Tag Archives: Thoughts

Time For The Law Of One

“A portal awaits for you to pass through my dear. Pay particular attention to these days interactions with others as these mirrors present you with the final vestiges of the old to discard. These mis-thoughts are ready to be discarded as your mirrors bring them up, for it is your own consciousness that brings them forth. As these mis-thoughts are laid aside, these portals open widely so that you may step through the gateways into the light of Truth and Love. Know that as you do this, many others are assisted as well. There are many of you Wayshowers that are moving through these portals to clear, cleanse and transmute these mis-thoughts.

“Know that as you move through this passing of time in your space as a collective the timeline shifts, other portals open, other gateways merge to assist all upon planet earth, no matter the timeline nor space. It is with great pleasure that we watch as those souls ready to move forward in this what you refer to as your ascension process.

“Know that all is going accordingly well to the plan of the Divine One, for in your world many layers exist in returning to this Oneness. Living by the Law Of One is the next step in your progression to full sovereignty.

“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we wish all to know, assistance is a mere thought away.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Experience More By Using Your Sixth Sense!

“Move on in your state of awareness. As you know, your focus determines your awareness. In other words, what you choose to focus on in your mind and emotions becomes more solid in your world. Many of those seeming physical forms outside what seems as your form are here to play the continuing game of separation, and in this timeline the experience shall be quite different than in the experience of those few desiring to experience greater aspects of the Self.

“Each soul chose upon coming into form to awaken at varied states of consciousness and to sense the greater aspects of human life in new ways. But the time is here for all to choose again, for humanity has gifted itself with the choice to again chose its experience using the five and now sixth sense detected by those willing to experience more open avenues of the human mind.

“As humanity moves into this great awakening more fully, it shall become strikingly apparent, the timelines cross one another with each emotion, which carries the human form to yet another experience. We do not wish to alarm you, but it is vital to now monitor emotion and thought as some who play the game, from more conscious aspects, which some humans may know as seedy or even evil, again manipulate the unknowing masses to meet and further their own agendas of greed and control.

“As many move though this process of life, determining their path and timeline with emotions and thoughts, we again ask: What do you choose when faced with fearful conditions?

“This alone will lead one to another space of time in the timeline of humanity. Those choosing fear will be faced with fear after fear until they leave the planet or choose the choice of love, for it is nigh time to end the game of duality where one may be controlled by another though power and greed.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we are here as a group of souls, having been in human form at other times in what appears to be humanity’s spectrum of linear events, to assist those ready to awaken to the truth of Oneness and Love.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

What Guides Your Experience?

“And so it is my friends we find you in the midst of darkness. The treasures you seek are within the world in which you inhabit. As you move through this process of awakening to the Oneness of which you truly are, look upon each aspect of the Whole as yourself. Know that as you move through this process, we the Lemurian Council of Twelve, are with you always to guide, to assist, to answer any questions you may have. We are you in another form, in another frequency of time and space.

“Knowing the ultimate reality that all time and space is illusion you may move through this process more fluidly if you understand the issues, the experiences, the consequences you face as a result of your choices of free will are yours alone. The cause and effect in your world is experienced by each individual, based upon their free will using the thought forms they employ within their own mind. We are here to announce to all, the thought forms in which you believe are the thought forms that guide your experience. And we wish you to know your experience changes when the thought forms within your mind change.

“These thought forms are affected not only through the experience you currently move through but through the experiences of your total Essence in other frequencies of being. You may tap into these other frequencies, higher, lower, if you will, for lack of a better word, by mediating in a calm manner and asking to tap into those thought forms of which it is time to alleviate, to let go, to dissipate back into the Void of all possibilities. Know that as you move through this process in these coming days, in these coming months, in these coming years, assistance to reach into your very own Essence to dissipate the thought forms now outdated and no longer needed are all within you.

“We ask all to be patient with each thought form as it appears seemingly in your own private world. For each thought form is now ready to be dissipated, to be removed from the causes and effects that create the experiences in 3D and 4D realms of existence. Know that all move through this process in their own time. Many shall not choose to dissipate, to alleviate, to remove outdated concepts, outdated thought forms, for many people on your earth are not ready to awaken to their own magnificence as creators, as co-creators in a wonderful paradise of Oneness.

