We are all parts of one another experiencing what our soul needs to experience to let go of old concepts holding us in limitation. This does not mean that we must fight to survive but to tap into the Allness of All That Is to guide and support us in new ways. We are parts of this greatness, waiting to discover the truth of Reality that lies within. Yes, we came to play a game of human life, to take on a dense form to experience what is not. But the time is here to recognize that we are indeed Gods of Matter, each and every one of us.
Some of us know what is to come by tapping into innate consciousness. Fortunately, now the pull of mass consciousness to create chaos and confusion lessens with each awakened human. Stay clear in body and mind to incorporate those innate life-affirming aspects of your very own Self experiencing and expressing, yes dare I say, in multiple dimensions NOW! We continue to receive all that is needed to become multidimensional HU-mans, with the ability to do so much more than ever expected, all ORGANICALLY! Multidimensionality is a major aspect of DWARPA YUGA (that moved into our field a bit more on the Equinox of March 20th, 2025), so do all you can to nurture that innate multidimensionality.
We ARE one another’s mirrors. If you are experiencing gross disturbances through others consider your habits and patterns to determine if something needs to shift within you. Again, we need not struggle, but trust in the process of evolution. Yes, this means making changes necessary to pave the new path to greatness. Yet it does not mean to follow old habits, patterns and rituals to maintain a lifestyle that no longer fits our new state of awareness. Do things differently. Make new choices and watch your world change. For after all, the only thing we can count on is change.
Any experience teaches us what is through what is not. The days of pushing our energy upon others, of striving to make a living using outdated methods that promote separation are over. We are here to choose another way. We are here to recognize the Oneness of life. We are here to help mold a New World, promoting abundance and security for all upon Mother Earth. Regardless of what it looks like, all IS in Perfect, Divine Order!
Do you remember the many instances of book burning? This is no longer necessary since the dawning of humanity’s digital age. Anyone who has looked at the sky for a period of time know that clouds come and they go. Think about it… Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Gift card and cash donations help to keep this website running and are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Thank YOU for re-membering!