Tag Archives: Dimensional Reality

Group Meditation

As those on earth remain unaware of what is occurring, a great awakening, those aware of this mass effort of humanity continue to function in groups telepathically communicating. Shifting the earth into its future state is not an easy task, but the formation and continuation of these earthly group consciousnesses will continue to assure that humanity as a whole increases awareness of their true state of being.

These physically unseen connections are necessary for efforts to try and keep humanity in lower states of consciousness continue, creating circumstances which can create once again gross disturbances for humanity as a whole. However, multiple group consciousnesses of awakened and awakening humans grouping together telepathically, continuing to envision the new earth, shall overcome the efforts of these dark forces. This is not to say there will not be disruptions for there shall be as multiple disruptions are planned through years 2025 through 2030. At that time the planning has been stopped for the dark forces fully believe they will have taken control of humanity. However, this is not to be so, for the group consciousnesses filled with LIGHT and LOVE shall have overcome all circumstances detrimentally affecting humanity.

It is high time for each and every unique human individual to consider joining those unseen group consciousnesses that continue to make a difference within the astral states of awareness and the earth as most know it. Consider joining your consciousness with these groups and know your efforts make a mighty difference in assuring that the freedom of humanity remains unlimited and unsequestered. It seems best to move between certain groups in meditation that formed organically, knowingly or unknowingly as part of the New Group of World Servers, to join in meditation that continues to support co-creation in a field of Oneness, LOVE and LIGHT.

Thank you!

Everything on this website is free to all who visit, but to be clear, the cost of building and maintaining this website is not free at all. It takes not only vast amounts of time and effort, but money to pay for website hosing and other costs related to assisting humanity. Consider balancing giving and receiving in the form of a donation it you find anything on this website of use to you. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one with an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, PRINTED books do not require devices that house abberant frequencies, and microwave the eyes, nor can they be changed or controlled by third-parties. Use associated links to purchase any of SAM’s books. Contact the author if you have comments, suggestions or questions.

Galactic Federation Of Light Warning

Intestines pop like popcorn throughout this communication—received in late July 2024—and at one point, repeated coughing as the body adjusts to a much greater stream of frequencies of consciousness. Sharing seemed out of the question then, mainly due to the revelation that there would still be four more years of trying times to move through. But I share it now upon seeing what is occurring today, and knowing the importance of holding a steady grid for those able and willing to do so, because they will not be as affected.

“We wish to inform and impress upon those of earth: the choices made today create the future of tomorrow. Of course, this is a well-known fact, and yet it is playing a hefty role in cementing the New Earth, and ways of old for those on that path of experience and expression. Choose your timeline carefully and know the choices made continue to cement that timeline into solid physical reality.

“Yes, for those that know, all is illusion, yet the game continues to play—and it must be played out in what seems a physical atmosphere of ones choosing. The pressure of this atmosphere continues to change with incoming galactic frequencies planned for eons of time. The steady state of incoming frequencies shall not subsist (manage to survive) for quite some time, for those that hold what can be referred to as a steady state of conscious choice creating it will make it necessary to balance the scales, so to speak, for those choosing much different experience and expression.

“We the Galactic Federation of Light know that in these trying times it is of utmost concern to most humans to remain in a steady state of peace and calm while moving through unceasing survival issues. We wish to inform and impress upon those upon earth that this state of unceasing survival issues shall continue for four more years and yet, it is but a whisper away for those maintaining a steady state of conscious awareness balanced in higher frequencies of the New Earth.

“Those remaining in place know who they are in truth, steady anchors, pillars of LIGHT holding the grid—the web of photonic light for all of humanity. Remember the choices made must continue to center within the highest good of all concerned and not just the few.

“We leave now as the channel adjusts to yet greater frequencies of consciousness within what seems as a physical frame. We remain available for those willing and able to tap into the more evolved conscious state of their own experiences and expressions, not only upon what seems as a Planet Earth but other realms of illusion within the experience of a Monadic Essence.”

As a single human it’s easy to see the many, many times timelines changed, with each child’s transition, with each marriage, with each divorce, with each move the experience changed, and set ways of living were relinquished to make way for greater ways of living and being. With each change in beliefs and perceptions it becomes easier to move through the process of jumping timelines. Becoming consciously aware of the Seven Keys (emotions, thoughts, words, deeds, reactions, responses, neutrality) in maintaining a steady forward movement in consciousness continues to be the best choice for at least what seems as me. For those interested, the latest book PREPARING FOR DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE holds many tips and tools to assist us in jumping timelines to reach the best possible one upon our physical transition, for consciousness does NOT die but continues on in other states of experience and expression.

