Tag Archives: Law of One

Precipice Of Great Change

“Humanity now sits on the precipice of great change leading to disastrous results for some. Those few experiencing these effects are naturally the ones that have chosen through free will to lead humanity to this precipice thinking that the majority will agree to previously unexperienced abnormalities.

“It is not, nor shall it ever be the task of humanity, or any system of Light, to continually fall into utter chaos and confusion without some kind of intervention affording greater opportunities via compliments of galactic frequencies. All are now ready to assist in greater ways from galactic frequencies previously unheard of by humanity. Remaining within a steady state of heart-centered consciousness one can assure one’s self the readiness to adjust to all local and non-local frequencies unfolds organically to become the norm.

“Humanity must continue to ready itself for greater and greater frequencies to move beyond the gross abnormalities planned for eons of time by those aspects of consciousness which have forgotten the Laws of Nature and the Oneness of which all things are. Beginning to adjust to these frequencies one continues to flow along an ascending liberation spiral to move beyond manipulated frequencies upon a Planet Earth that has seen her time.

“Continuing to remain in place serves the co-creators of the New Earth best at this time. Subsequent periods, spurts of growth shall allow co-creators to move through the unaware masses making necessary changes in frequencies to organically adjust to not only the New Earth but greater frequencies to come originating from galactic realms of Consciousness.

“Hear ye all upon Planet Earth, the time is now here to strongly consider living within and acting from the Law of One; for those not recognizing and adhering to this Law of Nature shall continue to leave earth in a wide variety of ways.

“It is by no means the task of any co-creator to put one’s self at risk of inorganic methods, unless of course, the soul’s free will has chosen to experience and express in a yet unprecedented manner. Recall please, all souls as human forms are fleeting compared to the innate, unerring Consciousness within each and every life atom within the soup of the nameless, boundless one in which all live, move, and have all being.

“Infinite realms of Light continue to exist in and out of galactic systems, boundless spaces of heady energies now moving into previously unformed states now forming to experience and express in greater manners. Many co-creators currently upon Planet Earth shall in coming days, weeks, months, and years move into these frequencies to experience outside a restricted realm of Planet Earth.

“Moving forward in Consciousness, as all things do, we within those higher frequencies of galactic realms continue to salute with honor and respect all choosing to experience and express in and on what seems as a Planet Earth.

“We are clear.”

As many previous blogs, this one is included in the Book Of One : – ) Series. Book Of One :- ) Volume 5 holds many channels very pertinent to today’s world.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series. Support your Self, a loved one or a friend by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets that emit microwave frequencies.
Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books:
Book of One : – ) Volume 1

Book of One : – ) Volume 2

Book of One : – ) Volume 3

Book of One : – ) Volume 4

Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.

Book of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

Contact Page!

Go To Lightworker’s Log Main Page

Multidimensionality Tidbits

There is too much to be related, so I shall be brief, and perhaps, you may think, a bit cryptic…
The vast importance of certain things cannot be overstated:

  • EVERYTHING consists of frequencies of uncountable vibrations, and what may be referred to as the Law of Attraction rules.
  • This matrix of illusion is fed by constant attention via the seven keys: emotion, thought, word, deed, reaction, response, and neutrality.
  • Human in-person interactions, without interruption of aberrant frequencies…
  • Birthing Monadic Consciousness to avoid manipulation.
  • EVERYTHING will continue to drastically change, spiraling one either up or down within the evolutionary cycle.

For the time being, and this may soon change, I facilitate monthly in-person sharings, knowing that those few who attend are meant to be there. Search this website with key words to find more information on what you desire to know or verify within your own unique experience. Contact me via the contact page if you are interested in hosting in-person South Florida readings from any of my books.

EnJOY this short class excerpt!


Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates ascension tools and tips, and multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of 11-11-23, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of 19 books.

The hardcover Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies  is now available.

