Tag Archives: Fear

Unprecedented Times

Humanity continues to move rapidly through unprecedented times, a cycle that repeats yet is different every time due to regression, or in this instance evolution. Weather patterns are not explainable to those not aware of cosmic frequencies and their effects upon weather. Those in power for hundreds of years are now in the last throes of unsuccessfully trying to hang on to control of humanity via various nefarious efforts. Systems continue to be questioned and will all subsequently change to serve for the highest good of all or recede into oblivion. All these things are signs of the Aquarian Age, which humanity now enters with fervor.

People are becoming increasingly confused, dismayed and emotional as all these conditions play out. Oddities will continue to occur upon Planet Earth for years to come, and yet the crux of occurrences is happening now and shall continue at an exacerbated rate for those locked into a sense of fear. It is important to know that free will still reigns and the love of humanity among its people will continue to lead all into a steady state of change for the highest good of all.

One must not be dismayed over current nor future circumstances, for as a seed grows into a caterpillar to then morph into a butterfly, so too is humanity in these stages of change. All upon Planet Earth will continue to match its frequency or leave earth’s haven.

  • Tipping Point Achieved
  • Envision Humanity’s New Earth
  • A Few Words About The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”
    Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her first child. Four years later in 2008, she was guided to begin publishing books to help humanity return to Oneness. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as Sharon reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates not only her 3-D experience but interactions with higher states of reality, 3-D, 4-D, 5-D and beyond. This multi-dimensionality is something many people now experience at increasing rates. If you are beginning to realize there is more to life than you thought, if you are already awakened and well on your path, this series offers verification, inspiration and timely tips to help you move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. As of August 2023 the Lightworker’s Log Book Series consists of 19 books.
    We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle, and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

    PS: Due to the fact that ai hides the Farcebook page of late when trying to do anything while logged on, I am not logging on until guided. If you wish to continue receiving these postings then check this website for updates.

    Time of Awakening

    Enjoy this excerpt from After Death Communications…WOW!

    “Today we are discussing insecurities and fears.

    “Much of humanity today lives in fear and appears insecure in their own reality. This state of existence stems from….

    “The missing piece to the puzzle of life is a knowledge of what and who humanity is as a whole and unique individuals. Humanity is part of the Whole of All That Is, with each unique human a vital part of that Whole. There is no way to remove this vital part for humans come into form holding a spark of the Divine within their heart. While very few humans recognize and nourish this vital part of their being, some hide it, masking it with drugs, alcohol and other things.

    “The time of awakening for much of humanity…. The power to co-create a better world lies within all humans. This power comes forth upon loss, upon trails and tribulations making one think, “Why, why did this happen and what can I do now?

    “Of course, all humans move though a period of disinterest until they fully accept the losses before them. Some remain in that inertia while others begin to move out into the light of day through reaching out to others. You see, humanity has become …  through trials and tribulations that humanity will now interact more fully with one another and ultimately recognize its Oneness.

    “I leave you with these thoughts. Are you moving through trails and tribulations? Are you, or have you, experienced great loss that shattered your way of living? This message is for those who resonate with these words. It is time to reach out and build your communities wherever you may be and in whatever subject you feel drawn to be within. It is time to gather together as humans and as souls with a job to do to make the world a more life-affirming place to live.

    “WOW out.”

    Full soul message for humanity within   “After Death Communications…WOW!” Consider supporting this website with a donation or by purchasing a print copy for yourself, a friend, or family member. And Know:

    There has never been a time more greater to play our role in this human drama, so recognize yours and reach out to those with the same role to play it to the HILT! Fully knowing my role, I do feel a moral responsibility, to assure that people know all sides of what appears now as a single narrative now forcefully designed to eliminate verifiable and factual occurrences, which will educate people and cause much pause for thought before acting. Find reliable information that you can verify on your own with the provided research links each week at http://www.thehighwire.com. PLEASE watch this interview of a man who worked for many of the ‘biggies’ making vaccines. It will be most likely alarming to all but especially to those that have received their so-called cure:

    Important Interview For Humanity


    After Death…Communications, WOW!

    After Death…Communications, WOW! By Sharon Ann Meyer.

