspects of the Seven Planes of Nature. Antahkarana is the bridge between lower self, which gives in to emotional and seemingly logical demands and Spiritual Soul that keeps us free from limitation and disharmony. Today, discussion includes the strengthening of this bridge and use of its healing symbols.

Jan 22, 2023

In Person

“Sleep And After-Death States Of Consciousness”

with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

We continue to mold our future with thoughts, words and deeds. Sometimes the thoughts, words and deeds of those nearby create unnecessary turmoil. The purging, cleansing process continues as we let go of all that is not in tune with higher aspects through the dream state. Once we become conscious of our dreams we can hone the ability to move through astral states of consciousness after physical death to reach higher states of consciousness. Today we continue our discussion of astral vehicles of consciousness (experienced during both sleep and physical death), astral states after physical body death, thought forms, after death life principles, and particulars. Knowledge of these states, and how to fluidly move through them offers opportunities to forgo denser states of consciousness.

Nov 27, 2022, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“Tapping Into Multiple Planes of Nature”

Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM)

Everything is energy in a state of constant motion, and humans have the ability to tap into these multiple Planes of Nature. Our three vehicles of consciousness (physical, astral, and mental) use the instruments of desire, thought, and action to co-create worlds within these planes, but how do we determine what state of awareness we are experiencing? Join us as we continue to examine this dilemma by discussing states of awareness that we all move through before attaining enlightenment.

Wayshower SAM is author of the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series,” accounting her experiences of awakening to multiple realities after the physical deaths of a son and daughter. She is the founder of SAM I AM PROductions, administrator of the popular Internet resource,, and Corresponding Secretary for the Miami/Deerfield Theosophical Society.

Oct 30, 2022, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

“The Path To Esoteric Ageless Wisdom”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)

A ceaseless stream of vibrations expresses according to frequency, and we humans possess the ability to be receivers and transmitters of this energy (information) from Earth and all of the Cosmos. This is an open discussion on the various dimensions of consciousness offering subtle guidance, insights and support. We review various teachings on the constitution of man, messages received, and their source. Today we discuss the astral body and realms of consciousness.

Aug 14, 2022, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

The Path To Ageless Wisdom
with Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM)

A ceaseless stream of vibrations expresses according to frequency, and we humans possess the ability to be receivers and transmitters of this energy (information) from Earth and all of the Cosmos. Continuing our theosophical studies of the third object, we shall review and discuss various teachings on the constitution of man, messages, and where they originate. Remember, as Cosmic frequencies continue to make it easier to ‘tap in’ we shall all eventually see everything as multidimensional HU-mans. This is an open discussion on the various dimensions of consciousness now unfolding from within to offer subtle guidance, insights and support. Bring a paper and pen to record your insights.

Enjoy this video excerpt from the first workshop. Remember, we energetically support what we participate in.

“FREE Soul Tapping Class”

Feb 13, 2022, 3:30―5 PM

In Person

Transformation Using 7 Keys
with Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM)

Join us as we explore the 7 Keys of Transformation focusing on the works of sages such as H.P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, C.W. Leadbeater, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Enjoy this video excerpt from a two-part workshop held at Thubten Kunga Ling. Remember, we energetically support what we participate in.

“The Tipping Point”
with Sharon Ann Meyer
(aka SAM)


Click on Link to see Video: The Tipping Point

Wayshower SAM is author of the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series.” She is also a metaphysical teacher, founder of SAM I AM PROductions (, administrator of the popular Internet resource, Lightworker’s Log, and Corresponding Secretary for the Miami/Deerfield T.S.
“Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.” The Theosophical World View

SAM I AM PROductions helps humanity’s ascension using Internet Technology and videos. We offer inspirational and thought provoking blogs, books, audios and videos with practical tools and messages based on experience in this and other realms of reality.