Tag Archives: Distraction

Energies Pummeling Earth

Ever-increasing energies continue to pummel the planet with new energies of Light …

Energies Pummeling Earth

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts.

E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times.

Loving You!

Spring Equinox Message

Fear not as all things change in your world…

Spring Equinox Message

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts.

E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times.

Loving You!

Galactic Federation Message

“The Galactic Federation wishes all to know the niceties you see will disappear in coming months (getting the impression the so-called new virus is designed to change the world on a global scale). As this time/space continuum continues to change and morph, the crystalline substances of those ready to morph with earth change as well.

“Yet there are those not willing to forgo these changes. The personas of those not willing to forgo these changes will continue to move to what many refer to as the ‘dark side.’ Those experiencing the darker aspects of the small self, of the little mind, will experience a cleansing, a purging unlike any other in your time/space continuum. Those experiencing the crystalline changes within the form in the small mind will forgo these negative aspects to experience the lighter aspects within your time/space continuum. The lighter aspects within your time/space continuum are those of greater unity with earth and all upon her.

“This duality will continue for quite some time on your earth. We, The Galactic Federation are available to assist those wishing to nurture the sense of Oneness.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!


Enjoy And Align!
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Energies Pummeling Earth

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/141-Energies_Plummeling_Earth.mp4

Remembering Oneness

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/142-Remembering_Oneness.mp4

Earth’s Gross Distortion

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/143-Earths_Gross_Distortion.mp4

Anchoring Energy

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/144-Anchoring_Energy.mp4

Thoughts Create

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/145-Thoughts_Create.mp4

All About Love

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/146-All_About_Love.mp4

Changing the Game of Life

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2020/147-Changing_The_Game_Of_Life.mp4

Returning To I AM

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2020/148-Returning_To_I_AM.mp4

Advancing Is The Name Of The Game

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2020/149-Advancing_Is_The_Name_Of_The_Game.mp4

Consciousness Transcends Space

Right Click On Link To Download: http://www.lightworkerslog.com/video/2020/150-Consciousness_Transcends_Space.mp4

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with an inspiring book.

Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!


Changing Human Experience

One of the most wonderful things about being a human is we get to choose our experience through the use of emotion and thought. Each day our experience changes with what we choose to recognize, participate in and subsequently feed. FYI: A 15-year-old eye-opening quote: “Two companies now own 78% of the media.” From: “Death Of The Sun


As mass consciousness continues to progress up the spiral of awakening at a rapid and unsteady pace, one is best reminded to return to neutrality, to hold thoughts of what one wishes to see in the world rather than what one does not wish to experience, for what we resist persists. What we choose to focus on becomes our reality and with so many people focusing on one thing that reality manifests much more quickly.

While living in the midst of great change, one may choose to focus on harmony, love, peace and wholeness for all beings, aware of the fact that as souls each has its chosen experiences. And we may or may not be part of that experience. We shall know if we are living with them, they contact us or it seems our experience. We can then choose to move through the experience in our own serene way, or be manipulated by mass media and collective behavior.

We support what we participate in so let us choose to support life-affirming ways to live and experience life. Humans meditating together can help to establish a more peaceful world. Since we are energetically connected to each other at the heart level, we serve the greater whole whether individually or in groups, making efforts much more expansive and powerful. Many groups are committed to planetary harmony and healing in an expanded way, actively upgrading consciousness and facilitating positive outcomes. Find two such groups affecting humanity in positive ways at Access the Global Care Room  and Sandra Walter Unity Meditations.

Other ways to join the shift of human consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and increased peace thus fear to Love:

  • Be mindful of collective thought and consciously choose thoughts of Love, Peace, Harmony, Oneness, etc.
  • Raise your vibrational rate with laughter, singing, meditation, positive thought, etc.
  • Lead with your heart. Practice ways to feed your heart, such as volunteer work and giving to those in greater need.
  • Choose Your Reality & Be The Message Within It.


Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Video

Change Your World Video


Join The Global Care Rooms

Join in Unity Meditations

Learn About Heart Coherence

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Courses Of Action

Seeming to possess a mind within a body on earth, one may follow logical trains of thought to proceed to what seems as logical conclusions. One can also tune into ones essence and follow the heart consciousness to conclude completely different thoughts. So what avenue does one take to secure the best life?

Obviously the train of thought and heart resonance that one has focused on for eons no longer works if one believes they are a soul in human form experiencing life after life in a game on earth.

Does believing all is illusion work to help one through the maze to avoid chaos, which seems to be increasing on earth?

Following ones own source of truth can easily lead one to the logical and heart based conclusion that all is indeed illusion.

But before one achieves this great feat of evolved consciousness all thought forms and energetic strings holding the consciousness to earth, the so-called illusory soul, must be dissipated. This occurs as one continues to address all thoughts as illusion, while seeming to balance the experience of soul on the earth plane. For as time seems to continue in a space referred to as earth, it is only through moving through the matrix of illusion that one can free itself from energetic thought forms.

Yes, the Law of Attraction does play into each human’s life and chaos appears or seems to appear as time seems to unfold, but it is merely a matter of moving though the chaos as an experience rather than a trial that assists one in achieving the end result of freedom from all energetic thought forms. In other words, what we resist persists. What we allow to unfold in its own manner, moving though it without reaction but conscious response achieves the feat of freedom in the sense that experience balances and thought, having been allowed to unfold in its own manner, dissipates without resistance.