The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun

Book Two: A Change in Perception

Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation

Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log

Bits of Wisdom

Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2

Book of One 🙂 Volume 3

Book of One 🙂 Volume 4

Book of One 🙂 Volume 5

Book of One 🙂 Volume 6

Return to Light: John of God Helps

After Death Communications…WOW!

Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures

Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

Earth Angels

Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log

Adventures in Greece and Turkey

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds. Use the above associated links to purchase books.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. P.S: Amber, Myrrh, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are listed on a Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”).

Loving You!

Vacuuming Party

“The vacuuming party remains one step ahead as humanity moves through a process of mass awakening. The vacuuming party remains one step ahead clearing debris along the path of awakening as humanity moves forward en masse. Current times are not to be experienced by those enmeshed in the throes of separation, for these individuals are unable to withstand unrelenting greater frequencies of assistance.

“Those remaining on earth in coming days, months, and years shall continue to be enmeshed within an open-mind system of constant change. Moving through these challenging times one can clearly see consistent assistance within circles of similar mindsets. These local communities continue to form and exist throughout Mother Earth in various countries making it possible to further create the beehive consciousness, which is the goal of the Kingdom of Souls.

“All now within the earth game of illusion are here to play hefty roles while moving through this clearing process. The way, the path must be further cleared of the debris caused by confusion and chaos, and those souls having chosen to be more involved in assisting with the upliftment of humanity to greater frequencies continue to move within a steady flow of beehive consciousness. This consciousness includes not only those souls on earth but greater frequencies within the source of all things.

“Know that in coming days in your year 2024, the path to further awakening and moving into an existence of life living within the true self shall continue to be cleared, not only by those souls upon earth which have chosen this role, but greater incoming frequencies. Prepare for this process by remaining in steady states of time in silent mediation, with a purified body and mind seeking only for the highest good of all, which goes massively beyond a focus solely on humanity.

“Know that each human, unique individual plays a role in forming this beehive consciousness regardless of roles chosen as souls, for even those leaving the state of physicality are here to contribute.

“Sisters and brothers of light, higher consciousnesses, beings, and atoms of light reside within each unique, human individual, and are now ready to awaken through the conscious effort of those bodies of consciousness awake and aware.”

More communications and Author’s Notes are in the Book Of One Series, After Death Communications…WOW!, and the hardcover Proficient Wisdom: Scratching The Surface.

Eureka Dream Moment

Humanity’s bodies of consciousness continue to expand, reaching into astral states during both waking and sleeping hours. In addition to reaching other states of awareness, dreams are often times when we use our sensory abilities to play in the less dense astral world, devoid of physical bodies. Remembering dreams helps to alert us of future probabilities, and so, with that in mind consider this recent dream…

Many of us were going to a place where there was to be some kind of big event. Parking was free, but we were all required to video this time, and we had to pay to video. In the dream, it seems as if everyone is shuttled onto trains with each holding about one-hundred people. There are many, many trains and only two tracks.

Everything is packed closely together, with people crammed together, as if mice in a box, and there is literally no space for anyone, except to stay on the trains. Our group is looking for an empty track to get on to experience the event, and at one point we enter a building. The lead person finds a door leading upward and begins to move upstairs. They reach the next level, with the rest of us in hot pursuit, but the door is locked preventing entry for anyone…

Consider this as a probability trying to cement humanity within it. But this probability is not succeeding because many of us who are consciously receiving incoming light codes are expanding our awareness and consciousness, and upon fully acclimating we shall collectively remain in a higher frequency timeline. (In addition to https://samiamproductions.com/wp/tag/frequencies/ , find a wealth of information on geomagnetic frequencies at https://www.disclosurenews.it/cosmic-frequency-news-16-december-2023/ and https://spaceweathernews.com. )

Previously, minute humans known as ‘elites’ consciously kept humanity locked into lower states of controlling consciousness. They do this by repeatedly revisiting events and places to further cement the knowledge of them. (Remember this, Remember that, etc.) We are now at that point where the so-called elite are again stepping up efforts to keep people in lower states of consciousness, further cementing awareness of these lower states to block humanity from achieving higher states of consciousness. (People in some states of awareness know elites are merely our own aspects trying to prolong the game on earth.)

