Category Archives: Internet Technology

Farcebook Tries To Block World Service

EVERY TIME for the past two weeks that I log onto Farcebook it blocks me in some manner. First, noting that someone tried to access my account so I must AGAIN secure it, next noting that “unusual activity” has occurred, and now making me repeatedly log in, asking for more ‘devices’ and more personal information. Many times they hide my page so everything posted since I was guided to post in 2009 is hidden. If this is happening to you just refuse to comply and then log in on another day. The more you interact with this aberrant and disruptive ai technology the lower your physical body vibrates taking you off-center, and the more ai trains itself on human behavior (especially yours). Notably, you may not connect to farcebook using a desktop computer with an Internet cable that can be disconnected as desired, but find a way to log off farcebook and delete all memory of your visit.

Despite it all, it is with the greatest respect that I serve humanity in as many human ways possible, watching those hopelessly lost in the struggle to maintain a status quo that will never return, while asking those able to come forth and assist humanity by sharing their unique gifts and talents. Let us each continue to allow the flow of Source to be our true guide, knowing as we still seem in physical form it is for a reason, and that reason may be using our unique piece of the puzzle to reach and merge as many aspects of our self (as part of the Oneness) until the task is complete and we seem to leave physicality.

On another note, most of the information published in The Lightworker’s Log Book Series was, and some still is in later volumes, ahead of it’s time, meaning that warnings are received well ahead of the conditions. For instance, information published in Book of One : – ) Volume 5 confirmed my sixth sense to avoid falling into the plandemic trap. SAM 🙂

And Now, From Alice A. Bailey and The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul: “You are, as you endeavor to wield spiritual force constructively and selflessly, far more potent than you realize. If you add to this realization the recognition that you are not alone in this, but that people with a vision similar to yours and with the same ideals and spiritual aspiration are to be found in every country without exception of any kind, in every religion, group and organization, then indeed you can go forward with courage and with hopeful faith…let us go forward in unison with our brothers everywhere, conscious of opportunity, of strength, of responsibility and of the joy of service.” (y) (y) (y)

As an aside, of all of Dr. Shavi’s articles, I think this one should be read and considered by everyone on the planet…

New Group Of World Servers Message

Through Alice A. Bailey Djwhal Khul notes: “Before me streams the Path of Light. I see the Way.” “The isolation, a necessary stage, is itself but illusion.” “We are treading the Way of Purification and step by step all that we cherish is removed.” “Standing on the Way suddenly the whole being is flooded with light and love.” Through the ages the Sons of God embodied in themselves the Light that shines, Strength that lifts and serves, and Love that evermore endures. “They walk the Way of purity, the Way into the innermost.” “They served their time.” We follow after and seek to do the same.

The work has to go forward in commotion, and peace must be found in the midst of riot. “Wisdom must be attained in the very midst of intellectual turmoil, and the work of co-operation with the Hierarchy on the inner side of life, must proceed amidst the devastating racket of modern life in the great cities.”

“Be content with your duty and the immediate service which will lead you a step further upon the way to which you are ordained, and this way you can travel rapidly and with eager feet, or slowly and with lagging steps.” “The reactions of others are not your responsibility. It is your responsibility to give them strength and detachment.”
“Remember that the lonely way is also the lighted way. Loneliness is an illusion which seeks to thwart the efforts of the server….” “You know that you are not alone.”

“Instruction is being given at this time to a special group of people who have come into incarnation at this critical period of the world’s history. They have come in all at the same time, throughout the world, to do the work of linking up the two planes, the physical and the astral, via the etheric.” “Through the medium of the light of the soul, the soul can be known. Therefore seek the light of your own soul, and know that soul as your director.”

Remember above all else, we are experiencing what seems as physical life in a physical form, but our essence can never be limited in any way, shape or form. We are glittering diamonds of LIGHT, aspects of THAT of which it is, a nameless, boundless being, all powerful and here to experience and express in unique ways.

