Equinox Gateways Enlighten

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log “Be it known on all levels of awareness, the Gateway Challenge of awareness beckons. This gateway allows for greater freedom of expression and experience for all upon and within Earth, for all upon, within, and freely floating within every realm of Consciousness within the … Continue reading Equinox Gateways Enlighten

Clarity Speaks

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt! Many of us have noticed gross lifestyle changes creating many disruptions to normal habits during these times of unremitting increased geomagnetic activity. Vivid dreams are of the most vital importance now as they continue to show us the consequences of everyday wanderings, places where … Continue reading Clarity Speaks

Bumping Up!

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt! Within our own unique state of awareness there exists an immutable, untouchable source of wisdom that is rarely expressed nor experienced if we remain caught up in the everyday state of what seems as outside ourselves. This source if free, unerring, and always ready … Continue reading Bumping Up!

Higher Realms Assistance

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt! “You are a free sovereign being perfect, whole and free. There is no reason to fear in the days ahead as we move through this chaos of the Earth Mother Ship. All is well as we move through this process of awakening to the … Continue reading Higher Realms Assistance

Ecstasy And Agony

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 5 excerpt! “The times before you now are a mixture of ecstasy and agony. As those moving forward into the greater timeline of humanity to one filled with Love, Light and Oneness reach the ecstasy of their True being, those choosing other timelines based on separation … Continue reading Ecstasy And Agony

Neutrality’s Vibrational Benefits

Anyone with half a brain can tell you this world is out of control, with ever-changing concepts and persuasions meant to direct mass consciousness into a frenzy of fear and control. But wait, there’s a much bigger picture to be seen, one beyond the false illusion of masking one’s face to mask the True Self. … Continue reading Neutrality’s Vibrational Benefits

Remaining Neutral During Chaotic Hysteria

Venturing out to secure food and water is now much more laborious and time-consuming than ever before. It’s not due to advanced age but what appears as local and global restrictions and mind-boggling events to the eyes. Who would have thought that at any time, let alone during extremely hot, humid months, that one would … Continue reading Remaining Neutral During Chaotic Hysteria

Oneness Amidst Puppet Masters Mass Hysteria

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt! “People will find that danger lurks in every corner when they concentrate on separation. It is with the utmost respect that we, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine, ask all to hold loving thoughts of kindness toward neighbors, friends, family and those governing your … Continue reading Oneness Amidst Puppet Masters Mass Hysteria

Time For The Law Of One

“A portal awaits for you to pass through my dear. Pay particular attention to these days interactions with others as these mirrors present you with the final vestiges of the old to discard. These mis-thoughts are ready to be discarded as your mirrors bring them up, for it is your own consciousness that brings them … Continue reading Time For The Law Of One

Experience More By Using Your Sixth Sense!

“Move on in your state of awareness. As you know, your focus determines your awareness. In other words, what you choose to focus on in your mind and emotions becomes more solid in your world. Many of those seeming physical forms outside what seems as your form are here to play the continuing game of … Continue reading Experience More By Using Your Sixth Sense!