Energies continue to intensify making life challenging for those consciously aware of the DNA morphing process. For what seems as a me, memory issues are most bothersome, making it difficult to accomplish tasks. Guidance continues to stress focus on caring for the physical host organically, mainly with extra spring water bottled at the source, extra rest, and much more down time.There are many mentions of the DNA morphing process in the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”, specfically as experienced and moved through.
But, sometimes it’s easier to post someone elses’ information. So, in case you are wondering: https://www.disclosurenews.it/cosmic-frequency-news-21-march-2025-further-up-in-the-energies/ “…The general “symptoms” of high cosmic energy are the following. They have been given before many times, but people are still asking about them:
1. Exhaustion (even after obtaining a good night’s sleep)
2. Inability to get to sleep at night or constant awakening every two to three hours and feeling restless
3. Strange aches and pains in muscles and joints or in the back and neck
4. Rapid heart rhythms
5. Anxiety
6. Depression
7. Constipation or diarrhea
8. Nausea
9. Feeling angry or irritated for no known reason
10. Blurry vision, runny eyes, or clearer vision than normal
11. Sore gums or throat
12. Heightened sense of smell
13. Memory loss (forgetting where certain things were placed or if something was done already)
14. Headaches—some so severe that they are like migraines
15. Lack of appetite or a voracious appetite
16. Lack of thirst or tremendous thirst
17. Itchy rashes on the skin suddenly developing
18. Clogged sinuses
19. Breathing issues when air quality in the atmosphere is poor
20. Beginning to question everything even taught since childhood
21. Heat surges and some sweating
22. Consistent coughing
23. Sneezing constantly like having an allergic reaction
“The above are only repetitions of some of the many “symptoms” of “LIGHT ACTIVATIONS”.
“Of course, for those who have not been taking proper care of themselves and who are regularly ingesting chemical drugs, eating poor quality food, submitting themselves to constant radiation, always under stress, then a health issue may actually be occurring that has nothing to do with cellular upgrading and transformational re-birthing….”
Remember, focus= EXPERIENCE so do try to distract yourself from body issues, after taking organic steps to soothe them. And for those still locked in the broken care system, remember EVERYTHING in or on the body affects its vibrational rate, delaying the DNA morphing process.