    Description: This life is a journey of awakening to humanity’s true nature and yes, for me, it includes what seems to be the loss of not one but both of my beloved children. My son left his physical form via a tragic motorcycle accident on I-95 in the wee hours of a Palm Sunday morning. The date was 4/4/04 and my journey of awakening to our true nature arrived as we then communicated. His sister’s graduation to life, on the other side of this veil we have become accustomed to living behind, spurred me further toward the Oneness consciousness of which we truly are.

    After Death…Communications, WOW! is the thirteenth book in the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series.” It holds after-death communications, soul messages for humanity, that seemed to come from my beloved daughter, Wendy Olivia Wright, who took her own life on 12/4/15. She relates many messages concerning suicide and transitions, soul evolution, spiritual growth, the earth game, and global transformation. Allow these words to comfort, inform and inspire you!

    About the Author: Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM), author of the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series,” is an ordained minister, channel of higher realms, teacher, founder of SAM I AM PROductions – assisting humanity to find the Divine Spark within, and administrator of the popular Internet resource Lightworker’s Log. Spreading Spirit’s message of Oneness throughout the globe, SAM is a wayshower helping others to learn the truth of being so humanity can return unique figments back to All That Is.

    Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.
    Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion.

    Click Here For More
    “After Death Communications…WOW! Book Excerpts

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    Concise, Conscientious Thought Forms

    Once you understand thought forms as explained as thoroughly as possible during the times by C. W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, the entire game on earth changes. As noted in Far Journeys by author Robert Monroe, emotional energy is prized highly in this game of life. Although they offer opportunities for learning, emotions such as worry, anger, hatred, jealousy, and greed are negative and destructive. And unfortunately, as some know, there are those thought forms that feed upon the emotional energy of humanity.

    Emotional energy is highly prized in the forms of fear or love. Love carries a much higher vibration and yet it is the negativity of fear that allows the negative thought forms within and around and in the astral realms of humanity’s game to exist. And so the more we learn about thought forms, how they are formed through emotional energy, how they continue to exist and prosper through emotional energy and how they are dissipated into the nothingness from whence all things came, through neutrality; we learn to be very concise and conscientious about our own thoughts. For it is only through being concise and conscientious with our own thought forms that we shall rid ourselves and humanity of the negativity and fear that seems to exist today.

    Find detailed, practical information on dealing with thoughts and beliefs, using real life situations, in the first two books of the Lightworker’s Log Book Series:

    The End of My Soap Opera Life : – ) Book One: Death of the Sun
    Click Above  Link For More Information

    Book Two: A Change in Perception
    Click Above  Link For More Information

    Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”.

    Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
    The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of October 2023, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of 18 books

    Neutrality’s Vibrational Benefits

    Anyone with half a brain can tell you this world is out of control, with ever-changing concepts and persuasions meant to direct mass consciousness into a frenzy of fear and control. But wait, there’s a much bigger picture to be seen, one beyond the false illusion of masking one’s face to mask the True Self. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

    As a multidimensional human with the ability to see numerous timelines, I can say, for me, the bottom line, as many know, is that it only matters in matter and, lo and behold, humanity’s True Reality is way beyond the confines of earth life. That being said, it’s important to play the earth game while seeming to be here, following clues offered by our soul, for those astute enough to tap into those clues, and to be aware of a bigger picture than what mass consciousness seems to believe. For each reaction, each emotion and each thought plays a role in maintaining, raising or lowering the body’s vibrational rate.

    For review, a high vibrational rate helps one to avoid illness and falling prey to the whims of other people. Our normal vibratory rate is between 62-68 MHz and our brain functions optimally between 72-90 MHz, which some of us are able to maintain, if for only short periods. When the body vibration lowers to 58 MHz it can “catch a cold”; at 57 MHz the flu; 55 MHz candida, 52 MHz Epstein Barr; 42 MHz cancer and at 25 MHz transition begins. So we can see how vital it is to avoid anything that lowers the body’s vibrational rate, from negative thoughts such as fear, to tests and medical treatments, to hypoxia from stemming the flow of oxygen to our body, etc.

    One of the best ways to positively manipulate our own vibrational rate is by maintaining neutrality, knowing we are much more than this limited human form. We can further raise and keep our vibrational rate high by being creative, joking, singing, dancing, avoiding mainstream media and watching comedies instead, getting out into nature to ground, etc.

