Tag Archives: lifetimes

Frequencies And Warnings

Channel’s Note: Please refer to the earlier channel “Etheric Body Protection” before reading this one. The communication below makes it clear that humanity is dealing with much more than protecting the Etheric Body. I cannot stress enough the necessity of always seeking ones own inner knowing before submitting themselves to tests and procedures that will cause the final result that is mentioned below…

“Tuning into possibilities and probabilities of sequential timelines is a matter of maintaining a steady flow of consciousness. All frequencies exist, all timelines, all possibilities, all probabilities; all accessed in the same space in which humanity seems to exist. This space is unlimited to infinity and beyond, as the saying goes. This space is only reached by those few humans with the ability to hone consciousness, to hone awareness of various frequencies including their own body’s frequency.

“Honing frequencies is a matter of determining the differences between the frequencies within the bodies of consciousness in which humanity continues to experience and express. It is but for a short time, in terms of what we the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine perceive to be, before more humans will hone the ability to move between various bodies of consciousness, thereby tapping into multiple experiences and expressions within their own field of consciousness, for each conglomeration of experience and expression is unique to each human. And yet, experience and expressions of multiple timelines in multiple form and formless states continues unabated. These experiences and expressions of each unique, human individual in multiple form and formless states can be accessed through steady effort, will, and the honing of recognizing frequencies. Each frequency is different, wavering in its ability to maintain the state of Consciousness, which holds it within its own unique frequency of consciousness.

“The Consciousness in which humanity lives continues to drastically change opening possibilities for further evolution. Each unique, human individual continues to increase the ability to tap into its own experiences and expressions in form and formless states within its own range of conscious awareness. Continuing to exist within ones own frequency shall carry each unique, human individual to this more evolved state in an organic manner.

“We do not wish to alarm, but it is necessary to alert humanity to the manipulation of human consciousness through inorganic methods. Remember the inorganic methods to attain greater evolution shall continue to make it difficult for those employing these methods to tap into and display soul consciousness. Consequently, the soul consciousness within those employing inorganic methods shall be lost, and those choosing to employ these inorganic methods, if continued through various lifetimes shall become what may be referred to as ‘lost souls.’

“The organic states of consciousness, of evolutionary methods, continue to serve one best. Greater and greater glimpses of probabilities and possibilities remain available for those retaining organic methods of recognizing frequencies and honing the ability to tap into those steady streams.”

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