As usual, synchronicity prevails, and I’m led to this video. Don’t let the title fool you, the interview is really about manipulating energy, something we all can do. It holds many, many valuable insights gained through this woman’s experiments in cooperation with other scientists. Do yourself a favor and watch it! 

Clearly, the Planet Earth game is now changing in a big way for everyone as some souls experience gross limitation, while others bump up just like other civilizations such as the Mayans did in the past. Conscious use of the seven keys (emotions, thoughts, words, deeds, reactions, responses, and neutrality), to fully live by the Law of One, allows one to move onto a New Earth timeline.

Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL. Also, consider your current state of consciousness, and know, you hold the ability to bump it up by focusing on clearing any aspects of limitation. This can be achieved by revisiting memories that prompt strong reactions and changing them. There are several examples of this process in Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation and Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log. If you are experiencing family power games and physical loss of loved ones the first two books in the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” may assist you by prompting buried reactions. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Later books within the series inspire those of us that have completed the clearing and transmuting of limiting beliefs.

Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Further Incorporation Of Light Codes

Energies make themselves known as I work on my sacred Egyptian journey book, and so I stop to listen.

Clearance for further incorporation of light codes continues for much of humanity at this time. We are the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine (one of SAM’s multidimensional group aspects) here to report on upcoming events of significance. These events must not be misconstrued as negative in any way, shape, nor form, but be looked upon as necessary steps leading humanity to a most bright and significant future of cohesion and Truth.
Be it known that:
* All now on earth are not currently ready to, or able to, withstand incoming light codes. Those unprepared shall continue to quickly leave the planet.
* Those now securing incoming codes with relative ease will continue to incorporate greater and greater frequencies until the goal of full incorporation is reached.
* Those unwilling to assist their fellow man shall be placed in lower frequencies of consciousness until a choice is made, to either leave the planet or join in increasing states of Unity.

It is not for one to judge another’s soul journey, but to merely pay attention to one’s own state of consciousness, determine one’s own unique role, and secure sovereignty rights as a constant state of living within what many may experience as ‘a world gone mad’. Please remember, each soul has chosen its experience and shall continue to do so via reactions and states of awareness.
Those unable to experience increasing states of awareness due to manipulated frequencies shall leave the planet after their experience has reached its cumulation point.

We continue to remain available as a group consciousness, particularly to those in this state of consciousness while also now incarnated on earth.

In coming days and moths the scenes before you may not be particularly inspiring nor life affirming, but one must follow the Golden Rule knowing all are within an experience and expression chosen by unique souls to incorporate greater degrees of Light and Love.

Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”.

A Few Words About The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”
Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of Summer 2023, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of the 18 books noted below.

The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun

Book Two: A Change in Perception

Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation

Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log

Bits of Wisdom

Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2

Book of One 🙂 Volume 3

Book of One 🙂 Volume 4

Book of One 🙂 Volume 5

Book of One 🙂 Volume 6

Return to Light: John of God Helps

After Death Communications…WOW!

Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures

Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

Earth Angels

Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log

Adventures in Greece and Turkey

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds. Use the above associated links to purchase books or for the year 2023 purchase any of SAM’s PRINTED books and get FREE shipping/handling WITHIN the U.S.A. by sending the rounded off dollar cash amount of the book ($11.11 would be $11 while $14.95 would be $15), the book name, your email address (for verification of order received), name and mailing address to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to the address above. P.S: Amber, Myrrh, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are listed on a Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”)

Merging Energetic And Physical Worlds

Enjoy this excerpt from
Book of One 🙂 Volume 5!

Veils continue to thin as the magnetic field around Mother Earth dissipates. This presents chaotic conditions subsequently leading to balance in all areas of mis-thought for not only Mother Earth and the collective but each human individual as well. As we continue to move through this process as a whole it’s always advantageous to be aware of certain things…

Let us be one another’s mirrors, living the Law of One, knowing that what we do to others we do to ourselves.