    For me, it seems important to know the possibilities, which may affect my ability to secure food and water or maintain a stable living situation. Being able to tap into my own network to alert me of global and local possibilities comes easily while maintaining a high vibrational rate, and this blessing is unmatched by any other.

    Tapping into our Higher Self is vital at this time. For those with higher vibrational rates, it’s good to know we can do this easily by placing our hands on our heart, maintaining silence and asking for guidance throughout the day.

    SAM I AM (and YOU are too!)

    Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”.
    Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates ascension tools and tips, and multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
    The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of 11-11-23, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of 19 books.

    The hardcover Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies is now available.

    The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun

    Book Two: A Change in Perception

    Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation

    Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log

    Bits of Wisdom

    Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

    Book of One 🙂 Volume 2

    Book of One 🙂 Volume 3

    Book of One 🙂 Volume 4

    Book of One 🙂 Volume 5

    Book of One 🙂 Volume 6

    Return to Light: John of God Helps

    After Death Communications…WOW!

    Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures

    Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

    Earth Angels

    Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log

    Adventures in Greece and Turkey

    We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
    Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds. Use the above associated links to purchase books. SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
    Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to the address above.

    Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. P.S: Amber, Myrrh, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are listed on a Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”)

    Loving You!

    Spring Equinox Message

    Fear not as all things change in your world…

    Spring Equinox Message

    Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books.
    Book of One Series
    Book of One : – ) Volume 1

    Book of One : – ) Volume 2

    Book of One : – ) Volume 3

    Book of One : – ) Volume 4

    Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.
    Book of One : – ) Volume 5
    Book Of One : – ) Volume 5

    This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
    Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

    Contact Page!

    E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times.

    Loving You!

    Experience More By Using Your Sixth Sense!

    “Move on in your state of awareness. As you know, your focus determines your awareness. In other words, what you choose to focus on in your mind and emotions becomes more solid in your world. Many of those seeming physical forms outside what seems as your form are here to play the continuing game of separation, and in this timeline the experience shall be quite different than in the experience of those few desiring to experience greater aspects of the Self.

    “Each soul chose upon coming into form to awaken at varied states of consciousness and to sense the greater aspects of human life in new ways. But the time is here for all to choose again, for humanity has gifted itself with the choice to again chose its experience using the five and now sixth sense detected by those willing to experience more open avenues of the human mind.

    “As humanity moves into this great awakening more fully, it shall become strikingly apparent, the timelines cross one another with each emotion, which carries the human form to yet another experience. We do not wish to alarm you, but it is vital to now monitor emotion and thought as some who play the game, from more conscious aspects, which some humans may know as seedy or even evil, again manipulate the unknowing masses to meet and further their own agendas of greed and control.

    “As many move though this process of life, determining their path and timeline with emotions and thoughts, we again ask: What do you choose when faced with fearful conditions?

    “This alone will lead one to another space of time in the timeline of humanity. Those choosing fear will be faced with fear after fear until they leave the planet or choose the choice of love, for it is nigh time to end the game of duality where one may be controlled by another though power and greed.

    “We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we are here as a group of souls, having been in human form at other times in what appears to be humanity’s spectrum of linear events, to assist those ready to awaken to the truth of Oneness and Love.”

    Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

    Souls Of One Speak

    “As you move though these changes of physicality, know you are watched and guided by those helpful unseen realms. We are with you as you awaken to meet your chosen day. We are with you as you choose to move through that day filled with love or fear. And we know you shall always reap the experience you alone choose to experience. We ask you to consider the best possible choice for the growth of your soul.

    “Yes, we are aware that many do not believe in the birth and death of soul thought-forms, for various reasons, but we ask that you become aware that there are always choices to make as long as you seem to be a body in form on earth.

    “The vast changes before humanity now coalesce into a mix of ecstasy and agony as all becomes aware, you are not alone in any sense of the word. We are with you as you move though these vast changes and we ask you to consider, ‘Will I achieve the soul’s growth?’

    “We are the Souls Of One here to convey this vital message to all who care to listen. The Souls Of One are a conglomeration of all souls chosen to be in earth form for the purpose of extending the knowledge of Oneness throughout humanity and the Cosmos. We too shall dissipate as all thought-forms merge at the end of time.”

    Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts.

    Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

    Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!