“Those that are ready to move into this Oneness more fully may choose to alleviate, to dissolve those thought forms keeping humanity in separation. Any thought form not based in Love is now no longer constructive in the reality of those moving fluidly toward the Oneness of all BEingness. Know that as you move though this process, those needed to assist you in alleviating these constructs of thought forms will appear in your field of consciousness. As each appears, accepting it fully with Love, as part of one’s self, assists in the process of recognizing all is but illusion in the singular mind of each seeming human form. Alleviating the constructs of thought forms is easily done upon accepting each form seeming outside oneself as a part of the self, waiting to be recognized and accepted as part of the wholeness of the self and All That Is. Know that moving through this process is a Garden of Eden for those enlightened to the ways of Oneness.

“We leave you now with this thought:

Are you, as your own thought form, ready to remove the constructs of all the thought forms that hold you within the illusion of separation?

We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we are with you always for we are you in yet another frequency of time and space having removed many thought forms and yet we too are a thought form in a reality of the illusion.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Thought Forms

“We again wish to report on the seeding of humanity and the nine events. The struggle and strife your world faces today and in coming days will take one on a magical journey of awareness of self. These nine events are necessary processes to coalesce humanity back to the Oneness many now seek. This Oneness is part of the necessary form of being for all. Knowing that Oneness exists is yet another step towards the Truth of re-membering. Knowing of the truth of Oneness brings all aspects of the Whole of One together in spiritual awareness, together in conscious awareness as all relate to the confusion and chaos of what seems to be another.

“We the White Winged Consciousness of Nine are here to assist humanity out of this realm of separating thought forms. These thought forms have served their purpose to enrich the experience of each aspect of the Whole of One wishing to experience a journey seeming to consist of separation. The journey is not quite ended in your vernacular. It will continue for hundreds of years. Yes, we know that may seem quite arduous to many humans but please recall, as a human form those currently in human form will not recognize the fruition of this grand event in their current thought form. Recall, all within your earth is a thought form and these thought forms were seeded along with the seeding of the earth. As your New Earth continues to cement and enrich itself, these thought forms must be dissipated with the other so-called negative thought forms that built and held the earth of old, for humanity will not carry these energetic thought forms into the New Earth.

“Be aware many humans now in form will never consciously or unconsciously enter your New Earth. Know that those holding the energetic thought form of Oneness are now on this new 5D earth. As this earth continues to evolve and enrich itself, all those upon her shall do the same. Know that in coming months the chaos and turmoil within what seems to be your New Earth is really the vestiges of the thought forms of the old earth trying to take hold. It is important to dissipate these thought forms, to no longer carry these thought forms, for your New 5D Earth will not support them. Those persisting in relishing in the energies of these thought forms of separation will continue to leave your world. Those continuing to relish in the separation of humanity are not recognizing that each thought form within their own physical mind, own physical awareness, is really an aspect of their self waiting to be cleared. This is an important part for all of humanity to pay attention to, the thought forms are in your mind. The thought forms will continue but only with your constant thoughts of their awareness. Once you lay aside the thought forms of separation, the thought forms of Oneness cement within your vernacular and all becomes One in Truth, in Love, in Light.

“This is yet another step towards your ethereal non-form. We bid you adieu knowing that all those who chose to enter and exist within the 5D earth will do so successfully. Those souls choosing to remain in the separation, feeding the thought forms not in conjunction with oneness will leave this physical realm.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion from the Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log series! Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Mass Consciousness Awakening

“You are moving quickly toward a mass consciousness awakening. We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we are here to report. Those not yet ready to awaken to the truth of BEing will be consumed with the separation that is now rampant upon earth.”

(As a conscious channel, I question the use of the word consumed and am told it is the best word to use.)

“This is not to say that those within that consciousness of separation will be eaten alive but yet they will be consumed, focusing all attention on separation. And as this separation continues to rule their world, it shall consume not only their thoughts but their body as well.

“When first upon your beloved earth, your bodies were not made to be as dense. They were not made to be separate in thought, in word, or deed. They were meant to be a joyous occasion, to glorify the Oneness within all, to celebrate this truth. But this is not the state of the earth today and as those knowing the truth move towards this Oneness, in essence, those not knowing the truth move away further from the Oneness.