Let us remember that as we remember true states of awareness and consciousness, these states are ours to keep, to share, to live.

Let us energetically hold hands and together move through these greater states of awareness, these ascension portals, with the consciousness of Oneness, remaining heart-centered and holding the Light for all of humanity.

Let us move through these portals of Light with the Love, Truth and Beauty that we are.

Let us move through this Truth as One inseparable unit in a fluid movement of ease and grace.

Let us remain in heart-centered consciousness as we move through these portals reflecting Wholeness.

There is much happening that cannot be explained, nor ignored, so continue to focus on the BIGGER picture while remaining prepared for gross disturbances! Stay hydrated with good quality SPRING water, if you can get it, rest as needed, and eat wholesome organic foods. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

More communications, and my experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”, especially in the “Author’s Experiences” section of each Book Of One 🙂 volume.

This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009. This mission has resulted in a gross disruption in living circumstances, but knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Sandalwood Essential Oil is on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”)

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

Intentions While Moving Through Spirals Of Awareness

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching the Surface

“Be clear in your intentions as you move through these spirals of awareness. As the clearing, cleansing, and transmuting of your earth continues to occur, again we advise: those unable to withstand the constant onslaught will leave physical bodies to achieve greater things at different times. Be clear in your intentions as you move through this process knowing that safe footage is achieved by remaining within the harbor of Oneness, the Law of One, recognizing each aspect seeming outside ones self as yet another tool to gauge ones own progress along the evolutionary spiral.

“Know that as these coming days and weeks unfold, the darkest of moments shall occur to be cleared and transmuted to the brightest light of day. It is not in anyone’s field of experience to reach out, to seemingly strive to save those seemingly lost in awareness of the true state of reality, but only to recognize that each soul has its journey of awareness moving through states of experience and expression to subsequently achieve the gift of greater evolution as physical beings on a physical earth.

“Know that these times continue to be unprecedented, and it is only with the collaborative assistance of earth and galactic co-creators that this spiral of evolution shall continue to ascend. We aspects of higher states of consciousness continue to guide and assist those willing and able to recognize their very own power held within for eons of time and timeless states.”

There is much happening that cannot be explained, nor ignored, so continue to focus on the BIGGER picture! Stay hydrated with good quality SPRING water, if you can get it, rest as needed, and eat wholesome organic foods. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009. This mission has resulted in a gross disruption in living circumstances, but knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues, albeit while now living in what many may refer to as “the belly of the beast,” and yet protected and continually guided. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. The paypal account has been closed but charge cards are accepted by amazon. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.
I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside!

Ecstasy And Agony

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 5 excerpt!

“The times before you now are a mixture of ecstasy and agony. As those moving forward into the greater timeline of humanity to one filled with Love, Light and Oneness reach the ecstasy of their True being, those choosing other timelines based on separation and fear face the agony.

“It is done as you believe in this world of emotion and thought. Knowing all now move quickly toward …  and living the Law Of One.

“It is with the greatest respect that we, your Sisters and Brothers of Light, your Lemurian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Syrian and all Sisters and Brothers of Light, now ask you to choose your timeline carefully. For each reaction, each choice within your daily movements chooses that timeline. It may not be a conscious choice. The timeline you….

“As this chaos continues to clear on earth, be aware that all serving and living by the Law Of One shall not be faced with the chaos others seem to bear. And yet each soul, as noted many times, has made its choice (choosing the best soul plan of experience for each lifetime). Although free will exists on planet earth, many will not use their free will to change that soul choice before birth. But know that choice does exist. It is available for those that wish to choose differently than their soul has chosen to experience…..”

Full communication in Book Of One 🙂 Volume 5. I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Support your Self, a loved one or a friend by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion.

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the
Contact Page.

Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased digitally, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.

Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books:
Book of One Series
Book of One : – ) Volume 1

Book of One : – ) Volume 2

Book of One : – ) Volume 3

Book of One : – ) Volume 4

Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.
Book of One : – ) Volume 5
Book Of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

Higher Frequencies Carry Responsibilities

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

While holding a higher frequency of vibrational rate one chooses to also carry a responsibility of sharing that frequency, walking the talk, and radiating the Light of One throughout all space and time; for it is only in securing the safety, guarantee and cohesiveness of Oneness that one continues to travel within bounds of Love and Light.

As the earth show continues, it is always in the best interest for those of higher vibrations to stay securely in the frequency that holds the vibration of Oneness and Light, while also existing in an increased state of awareness to all that seems to occur. It is only in a state of increased awareness that one can continue to act within what seems as lower frequencies, without becoming part of those frequencies and therefore losing that higher frequency.

Remember, as humanity continues to move though the various states of awareness for all to eventually return to the Oneness it never really left, the value of radiating Light and Love consistency throughout the day and night is of the utmost importance at this time.

As all things continue to quickly move toward the next state of BEingness for humanity, continuing to hold the Light of One in the midst of what seems as turmoil, continuing to hold thoughts of Love and appreciation for the journey and continuing to ask for guidance only from the Higher Self is vital. Seek NOT outside your Self.

RA, Messenger of the Law of One, notes how one can achieve a higher vibrational frequency in the video below.

Individual Balancing

Living as a multidimensional being requires one to know and understand all sides of the ‘story’ and then to move beyond it. We each have a role to play and the time to express that role has never been more vital in hi’story’. Deborah Conrad, PA-C and Del Bigtree are playing their role very well!

Trenches Speak Out


Reliable Resources

The Innate Immune System
World Doctors Alliance
Americas Front Line Doctors

The Book Of One series assists in raising the body’s vibration.

Also consider
Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log
for tips on raising the body’s vibration through the transmutation of lower energies and manifesting a better reality.

Everything on this website is free and donations to keep it operating are very much appreciated. Support those who support you.
It is as simple as that.

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Loving You!


Visit The Lightworker’s Log Main Page

Altruistic Living

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

More and more (people) upon your earth are choosing the altruistic response. As you move through this process of learning to achieve through looking out for your sisters and brothers, it is with the greatest pleasure and respect that we, the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine, applaud you, those of the earth ready to take this step forward in the ever-expanding awareness, the unfolding, of the true consciousness of each God-spark upon planet earth.

It is only through the altruistic response that this is possible as many upon the earth move the other way to continue their claim of limitation. Those not choosing this route of limitation shall move forward in evolution much quicker as they continue within the realm of Oneness, not focusing on the rapid separation upon the earth.

The altruistic response is one of knowing the Oneness of which humanity is, of which all things are, focusing on the mirror aspect of each individual; for it is only in seeing one another as yourself that makes one able to hold within themselves the aspects necessary for altruistic living.

As human beings upon earth continue to move through this process of chaos and confusion to reach the shores of peace and tranquility, it is only by moving through this process that those shores are reached and joyously celebrated by not only humanity but the higher, more evolved aspects of consciousness.

We now ask that one pay particular attention in coming days to the gross inadequacies of established systems to care for its constituents in a life-affirming and timely manner. As conditions continue to force as much of humanity as possible, to corral as much of humanity as possible, into small spaces of living, through rules and regulations normally unheard of upon your earth, know that your Sisters and Brothers of Light are watching, are waiting, are guiding those open to guidance, and will continue to interrupt ill-fated plans that are not life-affirming for the whole of humanity.

It is only in seeking the life-affirming aspects for the whole of humanity that one is able to evolve into full consciousness of its true state as an altruistic being upon the earth ready to serve Self and humanity in greater ways as the unfolding, the awakening of humanity and all upon her continues at a rapid pace.

Find more inspiration and information pertinent to current times in the three later volumes of The Book of One : – ) Series.