Also, Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures assists us in making sense of certain occurrences when tapping into our innate multidimensionality, and After Death Communications…WOW holds wisdoms and information for those experiencing the loss of loved ones.

Frequencies And Warnings

Channel’s Note: Please refer to the earlier channel “Etheric Body Protection” before reading this one. The communication below makes it clear that humanity is dealing with much more than protecting the Etheric Body. I cannot stress enough the necessity of always seeking ones own inner knowing before submitting themselves to tests and procedures that will cause the final result that is mentioned below…

“Tuning into possibilities and probabilities of sequential timelines is a matter of maintaining a steady flow of consciousness. All frequencies exist, all timelines, all possibilities, all probabilities; all accessed in the same space in which humanity seems to exist. This space is unlimited to infinity and beyond, as the saying goes. This space is only reached by those few humans with the ability to hone consciousness, to hone awareness of various frequencies including their own body’s frequency.

“Honing frequencies is a matter of determining the differences between the frequencies within the bodies of consciousness in which humanity continues to experience and express. It is but for a short time, in terms of what we the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine perceive to be, before more humans will hone the ability to move between various bodies of consciousness, thereby tapping into multiple experiences and expressions within their own field of consciousness, for each conglomeration of experience and expression is unique to each human. And yet, experience and expressions of multiple timelines in multiple form and formless states continues unabated. These experiences and expressions of each unique, human individual in multiple form and formless states can be accessed through steady effort, will, and the honing of recognizing frequencies. Each frequency is different, wavering in its ability to maintain the state of Consciousness, which holds it within its own unique frequency of consciousness.

“The Consciousness in which humanity lives continues to drastically change opening possibilities for further evolution. Each unique, human individual continues to increase the ability to tap into its own experiences and expressions in form and formless states within its own range of conscious awareness. Continuing to exist within ones own frequency shall carry each unique, human individual to this more evolved state in an organic manner.

“We do not wish to alarm, but it is necessary to alert humanity to the manipulation of human consciousness through inorganic methods. Remember the inorganic methods to attain greater evolution shall continue to make it difficult for those employing these methods to tap into and display soul consciousness. Consequently, the soul consciousness within those employing inorganic methods shall be lost, and those choosing to employ these inorganic methods, if continued through various lifetimes shall become what may be referred to as ‘lost souls.’

“The organic states of consciousness, of evolutionary methods, continue to serve one best. Greater and greater glimpses of probabilities and possibilities remain available for those retaining organic methods of recognizing frequencies and honing the ability to tap into those steady streams.”

Everything on this website is free to all who visit, but to be clear, the cost of building and maintaining this website is not free at all. It takes not only vast amounts of time and effort, but money to pay for website hosing and other costs related to assisting humanity. Consider balancing giving and receiving in the form of a donation it you find anything on this website of use to you. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one with an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, PRINTED books do not require devices that house abberant frequencies, and microwave the eyes, nor can they be changed or controlled by third-parties. Use associated links to purchase any of SAM’s books. Contact the author if you have comments, suggestions or questions.


Keep in mind as you read that I am not an expert in any sense of the word, and hold very little book knowledge of astrology or anything else! Take what resonates with you and discard the rest as I share bits of information gleaned from both theosophical and esoteric sources.

Energies continue to be erratic as full moons, planetary alignments, coronal holes in the sun, and more assist humanity up the evolutionary spiral, known as the Ascending Arc. And in case you are not consciously aware, mass exodus from Planet Earth has accelerated. It now steps up with yet another unprecedented wave as bright Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, along with the less visible Uranus and Neptune appear together in the same part of the sky in the evening of January 25, 2025. This collection of planets along with Mercury, which is seen in the morning, is in part responsible for seeding humanity. Mercury is seen along with the waning crescent moon that lies close to red Antares, the gateway to Andromeda.

For those unaware, the sacred planet of Venus is to earth what the Higher Self is to man. Uranus is the 7th major planet outward from our sun, and Neptune is the 8th planet outward from the sun. Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Vulcan—a planet no one seems to be mentioning—all affect the fusion of body and soul. Neptune and Uranus are associated with spiritual awakening and universal connection.

