Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!
“Egotic personalities now step aside as higher aspects of consciousnesses permeate the globe of Oneness, Love and Light, the New Earth of humanity. It is with the greatest pleasure and respect that higher aspects of consciousnesses, of many that seem appearing within a matrix of illusion upon the time/space continuum known as earth, pour forth ready to be acknowledged and incorporated within seemingly human forms….
“As egotic personalities continue to awaken to the truth of sovereignty and freedom, other aspects of humanity move further along the evolutionary wave to lead as examples, as role models if you will, paving the way to further freedom, experience and expression of a soul. Egotic personalities have ruled the earth experience for thousands upon thousands of eons of time, and it is now time for them to evolve, unfolding from within the lotus blossom of knowledge, of truth, of the unity and Oneness of which all live, move and have all being.
“As these days and nights unfold upon the New Earth, many not ready to experience and express this unified Oneness will appear to leave the planet via various what many refer to as calamities. Waves of consciousness settling into the atmospheric conditions of earth cause great turmoil within and upon the Mother Earth ship. These waves causing physical, emotional, mental, and global disruptions within and upon the earth shall …
“…. Remaining steadfast in the truth of the Oneness in which all ultimately reside assists in moving through this evolutionary process.”
Full article in Book Of One : – ) Volume 6.