Tag Archives: Health

Health, Peace of Mind, and Unity with Universal Mind

God is perfect health, perfect peace, and limitless love. This Divine Source flows through all things including me.

The presence of Infinite Intelligence operates freely within me stopping all negativity. Perfection flows through my blood, as I AM one with Divine Mind. Spirit allows me to grow. All negative senses are effortlessly replaced with a warm sense of my Oneness in essence, and experience, with All the Good There Is.

I give thanks to God that I AM guided by Infinite Intelligence clearing all thought of limitation.

Perfection manifests the Thing Itself within me throughout eternity as I release this treatment to the Law of Mind.

And So It Is!

From: “Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log” through which energetic support surrounds you. Get a copy of “Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log” and a FREE “True Vision CD,” to listen to before bedtime, for only $14 including shipping and handling in America, IF ORDERED THROUGH SAM. See Lightworkers Log for details. Find the Kindle book at Kindle Edition.