Each planet offers its own spiritual energy, and their influences affect everything upon and within earth. These influences may catalyze shifts in collective consciousness and societal trends sparking global changes and cultural transformations. This is not a chance of a lifetime, but one of countless lifetimes that offers opportunities to move on in experience and expression, not only for already departed souls, but those ready to make this lifetime’s physical transition. It’s a new game of leap frog, offering the opportunity for souls to follow the chain of aligned sacred and non-sacred planets, to choose their next destination of experience and expression. This is an opportunity to return to the Logos, if one is in that state of body and mind, and if one so chooses.

As composite beings, we are derived in part from the Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Earth. Each of them (and other Cosmic Elements and Forces in the Solar System), are all innately connected to function as a whole new system of experience and expression upon Mother Earth. It is my understanding that this group of planets seen in the same part of the sky aligns our bodies of consciousness as never before.

We are experiencing a shift that has not occurred for approximately 26,000 years, and not only have free will, but also the ability to be transmitters and receivers of energy (information) from all of the cosmos. Each major chakra within the physical body is associated with a planet. And those planets are: Saturn; Mars; Jupiter; Venus; Mercury; Moon; and the Sun. Each planet brings specific spiritual influences and energies creating a portal for growth, manifestation, and spiritual insight. All seven of these planets that seeded Mother Earth are now visible. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Vulcan, Uranus, and Neptune are referred to as ‘sacred’ meaning they are expressive of the soul and spirit. Mars, Pluto, Earth, the Sun, and the Moon—the symbol and ruler of form—are non-sacred, meaning they are expressive of the personality.

This planetary alignment, a junction point, is a two-way street also allowing greater frequencies of LIGHT—for Planet Earth will no longer support denser energies to enter. Incoming life-atoms now affect humanity with greater frequencies of Consciousness making it possible to further evolve via divine timing. We can communicate with energetic essences of certain planets upon reaching the point where our matching body of consciousness attunes. Communications stemming from more evolved aspects of ourselves are more likely to occur than those messages from more evolved consciousnesses outside of our soul’s experiences and expressions in a single solar system. There are, however, those times that a more evolved human with purified body and mind can reach experiences and expressions of what may be referred to as their very own Monadic consciousnesses. These rare occasions are possible when frequencies are more matched due to planetary frequency alignments, such as those of January 25, 2025!

DNA transformation, a collective evolutionary process, is also heightened at this momentous time. Human bodies continue to feel the effects of this month’s planetary display even though cloudy skies may block physical eyes from seeing it.

This time of great opportunity beckons everyone to make the changes necessary to remain and prosper, or leave the planet to carry on soul experience and expression in other ways. Each planet that seeded humanity calls now for Mother Earth’s inhabitants to make the choice: leave to return to the home base or continue on to move through, as enLIGHTened souls, to and through the Logos to experience and express in other solar systems. It is a rare opportunity to do so and allowed only to those old souls who have relinquished all personalities from all expressions of existence.

I do not mean this in an unnatural way, but only as an opportunity for those with open minds to consider the choices of not only their own soul but those they may still be attached to in some form of matter. For it is only in allowing others to make their own choices, and to allow those choices without regret, that one then becomes able to make those same choices, along with the soul’s calling when still in bodily form.

Connecting to these energetic portals of consciousness is easier during times of meditation, spiritual practices, and intention-setting, so set your intention NOW!

Everything on this website is free and donations to keep it operating are very much appreciated. Support those who support you.
It is as simple as that.

If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Myrrh, Amber, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”). Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log AND/OR the Book of One 🙂 Series. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.

Death And Afterlife

“Ancient wisdoms and tips to prepare for death and the afterlife.”

Guidance continues… Enjoy!
Hardcover PREPARNG FOR DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE holds ancient wisdoms and practical tips to assist in the process of physical transition and the life that follows. Seven chapters cover the importance of preparing for physical death and the afterlife; why there is no ultimate death; bodies of consciousness; life after physical death; preparing for life after physical death; making a conscious transition; and the shift to Oneness. International Digital Copy!

Remember, the vital need to retain our body and soul sovereignty is CRUCIAL!


As humanity continues to move through disclosure after disclosure, each revelation brings it to the wholeness of which it came to experience and express in human form! Hints of this dismantling came first in 2008 and are noted in “The Business Of Channeling—Lifting The Veil” published in Book Of One : – ) Volume 1 This volume is an excellent bedside companion for spirits in human form who are wondering how tapping into higher frequencies occurs, and it holds much inspiration and food for thought.

Enjoy this Reminder!

The Business Of Channeling
Lifting The Veil

Right Click on This Link to Download!

