Tag Archives: Oneness

What Do You Feed?

Enjoy this excerpt from After Death Communications…WOW!

“The seeds of tomorrow are planted today. Each emotion, each thought carries a certain charge. And the charge you give to that emotion and thought builds what you call your future.”

What Do You Feed?

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ and Book of One 🙂 Volume 2. Loving You!


Enjoy And Align!

Suggestions, Comments And Questions Welcome!

Email SAM For Questions.

Wayshower Potpourri

Clearing Old Energies

Returning Home

Message Of Hope

New World Order Of One

Time To Wake Up With Christine Page

The Path

Humanity’s Return To Oneness

Moving Toward Non-Linear Reality

Focus On That Within

Support your Self or a Loved One
with an inspiring book.

Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

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Time For The Law Of One

“A portal awaits for you to pass through my dear. Pay particular attention to these days interactions with others as these mirrors present you with the final vestiges of the old to discard. These mis-thoughts are ready to be discarded as your mirrors bring them up, for it is your own consciousness that brings them forth. As these mis-thoughts are laid aside, these portals open widely so that you may step through the gateways into the light of Truth and Love. Know that as you do this, many others are assisted as well. There are many of you Wayshowers that are moving through these portals to clear, cleanse and transmute these mis-thoughts.

“Know that as you move through this passing of time in your space as a collective the timeline shifts, other portals open, other gateways merge to assist all upon planet earth, no matter the timeline nor space. It is with great pleasure that we watch as those souls ready to move forward in this what you refer to as your ascension process.

“Know that all is going accordingly well to the plan of the Divine One, for in your world many layers exist in returning to this Oneness. Living by the Law Of One is the next step in your progression to full sovereignty.

“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we wish all to know, assistance is a mere thought away.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Experience More By Using Your Sixth Sense!

“Move on in your state of awareness. As you know, your focus determines your awareness. In other words, what you choose to focus on in your mind and emotions becomes more solid in your world. Many of those seeming physical forms outside what seems as your form are here to play the continuing game of separation, and in this timeline the experience shall be quite different than in the experience of those few desiring to experience greater aspects of the Self.

“Each soul chose upon coming into form to awaken at varied states of consciousness and to sense the greater aspects of human life in new ways. But the time is here for all to choose again, for humanity has gifted itself with the choice to again chose its experience using the five and now sixth sense detected by those willing to experience more open avenues of the human mind.

“As humanity moves into this great awakening more fully, it shall become strikingly apparent, the timelines cross one another with each emotion, which carries the human form to yet another experience. We do not wish to alarm you, but it is vital to now monitor emotion and thought as some who play the game, from more conscious aspects, which some humans may know as seedy or even evil, again manipulate the unknowing masses to meet and further their own agendas of greed and control.

“As many move though this process of life, determining their path and timeline with emotions and thoughts, we again ask: What do you choose when faced with fearful conditions?

“This alone will lead one to another space of time in the timeline of humanity. Those choosing fear will be faced with fear after fear until they leave the planet or choose the choice of love, for it is nigh time to end the game of duality where one may be controlled by another though power and greed.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we are here as a group of souls, having been in human form at other times in what appears to be humanity’s spectrum of linear events, to assist those ready to awaken to the truth of Oneness and Love.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Lightworker’s Log Videos Number 10

Enjoy And Align!

Suggestions, Comments And Questions Welcome!

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Thoughts Are Vibrations

The Fall

Occupy Your Magnetic Field

Holy Trinity

A Letter To Awakening Humans

BEing Is Centeredness

Leading Is A Choice

Light Shines Within You

Birth Of A New Nation

Law Of One

Support your Self or a Loved One
with an inspiring book.

Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!


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Enjoy Lightworker’s Log Blogs And Videos

Enjoy Lightworker’s Log Blogs & Videos!

Lightworker’s Log Blogs


Lightworker’s Log Videos

Suggestions, Comments And Questions Welcome!

Email SAM For Questions.

And Remember…

Thoughts And Collective Consciousness

Support your Self!

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Lightworker’s Log Main Page

Focus Determines Evolution

As a sovereign being, one concludes there are merely two modes of living to consider, a concentration on improving aspects of ones self or a knowing there is no constant need to concentrate. For as we evolve, our consciousness merges with the natural flow of Life to be carried hither and fro based on our frequency, the combination of an emotional, mental, astral and ethereal consciousness seeming to house itself in physical form.

If one chooses the later option it becomes merely a matter of moving through the flow of human life as an observer, addressing each human need as required (knowing it is part of oneself to be addressed and balanced) while letting go fear of the unknown. There is no judgment nor is there a propensity to control the flow, but merely a focus on observing when the flow changes to assure a fluid movement within it. In human terms, this can be experienced as driving ones car through what some many consider “heavy traffic” to flow through green lights at a steady pace, avoiding what others experience as delays or interferences. It can also be seen as recognizing the need to balance ones own energies when seeming to see negative traits in other humans.

As one experiences human life focusing purely on ones self the propensity is not to change the world but seek guidance from within rather than outside. When balanced, there is no desire to “fix the world” as one recognizes, on another realm of consciousness, the fixing lies within each individual seeming outside oneself. Some may argue that it is necessary to “fix the world” as the focus continues to remain outside the little know reality that all is illusion and humanity is merely a conglomeration of illusionary souls with illusionary human forms taking on body after body to eventually recognize the True Nature of Oneness, without the desire for individuality in physicality.

