“The world spins totally out of control as the elite make their final last moves to harvest as many souls to continue the game of limitation, control and enslavement. Know that as these things occur, which are meant to secure this harvest to the fullest extent, many will not fall prey to these feeble attempts, for it is time, finally, in your world, for the greatest awakening of all time and space. Planet earth has securely been enmeshed within the throes of forgetfulness, forgetting the true state of its origins.
“We, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine trust that those now awakening and fully awakened will assist many (people) lying on the cusp of forgetfulness. It is time, dear ones, to come forth to assist your sisters and brothers of Light that have forgotten who they really are. This is the time of the Great Awakening for all upon planet earth, and yet this time will prolong to its maximum extent as long as many unawakened souls allow themselves to fall prey to the manipulations of what many refer, to themselves, the elite. Know that as the consciousness of humanity rises to its greatest extent in all the history of the world, higher realm forces, if you will, are available to assure that the elite, as they refer to themselves, will not be as successful in their attempts for greed and control as they had wished.
“It is with the greatest respect that we now ask those sitting behind the sidelines to come forward to assist as many (people) possible in this Great Awakening of True Self. One need not fall prey to the manipulation of these consciousnesses but to merely pay attention to what is in ones own field of consciousness, for each individual now faces its own inner demons as what appears as the manipulations of elite forces seem to control the globe.
“It is not, nor has it ever been, wise to continually force one’s beliefs upon another. And so, before taking our leave, for this message, we ask all to consider what appears as the consciousness outside one’s self when addressing others on this subject matter. Yes, those not understanding not yet ready to awaken will remain with closed minds, hearts, eyes and ears to all efforts to save themselves from the greed and control of what appear as elite forces. Know that as each soul takes this time to experience the balancing of expressions upon earth, many have not chosen to awaken to the truth of True being. Those of earth who are now awakened, stay clear of those appearing to be totally asleep. Assist only, when approached, those wishing to understand the sense of something more beyond what is seen and heard by human senses.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts.
This book excerpt and many other messages for humanity are in the Book of One Series. Choose the volume that’s right for you! Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased digitally, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.