Tag Archives: Soul Plan

Natural Disasters

Let us approach the subject of ‘natural disasters’ from a different point of view…

Consider that humanity now lies on the precipice of a deep well, some having already fallen into that deep abyss of what seems as nothingness. Consider that falling down into that dark abyss one suddenly realizes it is not so disastrous after all. This is the space humanity now finds itself in, in the process of seeming to lose all things dear through ‘natural disasters’ that many find unavoidable.

As each ‘natural disaster’ occurs those affected by it seek out and find new ways to live, some suddenly recognizing the limited life lived before the ‘disaster’. For it is sometimes only in losing all things dear that one moves out of the cocoon of comfort and non-growth. As each disaster occurs one must ask, “Is this part of the process of ascension? Is this then part of the very awakening to greater aspects of living and Self that one agreed to before birth?

We of higher realms support all in their effort to become more, to reach out and help another, if called to do so, and to achieve a greater state of unlimited BEing and living than ever before. For it is only though increased connection with one’s fellow humans that humanity shall awaken to the truth that all are One, unlimited in creation.

The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of 11-11-23, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of 19 books.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page. Support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Lightbody Activation, Step Four – Free Download!

As the world continues to resurface old wounds that need healing through chaos and separation, those aware of New Earth ways shall continue to hold and share the Light of One. Enjoy this Lightbody Activation to assist you in boosting your Light quotient and radiating your unique Light out into the world to further cement knowing of  Oneness.

Lightbody Activation

Right Click on Link to Download!

Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books.
Book of One Series
Book of One : – ) Volume 1


Book of One : – ) Volume 2


Book of One : – ) Volume 3


Book of One : – ) Volume 4
Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.
Book of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!


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Timelines: Ecstasy-Agony Mixture, Choose Carefully

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 5 excerpt!

Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages was published quickly to assist humanity as gross distortion increases in the field of Planet Earth. It not only offers intel but helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.

“The times before you now are a mixture of ecstasy and agony. As those moving forward into the greater timeline of humanity to one filled with Love, Light and Oneness reach the ecstasy of their True BEing, those choosing other timelines based on separation and fear face the agony.

“It is done as you believe in this world of emotion and thought. Knowing all now move quickly toward Oneness, regardless of (their) consciousness, assist those that know this True Self is arising from the ashes of wasteful eons now left behind by those choosing to relish in the Oneness of All That Is, bearing in mind and living the Law Of One.

“It is with the greatest respect that we, your sisters and brothers of Light, your Lemurian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Syrian and all sisters and brothers of Light, now ask you to choose your timeline carefully. For each reaction, each choice within your daily movements chooses that timeline. It may not be a conscious choice. The timeline you find yourself in may be the choice of an unconscious reaction spurred forth through the separation humanity now moves through.

“As this chaos continues to clear on earth, be aware that all serving and living by the Law Of One shall not be faced with the chaos others seem to bear. And yet each soul, as noted many times, has made it’s choice (choosing the best soul plan of experience for each lifetime). Although free will exists on planet earth, many will not use their free will to change that soul choice before birth. But know that choice does exist. It is available for those that wish to choose differently than their soul has chosen to experience. We, your sisters and brothers of Light, now leave you in the consciousness of One, knowing that all existing upon earth at this time play a unique role in the process of returning to the Whole in all aspects.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Thought Forms And Humanity’s Matrix Of Belief

“Thought forms are molded aspects of energy that make the hologram of today’s world. These forms of belief, if you will, continue to exist and they are fed by humanity’s emotions and thoughts. All humanity contributes to the thought forms forming the matrix of earth belief, the belief in separation and duality. This duality was brought into being as a way to known Itself (for lack of a better term) to experience Itself by uncovering aspects hidden within. And that is what humanity does in today’s world, uncovers aspects of its illusionary self to play the game of separation in a new way by uncovering those aspects of duality that need understanding, that need loving and unconditional acceptance, for all is part of Itself.

“As the world moves further into chaos, for those unaware of their True Self, those souls not yet aware of their illusionary nature lost in duality, we of the higher realms of the illusion ask those on earth with this true knowing to be steadfast in belief. One knows or does not know. There is no other choice. And for those that know it is best to use discernment and resonance on what to feed into the matrix of illusion.

“We leave you now with this truth: you are loved in all aspects beyond comprehension and soon shall return to the BEingness left behind so many illusionary eons ago.”

For those curious and wanting to name this ‘source’ (aspect of consciousness) it can be known as Mahatma Koot` Hoomi.

