“As the lotus blossom slowly opens you too as an individual aspect of the One are opening to greater experience and expression due to past experiences and expressions. We do not wish to alarm, but the chaos on Planet Earth will increase in coming days and all must continue to seek only guidance from within the Higher Self, the aspect of each unique individual human held inside. To secure this unerring guidance, one must take the time to listen. One need not ask for advice but merely take the time to listen at varied times to motor through this challenging period of time in what seems as the current frequency of reality.
Everything continues to change with fervor and it is only in listening to what may be referred to as greater and more evolved aspects of one’s very own Self that the landscape shall be successfully crossed into the new age of experience, the Dwâpara Yuga many relish in mind. Few humans already experience this new age, but more will secure their spot after successfully facing gross disparities in life experience.
Do not consider the ills of another but continue to focus on what seems within the unique and current field of conscious experience. To be clear, take necessary steps to balance earth experience and expression, and address unique circumstances in surrounding areas of physical existence. Helping fellow humans is always a choice made when ones own protective field is unmarred. Helping those within areas of devastation, as one in the midst of devastation, assists to level up all involved. Be it said that those in areas of devastation have agreed as souls to immensely grow through the avenue of great and catastrophic loss. And know that each offer of assistance via unique humans not involved with organizations is best received to avoid further loss. Community efforts by those affected are always well received within the community affected, for all are meant to come together as one cohesive point of consciousness to let go of mis-thoughts and deeds within the affected area.
We leave it at that for the channel to relate as many more humans move through catastrophic events planned for eons of time. We are the consciousness of one being of Light and Love.”
Several days of hearing frequent emergency vehicles result in multiple bouts of Soul Blessings, with today’s being almost constant. (Focus on the Divine Spark within and radiate LOVE and LIGHT to all affected upon hearing them.) YES, Dwâpara Yuga settles more fully on March 20, 2025! Please remember, we chose to be a human on earth, and that includes experiencing DUALity. More and more darker aspects will arise as more and more HIGHER frequencies bombard the planet. Staying focused on the LIGHT and LOVE that we all are helps to keep the vibes in HIGHER states of CONSCIOUSNESS. It is best to address those people, conditions, circumstances that are affecting your personal survival, and to step away but continue radiating LOVE and LIGHT instead of focusing on dualistic aspects not in tune with HIGHER states of CONSCIOUSNESS. One will find as this is accomplished those not in tune with HIGHER states of CONSCIOUSNESS drop away, the phone calls lessen or stop, the conditions disappear, and more and more circumstances in direct observance match a HIGHER states of CONSCIOUSNESS.
As far as the current measles scare, just know, all is NOT as it seems. Tap into your own innate wisdom rather than trusting mass media.
…Guided to publish a book about family power games, and then 18 more surface… Lightworker’s Log Book Series. And now 17-years after being told I am a “Teacher of Teachers” it has finally cemented into the human brain, after many, many times of guiding those stepping into innate POWER.
Audio channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1 (Lightworker’s Log)” helps readers by showing how the unfoldment of Consciousness from within begins. AUDIO- 6 Hours 19 minutes. “Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 (Lightworker’s Log)” is especially useful to those who came to earth to make a positive difference during the Great Shift now experienced by humanity!