Tag Archives: Multidimensionality

Sleeping Habits Erratic

Energies within earth’s magnetic field continue to change rapidly. As these energies help us to evolve, many experience erratic sleeping patterns, especially during times of planetary alignments, solar flares, and high geomagnetic activity. We are transmuting soul experience to reclaim wholeness. Periods of waking and deep sleep help us to rest from integrating, acclimating, and building up for the next phase of our evolution. Waking between two and four o’clock in the morning is usual for there’s a lot going on in the dream state…

Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Increasing Awareness States

“Pay attention to the people in your life. They are going to change very soon. Many more people will be opening up to an increased awareness of Self and they will seek out those whom they believe will help them understand what it is all about on earth. All are called forth now as these lighter energies take firm hold upon earth. All may not be ready to listen or lead but those that do will be fulfilling their soul’s mission on this plane of awareness.

“It is in the best interest of souls to allow each individual to be heard, to experience their own experience and to allow others to do the same. We, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine, are here to assist in that process and we wish those of you who lead by example to know, we are with you all the way. We are here to answer any questions you may have as you lead by example knowing you are not alone.

“On this realm of reality there is a means to increase the state of awareness in which one lives. This is not achieved entirely by being alone (although we do recommend some time be spent alone) but with other humans who can mirror the state of awareness in which you have passed, seek or have meaning to include in your life.

“It is with the greatest respect that we ask you to not hold anyone in disfavor for their beliefs, their chosen experiences, or their particular way of achieving their experience. For know, all souls chose to experience their physicality on this plane in different ways.

“We, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine, are here to note: all are loved, regardless of the soul’s choice to play any role.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Souls Of One Speak


“As you move though these changes of physicality, know you are watched and guided by those helpful unseen realms. We are with you as you awaken to meet your chosen day. We are with you as you choose to move through that day filled with love or fear. And we know you shall always reap the experience you alone choose to experience. We ask you to consider the best possible choice for the growth of your soul.

“Yes, we are aware that many do not believe in the birth and death of soul thought-forms, for various reasons, but we ask that you become aware that there are always choices to make as long as you seem to be a body in form on earth.

“The vast changes before humanity now coalesce into a mix of ecstasy and agony as all becomes aware, you are not alone in any sense of the word. We are with you as you move though these vast changes and we ask you to consider, ‘Will I achieve the soul’s growth?’

“We are the Souls Of One here to convey this vital message to all who care to listen. The Souls Of One are a conglomeration of all souls chosen to be in earth form for the purpose of extending the knowledge of Oneness throughout humanity and the Cosmos. We too shall dissipate as all thought-forms merge at the end of time.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Introducing Volume 4!  Sales through the author get a bonus of “Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log” with each order (mention “BONUS PT” when ordering). E-mail me at Page 2 for details and free shipping.

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Moving Through the Portals

Many of us are grounding New Earth energies. In addition to the usual signs (mainly body aches and pains, digestive issues, dizziness, extreme exhaustion, high pitched ear ringing, hot soles of the feet, memory loss, sinus issues and sleeping disorders – – due to transmuting parallel lives), we also abide by many other rules and habits. These include the disregard for usual ways of living. We no longer feed old energies of greed by shopping in retail stores. We no longer spend large sums of money for overpriced entertainment or unnecessary goods and services. We dedicate our lives to helping others in need and take all circumstances in our lives as signs of where we are along the path of ascension. So consider these ways of living if you are experiencing grounding signs and know your own resonance and discernment is the best guide to lead you through this current portal.

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Time To Tap In!

“Let’s be clear. All is illusion. All is illusion on earth and all you can see. All is illusion on earth and all you can hear. All is illusion on earth and all you can smell. All is illusion on earth and all you sense with the five usual senses.

“But when you allow yourself the pleasure of tapping into that sixth sense, that one vital ingredient for each human, you begin to see there is more. There is more to the illusion than what one can detect from using only the five usual human senses.

“Take the time to tap into this field of receptivity to change your world, to make your human existence better. Take the time to tap into this sixth sense, to know I AM, to know you are that of which it is. Be still and know.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.

Clearing Habits, Patterns And Rituals

We continue to help humanity transmute, cleanse and clear parallel lives and people not in the highest interest of the soul. Each life lesson, each life journey is now registered in the Akashic Record of the soul and therefore the tools used to reach these heights are no longer necessary. These tools (people, conditions, etc.) are now being erased from the memories of those who have chosen as souls and consciously as humans to move forward into the new timeline of Gaia. It is in the best interest of each human to take the time to repeat:

“I now with Grace and Ease clear all that is not in the best interest of my soul plan. I now with Grace and Ease fully accept my sovereignty and move forward to the New Earth free of all limitation.”

We are the White-Winged Consciousness Of Nine here to assist those ready to move forward.”

PS: It’s clear that people and conditions not in alignment with those of us holding New Earth energies (not in the interest of Oneness or the highest good) fall further away from our energy field. This is something I’ve experienced during the past several years.

Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.~Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Introducing Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log Volume 4!~Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.


“All is well as you incorporate greater aspects of each part of your figment, the figment of All That Is. As you incorporate these aspects, you shall experience greater periods of multidimensionality, more times spent in other parts of the illusion matrix. This is a necessary course of events for all aspects to coalesce before dissipating back to the grandness of All That Is. And yet, you know in the deep recesses of soul that even you are illusion. But as told throughout time, each figment, as you call yourself, must join with all others to return in entirety.”

From: Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation. Find the book though New Leaf Distributing. Give the Gift of Increased Vibrational Rate to Yourself or Loved Ones O:) and Balance Receiving and Giving While Supporting an Indie Author! Visit Word Press SAM I AM Productions for conscious evolution tools and resources!