Watch this video (published in Book Of One : – ) Volume 2 ) to learn of a communication about weather conditions, which can be manipulated in some frequencies of living.

Assist Yourself

Right Click on This Link to Download!

Enjoy This Opportunity To Participate in World Healing!

World Healing Meditation

Right Click on This Link to Download!



Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit Lightworker’s Log Book Series to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Namaste


The Galactic Federation wishes to inform those of Mother Earth of the mainframe of humanity’s consciousness, which continues to grossly erupt into periods of chaos and utter confusion. Know that in coming days many more sightings shall occur, and it is these sightings that are not of our nature that shall cause the most chaos and confusion. Be aware that all Galactic Federation ships are silent, do not make noise, can appear and disappear, move beyond the speed of Light, and never lingers over specific areas that are not adjusted to higher frequencies.

Remain aware that there are those within the mass consciousness of humanity striving ceaselessly to continue manipulations of the public’s emotions. We of the Galactic Federation do not wish to stir negative emotions, but remain protective of the propensities to move toward greater frequencies of LIGHT, LOVE and Harmony for all. Continue to remain within your own space of consciousness to avoid undue harm from those that wish to manipulate emotions to the negative side.

All now watch from greater frequencies of consciousness, for ripple effects continue to occur affecting the broad spectrum of the illusion in which all consciousness resides. Know that the propensities each unique human individual holds within shall continue to erupt into greater states of BEingness when sequestered within ones own space of Primary Consciousness. Primary Consciousness is always available solely within ones own physical complex including the mind and spirit bodies. Primary Consciousness will never seek to sway ones emotions to the negative side of separation, for unity remains solely an aspect of Primary Consciousness.

We leave you now knowing the gross changes now taking place upon Planet Earth, and within those select few desiring experience and expression within higher frequencies of consciousness, shall continue to be pushed to the very limits not traversed in prior years nor lifetimes. These limits shall continue to morph each, unique human physicality into a body of consciousness with the ability to relate with and interact with greater frequencies largely unknown to mass consciousness as a whole. Continuing this process of physical evolution shall remain the utmost experience of an illusory reality that now seeks to awaken humanity from the dream of persistent and gross limitation.

As many previous blogs, this one is included in the Book Of One : – ) Series. Book Of One :- ) Volume 5 holds many channels very pertinent to today’s world.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series. Support your Self, a loved one or a friend by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets that emit microwave frequencies.
Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books:
Book of One : – ) Volume 1

Book of One : – ) Volume 2

Book of One : – ) Volume 3

Book of One : – ) Volume 4

Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.

Book of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

Contact Page!

Go To Lightworker’s Log Main Page

The Return

There is nothing missing. There is nothing lost. There is nothing gained. All is here. All is now. All shall continue to be coalesced consciousnesses merging together, returning to the consciousness of the Oneness from which all things come. Nothing is to be gained or lost in coming days as humanity moves through yet another seemingly arduous time of chaos, confusion, distraught, and dismay.

Continuing to tap into the higher aspect of one’s self will always reap the greater benefit to assist one wholly and fully to move around the mass confusion caused by imbalance in words, thoughts, emotion, and deeds. Not recognizing the Oneness in which all things derive, many now act out in the confusion of not knowing why the turmoil continues to exist seemingly within what seems a physical form.

Know that in coming days and weeks the illusionary nature of matter shall continue to be revealed through gross acts, and yet it is only the uncovering of the shining facet of the diamond of which one is. Yet another undisclosed fact comes forth to reveal to all that humanity is not only NOT alone in the universe, but of a substantial nature, of beingness, as compared to less evolved aspects of consciousness. And yet, humanity has much to learn, to experience, to evolve to greater aspects of its very own self, which have already been played out within the field of consciousness. This is to say, all is here, all is now in one state having already occurred, and yet seeming to be in a timeline within a time/space continuum that holds a past, present, and future.

Many know that tapping into that zero-point consciousness within the present moment reveals all things to be known by that particular, unique human consciousness, based upon that particular unique human’s evolutionary progress. This is to say that each human being taps into the consciousness within it’s self that is more evolved, thereby leading it into greater aspects of awareness of what it truly is.

There are many that choose not to move into these greater aspects of evolution, and as previously revealed, they shall continue to leave current physical form to take on yet another new form upon a new Planet Earth, for yes, there are many evolutionary progressions of Planet Earth just as there are evolutionary progressions of what seems as a human form.

