Beloved Soul Family,
Your presence on this earth is very much appreciated. Thank you for shining your unique Light on Planet Earth! We are now experiencing a global purging, cleansing process as never before. If you are anything like me, you are experiencing these gross disturbances within yourself, through family, friends and/or the entire world. If you are experiencing these limitations of mind yourself, consider making new choices to move through them to greater ways of living and self-awareness. After all, many of us did come to earth this time to pave a new path, to help build a new future for humanity though Oneness. We shall continue to move through increasing bouts of cosmic frequencies, all assisting the body to stay in tune with Mother Earth, activate latent DNA, and reclaim our innate gifts. Remember, YOU are a DIVINE Being with the ability to surpass all expectations as you remain in heart-centered Christ Consciousness!
We continue to SLOWLY enter into a NEW ERA, and while this occurs EVERYTHING changes as we move through the purging process to then assimilate newer and higher frequencies. Remember, while experiencing these Cosmic activations one’s sleeping and eating habits change and frequent memory lapses occur. One may feel increased energy or extreme fatigue (leveling up to new aspects of consciousness), aching joints—especially in knees and hips—and muscles (accumulations of LIGHT affecting nerve endings), rapid heart beats (as frequency re-adjusts), headaches (pineal and pituitary cleansing), strange and vivid dreams (subconscious releases of emotional imprints—our Higher Self knows what to relinquish), emotional upsets during waking hours (as accelerated cleansing occurs), purging of fluids and intestines, and much more. Let us continue to recognize our innate POWER to determine the cause of dis-ease, and the kind of assistance to secure. Synthetic substances greatly delay the activation process, and seeking outside opinions often leads to a never-ending downward spiral of programming, beginning with verbal advice, medications, physical therapy and surgery. Follow your own resonance and use discernment to determine what works for you.
Enjoy this excerpt from After Death Communications…WOW!
“What Do You Feed”
If WordPress is blocking the video download it here
Remember EVERY Reaction, Emotion, Thought, Word, and Deed makes the world in which we live. Be CONSCIOUS!
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