As an aside, Farcebook has again hidden my account, supposedly because “someone may have accessed your account.” The real reason this occurs is when one reaches too many people without paying for ads, which gives Farcebook personal information. The shutdown is meant to boost the database of users information, requesting more and more intrusive personal information. For instance, the new request to regain accounts begins with asking for a new email, never used anywhere else. They then request a video and send a message and code to this new address with guidelines for the video:

“Here is your code and the video instructions we discussed.
Complete these steps to get back into your account:
1. Write down this code. The code must be handwritten. You can write the code on a piece of paper, on your hand, on a napkin, etc. CODE#
2. Record a video of yourself holding the code. To make sure your video is approved, follow these rules:
– Make sure that your whole face is visible and that you have enough light for the camera.
– Avoid wearing anything that blocks your face, such as a mask or hat.
– Physically hold the code so your hand is visible.
– Show head movement by tilting your head to the left, to the right and up and down.
– Show hand movement by moving the code to the left, to the right and up and down.
– Make sure no one else is visible in the video and that no personal information can be seen.
3. Reply to this email and attach your video. Send the video as an attachment — do not send a link to the video.
Once that’s done, we’ll review your video, make sure the code matches and email you with your confirmation decision.”

Those of us tuned into higher frequencies know the dingy, jaded path which power seekers now struggle to unfold via such things as ai and clones… Needless to say, I do not feed undesired energy so it will be interesting to see what happens. In the meantime, one is best served by going directly to the websites of those followed on Farcebook and/or moving to a less intrusive avenue, if such a thing can be found.

The Lightworker’s Log Book Series holds a plethora of valuable insights into life on earth, channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between dimensions, ascension tools, information on Light Activation symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Website Building, Themes And WordPress Plugins

In the age of limited budgets, many people are now building websites using free open-source software such as WordPress. Due to customer demand, several of the websites I’ve created use the software and while it may seem somewhat easy to use, albeit time-consuming, there’s much to learn when designing a site. Today I’d like to offer a heads-up on WordPress Themes and PluginPlugins. This is a word of caution about installing purchased themes and free plugins for your WordPress website based on my own experience.

WordPress offers a plethora of themes for people to use. My advice is to go with the most commonly used free themes unless you are willing to offer developers input (meaning your valuable time) in helping them to fine-tune their purchased theme. Some developers are quick to sell themes before fully testing their value. It then becomes your choice as to whether you help them fine-tune their theme or deal with the glitches until enough people complain about them, forcing the developer to revise the theme before WordPress ends product support. Another consideration is worthy of noting. Theme revisions may not be as easy to accomplish because they might not show up when you log-in to WordPress. Sometimes the only way to update purchased themes is by waiting for developers to email you a link to the next revision. It is then necessary to download the file to your computer, unpack it and upload files via FTP to the appropriate WordPress folders.

Free WordPress plugins are abundant but beware; many developers are looking for ways to make money off of their design. While we all relate to making a living, after experiencing a very disheartening issue with malicious ads I can testify that allowing third parties access to other people’s websites is not the best way to run a business. User beware, it is vital to read all information before installing a plugin to avoid any miscommunication or issues with your website. Some plugins, such as sweetcaptcha, make money through deals with third parties that literally control outdated browsers. And let’s face it, not everyone updates their browser or runs a program such as Malwarebytes to detect and omit unwanted issues.

Remember, if you are not employing someone to build or update your website, it’s always best to read all documentation before using themes and plugins and to use the ones most employed by other website builders. Visit SAM I AM PROductions to discover your possibilities. Feel free to connect if you need website help.

Contact us today to discover your possibilities!

    Internet Technology Helps With Humanity’s Ascension!

    Unseen realms gifted humanity with Internet technology to connect, educate and re-member. Let us use this tool to promote Oneness and We Consciousness, by sharing our gifts and talents with the world.

    Enjoy the video!

    Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions OR PC/MAC link to SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.

    Loving You!

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    SAM I AM PROductions specializes in Internet Technology to help with humanity’s ascension. We offer inspirational and thought provoking blogs, books, audios and videos with practical tools and messages based on experience in this and other realms of reality.


    Enjoy this excerpt from a class held at the Theosophical Society in Deerfield Beach, Florida, which includes information from C. W. Leadbeater.

    Practical Energy Class Excerpt