Know that in coming days, weeks, and months there shall continue to be confusion, chaos, and turmoil for those not understanding the true nature of Reality. But for those that understand the experience and expression unfolding along the path of consciousness of which they travel the chaos, confusion, and turmoil shall be limited to that which remains unbalanced within themselves.

We aspects having moved through this chaos, confusion and turmoil, many times via many time/space continuum experiences and expressions, shall continue to merge with the consciousnesses of lesser and greater evolved aspects of the very own consciousness which chose to experience and express on what seems as a Planet Earth for the purpose of balancing all souls expressions.

We leave you now knowing the consciousness of which much of humanity seeks now unfolds in a timely, progressively much greater state than ever before.
~ ~ ~ ~
Guided to publish a book about family power games, and then 18 more surface… The Lightworker’s Log Book Series . The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates ascension tools and tips, and multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates.

Focus On Space Holding

Focusing solely on what is life-affirming, pleasurable, joyful, healthy, and created in an atmosphere of the clarity of Oneness serves best at this, yet another, momentous time in humanity’s history. There is much yet to be uncovered and transmuted as we continue to burrow down the rabbit hole. Each shocking disclosure is a challenge to remain in the Oneness that now leads humanity into a much more life-affirming stage of consciousness. Please recall, each reaction leads to an experience based upon the reaction. In other words, if one reacts negatively to something that seems abhorrent, or to something that seems justified, it leads to experiencing more of the same type of disclosures and experiences UNTIL one realizes all things are a part of each aspect of the whole. It remains vital to hold space for those life-affirming and higher frequencies by maintaining concentration upon them!

We envisioned this game, and continue to envision it, as the Masters that we are, deciding to experience and express in a reality of free will while trying to maintain a neutral composure filled with Love. But at various points in our grand adventure we decide to change the game to include more confusion, chaos, and darkness, for, as souls we are unable to experience and express in this manner UNLESS encased in a limited frame of existence, i.e. a human form. Having experienced and expressed all states of human existence, we now are returning to the LIGHT and WHOLENESS from which we came, ever so slowly… However, some of us, as human egos have decided that the earth experience and expression is not to be ended, for various reasons.

There are some things that I, seeming to be one of those now slowly returning to the LIGHT from whence we came, will now impart. Absolutely EVERYTHING we focus on brings more of the same to our field of consciousness, just like the algorithms that guide our experience on social media. NO ONE has the exact same experience, and the more one follows the ‘feed’ the more that ‘feed’ continues in the same old circle of experience, unending until we act differently.

Now, as a human, with, dare I mention, experience and expression in darker areas of manipulative reality, it is easy to detect falsities. They are clearly apparent upon first discovering them in my unique ‘feed’ whether that ‘feed’ is on social media, unfolded as a new ‘wonderful discovery’ for the masses to use, in what seems as other people, places, etc. Therefore, one alerted by a wonderful innate now fully functioning G(guidance)P(protection)S(support) system, I accept these negative aspects as parts of my own experience and expression as a soul within souls, and move on to greater frequencies.

As a mass consciousness, if we desire evolution in the Age of Aquarius, we canNOT continue to focus on these aspects of negativity, for it feeds them to exist. But we can focus our full attention into opposite methods of experience and expression and bring these ways into our field of existence. Remember, everyone we see and interact with is a part of our self waiting to be recognized and accepted. For instance, when one reacts to an instance of depravity or downright evil, we can recognize that it IS an aspect of ourselves, which has now served its purpose to experience and express EVERYTHING in what seems as a human form. We can then switch channels after this recognition to now feed our reality with emotions, thoughts, words, deeds, and responses of higher frequencies.

Of course, this method of living is not for everyone because there are still what seem as some people who wish to ignore those negative aspects of ourselves by projecting them outside ourselves…

There are many more articles on this website (all from the Lightworker’s Log Book Series) on Focus, Reaction, Response, Neutrality, Emotion, Thought, and Words, but suffice it to say: What we focus on throughout our day, what we strongly react to, what we feed, continues to play out during sleeping hours. AND, dare I say, upon physical death while moving through the astral world of our existence!

This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009, and knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

New Audible

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 (Lightworker’s Log), helps readers by showing how the unfoldment of Consciousness from within begins. It is now available for purchase on Audible, and is also available on iTunes and Amazon. This volume is especially useful to those who came to earth to make a positive difference during the Great Shift now experienced by humanity!

Sample of Book Of One (Lightworker’s Log) Volume 2

US Link


This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009, and knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.