Nurturing Life-Affirming Ways

Nurturing life affirming ways is all about consciously choosing what one wants to exist in the world of their choosing. This is an old concept, yet, little used by those lost in the maze of forgetfulness. Choosing how one lives in this world may often be stifled by rules and regulations, but there’s a choice … Continue reading Nurturing Life-Affirming Ways

Choosing Bodies Of Consciousness

The choice to choose a body of consciousness remains with each unique human individual throughout the day and night. This choice leads to either the continued experience of remaining within a body of consciousness leading one to conclusions, experiences, and expressions of one living within a manipulated mass consciousness, OR the choice of jumping timelines … Continue reading Choosing Bodies Of Consciousness

Channeling: Heads-Up

“Humanity now enters an altered (cloistered when pure) state of consciousness where one follows the frequency of what desires to be known. Parallel realities are more easily tapped for their wisdoms bringing forth greater experiences and expressions in what seems as the present life. Moments of speculation are lost by the wayside as all is … Continue reading Channeling: Heads-Up

Blog Archive 6

Archived Blogs-6 Support Your Spiritual Truths!   Tapping Soul Plans The Art Of Compassion The Door To Which Humanity Escapes The Grand Illusion The Seed Of Thought Penetrating All Emotionality There Is No Separation: All Are ONE Thoughts Become Conscious Reality Thought Forms Thought Form Elimination Thought Forms And Humanity’s Matrix Of Belief Thought Moves … Continue reading Blog Archive 6

Blog Archive 3

Archived Blogs-3 Support Your Spiritual Truths!   Galactic Federation: 2024 Galactic Federation of Light Communication Galactic Federation Virus Message Game Of Illusion Game Over, LOVE Won! Global Choice Gods Of Matter Global Food Supply Golden Age Transition Unfolds Grand Awakening Of Self Growth Through Loss Grounding Higher Energies Harvest: Wayshower’s, Come Forth Health, Peace Of … Continue reading Blog Archive 3

Blog Archive 1

Archived Blogs-1 Support Your Spiritual Truths!   2024 Update 5D Earth Experience For Evolved Souls 5D Living: Cliff Jumping 5D Living: Manifesting 5D Living: Moving Beyond Service To Self 5D Living: Physical Loss Bereavement 5D Living: Realities Shift and Blend 5D Living: Walking Your Talk A Message From Your I AM Presence Accelerated Kingdom Of … Continue reading Blog Archive 1

Eureka Dream Moment

Humanity’s bodies of consciousness continue to expand, reaching into astral states during both waking and sleeping hours. In addition to reaching other states of awareness, dreams are often times when we use our sensory abilities to play in the less dense astral world, devoid of physical bodies. Remembering dreams helps to alert us of future … Continue reading Eureka Dream Moment

The Seed Of Thought Penetrating All Emotionality

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log “The seed of thought penetrating all emotionality lies within each human form, each human monad, each human grounded thought system, and it is this seed of thought that continues to propagate, to build upon thought after thought to make the world in which one … Continue reading The Seed Of Thought Penetrating All Emotionality

Galactic Federation of Light Private Communication

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log “Time is coming when all of humanity will be thrusted into their very own unique time capsule, a timeline consisting of reactions, emotions, thoughts, words, and deeds (experiencing the lower astral world) unique to that individual. It is only through this process that the … Continue reading Galactic Federation of Light Private Communication

5D Living: Cliff Jumping

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log   In future times some people will say, “They never saw it coming.” This proverbial term in today’s world now holds more meaning, for all around us the signs of a future probability continue to build upon one another. Surely, as a single human … Continue reading 5D Living: Cliff Jumping