“As your news reports this separation, and focuses totally on this separation, those living within that thought system will no longer be able to free themselves into the Oneness of which many now awaken. And yet, many other humans will awaken to this truth. They will be brought to a point where they recognize the Oneness of all life and Truth. Many humans are now struggling to survive within your world and this is leading them to that Oneness. For as they struggle, those awakened see their struggle and seek to help. Those able to help in this knowingness of Oneness will do so and those awakening will continue to reach the fruition of their efforts through the knowledge that all are connected.

“All humans connected upon this earth will sense this connection. All humans upon this earth now move steadily toward either the separation of the individual from Oneness or the coalescing of the Oneness for all.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and are here to report and help those ready to awaken to the truth of being one form in essence, one form in Truth, one form in Light.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Time To Tap In!

“Let’s be clear. All is illusion. All is illusion on earth and all you can see. All is illusion on earth and all you can hear. All is illusion on earth and all you can smell. All is illusion on earth and all you sense with the five usual senses.

“But when you allow yourself the pleasure of tapping into that sixth sense, that one vital ingredient for each human, you begin to see there is more. There is more to the illusion than what one can detect from using only the five usual human senses.

“Take the time to tap into this field of receptivity to change your world, to make your human existence better. Take the time to tap into this sixth sense, to know I AM, to know you are that of which it is. Be still and know.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.

Clearing Habits, Patterns And Rituals

We continue to help humanity transmute, cleanse and clear parallel lives and people not in the highest interest of the soul. Each life lesson, each life journey is now registered in the Akashic Record of the soul and therefore the tools used to reach these heights are no longer necessary. These tools (people, conditions, etc.) are now being erased from the memories of those who have chosen as souls and consciously as humans to move forward into the new timeline of Gaia. It is in the best interest of each human to take the time to repeat:

“I now with Grace and Ease clear all that is not in the best interest of my soul plan. I now with Grace and Ease fully accept my sovereignty and move forward to the New Earth free of all limitation.”

We are the White-Winged Consciousness Of Nine here to assist those ready to move forward.”

PS: It’s clear that people and conditions not in alignment with those of us holding New Earth energies (not in the interest of Oneness or the highest good) fall further away from our energy field. This is something I’ve experienced during the past several years.

Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.~Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Introducing Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log Volume 4!~Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.

Health, Peace of Mind, and Unity with Universal Mind

God is perfect health, perfect peace, and limitless love. This Divine Source flows through all things including me.

The presence of Infinite Intelligence operates freely within me stopping all negativity. Perfection flows through my blood, as I AM one with Divine Mind. Spirit allows me to grow. All negative senses are effortlessly replaced with a warm sense of my Oneness in essence, and experience, with All the Good There Is.

I give thanks to God that I AM guided by Infinite Intelligence clearing all thought of limitation.

Perfection manifests the Thing Itself within me throughout eternity as I release this treatment to the Law of Mind.

And So It Is!

From: “Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log” through which energetic support surrounds you. Get a copy of “Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log” and a FREE “True Vision CD,” to listen to before bedtime, for only $14 including shipping and handling in America, IF ORDERED THROUGH SAM. See Lightworkers Log for details. Find the Kindle book at Kindle Edition.

Separation AND Habits, Thoughts And Deeds

“In the coming days there will be many changes on your earth. These necessary changes will help all of humanity to move further toward the Oneness of which it truly is. These coming changes will assist humanity in coalescing (joining) with other realms. And in turn, these changes assist higher realms in returning to the true state of eternity for all is not as it was since the first human break from Oneness occurred.

“We are the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine here to assist all those humans who wish to move further toward the Oneness of all life.

“Beware of your habits, your thoughts, your deeds, and your propensity to move into separation. And be aware that this propensity is the tool that keeps you from evolving back to the True State of One. We are the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine here to help those of humanity who wish to become one with Life again. This true state of happiness will not occur as long as the human host sees separation.

“Humanity will be tested greatly in the days to come. Let this not dissuade you from knowing ‘ye are Gods of Matter’ on earth to finally, once and for all, return to the true state of Oneness, never to separate again.”

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!