We shall remain in separation and duality as long as we believe in it, feeding it with emotion and thought. It is important to point out that each so-called human, aspect of consciousness, creates and lives within its own universe. A Course In Miracles notes illusions must be forgiven on the level where they are experienced. Page 13 tells us: “Whatever is true is eternal, and cannot change or be changed. Spirit is therefore unalterable because it is already perfect, but the mind can elect what it chooses to serve. The only limit put on its choice is that it cannot serve two masters.”

Fortunately, there are many more aspects of consciousness than ever before in this matrix of illusion here to conclude the game during this Great Awakening. Thank you for re-membering!


Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

This and many other messages for humanity are in the Book of One Series. Choose the volume that’s right for you! Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased digitally, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.
Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books.
Book of One Series
Book of One : – ) Volume 1

Book of One : – ) Volume 2

Book of One : – ) Volume 3

Book of One : – ) Volume 4

Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.
Book of One : – ) Volume 5
Book Of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

Contact Page!

Tapping Soul Plans

Tapping into one’s soul plan becomes easier when in the dream state. To acknowledge soul’s needs and desires, pay attention to dreams of a somewhat physical nature. In other words, pay attention to dreams in which you may feel threatened or forced into doing something you do not wish to do; pay attention to dreams where you seem to teach or lecture others and be aware that it is yourself bleeding though to relate a long forgotten soul tool in other lives. This is the way to become fully into soul at all times, by remaining asleep while awake and dreaming the circumstances you wish to participate in while asleep.

This will make more sense to you as you tap further in to soul purpose and meaning.

Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion.Remember, printed books in hand are always available when the grid erupts, and they do not detrimentally affect human bodies in ways that digital devices do! Contact the author with comments, suggestions, or questions. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

What Do You Feed?

Enjoy this excerpt from After Death Communications…WOW!

“The seeds of tomorrow are planted today. Each emotion, each thought carries a certain charge. And the charge you give to that emotion and thought builds what you call your future.”

What Do You Feed?

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ and Book of One 🙂 Volume 2. Loving You!

Spreading The Light Of Truth

“The times before humanity are now filled with more light and love than ever before in its history. We the Lemurian Council of Twelve wish all to know it is time for all of humanity to return to its true source of BEing, the Source of One, of All That Is and ever will be. This occurrence has not been chosen by as many souls as one would hope, in your realm of illusion, but nevertheless this number of souls now moving forward are more than enough to spread the Light of Truth within the realms of forgetfulness once again.

“All not ready to awaken from the dream of gross distortion shall have yet multiple choices to come to this Light of Truth, in other forms, on other planes of the illusion. And yet, as the illusion comes to a close in this your Golden Age of Oneness and Truth, know that the time to secede is here for those ready to step forward leaving the door open for others to follow at will. This planet and all planets within your illusion are returning to the Light of One regardless of individual souls lost in the maze of forgetting.

“Know that as one who chose to awaken to this truth now it is with the greatest respect that we ask all to be mindful of thoughts, words and deeds to avoid being caught up in the maze of forgetting held by many lost souls.”

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Oneness & Separation

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we are here to report to those who wish to awaken from the dream within the dream. The erasure of your (3D) world moves forward as all on planet earth sense the energies of Oneness. The Oneness within these energies secures a more steady spot in placement upon the earth of Oneness (the New 5D Earth). The reality of many people now dissipates into this Oneness while those not yet awakened become mired in the disappointment of separation. This separation tears apart all those wishing to remain within it; by this tearing apart, we mean the separation keeps those at a distance from others within the Oneness.

“There is no blending of the two when it comes to families, to friends, to those that know the Truth. You many wish to interact with one another but the circumstances within each life will not coalesce. The interactions between those in separation and those in Oneness will not be as strong as days past. The interactions to those in separation from those in Oneness will be, for the most part, planned events, events where plans have been set aside to address those in separation. And yet, this addressing will not occur under the best of circumstances, for those in separation will be hindered with many issues. These issues will keep them in the separation in which their soul seeks to dwell.

“Those within the separation are living within their soul plan and shall remain in separation throughout this lifetime. We ask that those in the state of Oneness know that each soul has made a choice. Each soul’s balance will be achieved eventually, if not in this lifetime in yet another. And we ask you to have patience with those still mired in the throes of separation for the Oneness of which all seek lies within.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we are here to report on the steadiness of the Oneness which fills planet earth.”

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!