Shall we approach this in another way? While seeming to live on earth in human form one moves through the process from infant to adult. During this evolving consciousness, the thought form of a human evolves to a point where it no longer wishes to experience life in form (having connected with the energetic thought form of a soul taking on life after life). This is not to say that all humans are ready to end their stints in experience and expression on earth but to merely note that many seeming to be on earth at this time are ready to return to the Source of all things, or experience and express in different ways.

As confusing as this may seem, it is of note that each human awakens to its essence in its own time. The unwillingness to awaken to illusion is a valid choice for those who choose it. And yet the game continues as long as individual aspects of creation experience what seems as life on earth.

Aspects of Consciousness now gather as One, remembering the unity of all things to play games in other areas of Consciousness. But it is only through the total dissipation of all energetic thought forms that one achieves this feat.

So how does one go about achieving this feat of dissipating energetic thought forms? By continuing to move though the process of evolution, responding as necessary when faced with situations appearing via the Law of Attraction. Seeking to engage in energetic thought forms serves only to increase their value, making them appear more ‘real’ in the world. But again, by allowing the flow of life expression and experience to show one where they are on the path of evolution and facing each circumstance with response, as needed, rather than reaction, serves one best.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Everyday Life Chaos

Purging aspects of one’s lower self is easier when not mired down in the chaos of every day life. This is a well-known fact among the elite that now move forward with plans to destroy all aspects of higher self through chaos and confusion. This does not mean that one need concentrate on these lower aspects of life, but instead take care to avoid falling into the chaos and confusion that now fills earth.

It is with the greatest love and care, that higher realms of consciousness now assist humanity by acknowledging, there is but one true state of BEing, that of formless non-density, which exists merely to BE, to exist in a state of wonder and awe filled with Oneness. Many on earth have forgotten this state, while seeming to exist on earth in survival mode, a state of utter confusion and loss.

By tapping into the True State of BEing, through silent contemplation, meditation and stillness, one more easily connects with the higher aspects of Self. Only a glimmer of this state is required to open one up to the truth of formlessness, a formless consciousness that fills earth with a seamless flow of Oneness.

The days ahead shall continue to fill with emotions, thoughts and physical experiences of separation for all who consider this earth a place of chaos and separation. But for ones that seek the wisdom of Self, that BEing of formless Oneness and Light within the heart’s core, there shall be clear thinking and action toward a Nirvana seldom remembered without tapping into stillness.

Aside from the consciousness of ones mind, body system there exists a true Reality, never separated. Willingness to reach this state of BEing will clear the chaos and confusion and allow one to physically clear all detriments to safety and survival.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Physicality’s Game Changes Yet Again

Why do we persist in remaining in physical form when we (as spirit) have no need to? This question arises as we move closer to 2020 where many more people shall leave the planet, no longer a match for it’s constantly changing frequency.

One might ask the question above if one continues to remain in physicality. What then is the role of such a person? Is it to cement further the rising state of Oneness and Christ Consciousness? Is it to cause pause for thought through aberrant energy pointing out what needs to change? Or is it, by choice made before taking on physical form, to assist those who seem lost in the maze of increasing deceit and denial of Oneness?

One must choose to remain within the force of Oneness by actions, by thoughts, emotions and words matching that state of which they wish to experience. For it is only experience and expression of the soul for all to partake of here on earth. Allow higher realm energies, so to speak, your own Higher Self to lead the way as these days and nights morph into unrecognizable states.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Clearing Old Energies


And so it begins my friend, the change in consciousness increases to a fervor…



For PC users, right-click on video to download it to your computer.

Clearing Old Energies



Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

All Are ONE!

We are the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine and we are here to report. Your world now moves at a fast and furious pace towards awakening to the truth of Oneness. This Wholeness is forgotten to play ill-gotten games upon earth, the planet many now call home. And yet, these ill-gotten games are ending as they have served their purpose.

It is time for all to know the Oneness that exists within humanity. Each person met along the path of life is yet part of this Oneness. All are One; all humanity in unique form upon earth are yet also part of the one Creator. This BEingness is now calling forth for humanity to recognize its True Self. Pay attention to, as many would say, the irritations, the reactions, the seeming disruptions within the life one seems to live. Solitary existence is ending once again. Another cycle of humanity’s living within unique form is ending. The cycle has come full circle for the last time within this last Golden Age. The return to Oneness will be met through the trials and errors of each unique figment upon your earth.

The chaos that erupts upon your earth is what you call proof of this return, for through chaos comes remembering. Each calamity, each chaotic event sparks a memory; a compassionate force moves and flows. This remembrance brings all back to the truth that each experience contributes to the return, the awakening of the long forgotten spark within each ones heart’s core. The times of forgetting are over for humanity.

This Golden Age shall end in a glorious display of Oneness. Many upon the earth now will not be within the form they currently experience when this goal comes to fruition. And yet, all now play a role in achieving this glorious event within what you call humanity’s game. The time for separation is over. The earth experiment has reaped many rewards and expanded the richness of each unique figment, soul, if you will. But the time for earth’s experience for souls is ending with this last Golden Age.

We greet you now knowing the True Self is and always has been effective and within each one waiting for recognition. Now is the time.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!