Knowing that energy flows where attention goes (participation and what one feeds with emotion and thought supports things to exist), two questions bear asking…

Which mode of consciousness do you as a seeming individual human wish to feed?

Is there a desire to feed the matrix of illusionary human life or return to the effortless flow of Oneness?

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Choices: Duality/Separation, Oneness/Power

We, the White Winged Consciousness of Nine are here to report, all upon your earth now changes as energies from unseen realms take greater hold within and upon your earth. The days of separation are ending but not until they have reached their furthest point in your spectrum of duality. Prepare for the days ahead when all shall be pushed into separation, if they choose to do so. Know that as celestial beings in essence there is no separation and it is only in your world called earth that this exists to assure that all aspects of All That Is see their selves within the eyes of another.

The only way to Oneness again for all is to be in separation long enough to hold compassion for another human within your own body/mind system. These days will be afforded much assistance from unseen realms but it is those of you on earth, who hold the Light of One, the Oneness of which you truly are and now recognize, that will make the most change on your earth. Remember, all thought, all emotion, all words make a difference in the illusion of your world, and those that go forth to share the Light of One are now enabling many more to recognize the Oneness within themselves and humanity.

We leave you now with this thought: You are the Truth you came to seek on earth and it is only through your understanding of the POWER you hold within that earth shall return to its rightful and original aspect of One.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

What Guides Your Experience?

“And so it is my friends we find you in the midst of darkness. The treasures you seek are within the world in which you inhabit. As you move through this process of awakening to the Oneness of which you truly are, look upon each aspect of the Whole as yourself. Know that as you move through this process, we the Lemurian Council of Twelve, are with you always to guide, to assist, to answer any questions you may have. We are you in another form, in another frequency of time and space.

“Knowing the ultimate reality that all time and space is illusion you may move through this process more fluidly if you understand the issues, the experiences, the consequences you face as a result of your choices of free will are yours alone. The cause and effect in your world is experienced by each individual, based upon their free will using the thought forms they employ within their own mind. We are here to announce to all, the thought forms in which you believe are the thought forms that guide your experience. And we wish you to know your experience changes when the thought forms within your mind change.

“These thought forms are affected not only through the experience you currently move through but through the experiences of your total Essence in other frequencies of being. You may tap into these other frequencies, higher, lower, if you will, for lack of a better word, by mediating in a calm manner and asking to tap into those thought forms of which it is time to alleviate, to let go, to dissipate back into the Void of all possibilities. Know that as you move through this process in these coming days, in these coming months, in these coming years, assistance to reach into your very own Essence to dissipate the thought forms now outdated and no longer needed are all within you.

“We ask all to be patient with each thought form as it appears seemingly in your own private world. For each thought form is now ready to be dissipated, to be removed from the causes and effects that create the experiences in 3D and 4D realms of existence. Know that all move through this process in their own time. Many shall not choose to dissipate, to alleviate, to remove outdated concepts, outdated thought forms, for many people on your earth are not ready to awaken to their own magnificence as creators, as co-creators in a wonderful paradise of Oneness.

“Those that are ready to move into this Oneness more fully may choose to alleviate, to dissolve those thought forms keeping humanity in separation. Any thought form not based in Love is now no longer constructive in the reality of those moving fluidly toward the Oneness of all BEingness. Know that as you move though this process, those needed to assist you in alleviating these constructs of thought forms will appear in your field of consciousness. As each appears, accepting it fully with Love, as part of one’s self, assists in the process of recognizing all is but illusion in the singular mind of each seeming human form. Alleviating the constructs of thought forms is easily done upon accepting each form seeming outside oneself as a part of the self, waiting to be recognized and accepted as part of the wholeness of the self and All That Is. Know that moving through this process is a Garden of Eden for those enlightened to the ways of Oneness.

“We leave you now with this thought:

Are you, as your own thought form, ready to remove the constructs of all the thought forms that hold you within the illusion of separation?

We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we are with you always for we are you in yet another frequency of time and space having removed many thought forms and yet we too are a thought form in a reality of the illusion.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Moving Through Chaos

“As one moves through these times it is important to remember you are a spirit in human form. It is time to bear witness to the falsities of the 3-D world. During these next few months as things ripen to a peak of chaos, you shall bear witness to these falsities as the 3-D earth finally moves forward in consciousness. This consciousness is more in tune with Gaia as she too steps up, so to speak, matching the vibration more closely in tune with other planets immersed in the Oneness of All.

“These next few months will be cumbersome at best. Those who have prepared, in mind, in physicality, shall move through the process more gracefully. Those not yet awakened will be immersed fully in the chaos and not prepared for what is to come. Remember, this is an experience in the mind of humanity, of which all souls on earth agreed to. Moving though these levels, these states of consciousness, one shall find many (people) who are not in tune with their own states of awareness. Allow these precious souls to come to their own conclusions, through their own experiences, and judge them not, for recall each soul has chosen to experience uniquely on this earth. Each experience and each expression of each soul holds a unique signature of a unique soul, having a unique experience in its own small mind, if you will, for lack of a better word.

“During these next few months, before your Summer months arrive, the consciousness on earth shall shift to be more in tune with the Christ Consciousness it is headed for fully. Know, again, not all souls have agreed to awaken to this Christ Consciousness or move into this Christ Consciousness. Albeit, few will move toward this consciousness with the knowledge they are a conscious, sentinel being. As these days and months unfold on your earth, remember, judge not lest ye too fall sway to the separation many souls have chosen to experience.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we wish all to know assistance from your own higher self is but a whisper away in your own small mind of one.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at Comments and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!