Category Archives: Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures
NEVER Alone!
Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!
For the past few weeks it seems as if Wendy has again began to check in on what seems as a mom who lost her daughter more than seven years ago, after seeming to lose her son many years before. Her energy has been triggering my new DVD player to eject DVDs while movies are playing, to the point where I am forced to listen, yes, after sometimes several times of restarting the player and returning to the chapter where the movie abruptly ended. So days ago, I silently agreed it would be nice to interact with Wendy again. And now during yet another rain storm she comes through as I study.
“Just hang loose Momma, hang loose and sit back to watch the efforts of the few and the many as we of higher realms continue to monitor progress of all concerned. Remember, what happens on earth affects all realms of reality and it is only in recognition of this fact that humanity will continue to move forward to the recognition and return to the nameless BEing in which all things exist.”
At this point, as usual, I silently note it is just my own consciousness silently saying and hearing these words.
“Yes, it is all you, but again, allow this part of you, this departed physical aspect from your own body, to guide and support, not only what appears as you but others seeming outside you as well.
“Thank you for again agreeing to allow me, Wendy Olivia Wright to come through as humanity moves through this most gruesome process in the awakening for all. Do not focus on the losses or detrimental aspects, which now will be right before eyes and ears of all concerned, but remain focused on the BIGGER picture, the Wholeness, Love and Light of which all consciousness is and remains within.”
At this point, the words I am typing into my non-connected to the Internet, 15-year-old perfectly functioning laptop begin to jump up into sentences already typed, a sign of my physical frequency not being able to keep up with the unseen stream so I stop typing for a second to do what is necessary to keep the channel correct as ‘heard’ and adjust to the frequency. As noted in “Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures,” this adjustment to higher frequencies is something we will all eventually accomplish when consciously raising the body’s vibrational rate.
“I now take my leave knowing your last few days have been quite a bit more active and distracting than usual. Stay in your heart Momma, stay in your heart and remember you are NEVER alone!”
Desiring to assist and share this message with those who may resonate with it I am guided to post it on my website even though I usually do not share personal messages. These last few months have filled with more physical activity, preparing for what could occur, and more connection with what I refer to as my human monad, and ever so fleetingly spiritual monad, resulting in more world service, so watching romantic comedies (sometimes many, many times such as “Just Like Heaven”, “New In Town” “Backup Plan” and “Leap Year”) have become a welcome activity and highlight of the day.
Remember, we all hold the Power within to make our life better.
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Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures
Multidimensional Living:
Moving Beyond Astral Adventures
“Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures” By Sharon Ann Meyer.
Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures is dedicated to humanity as we collectively move up the spiral of evolution to once again become multidimensional beings in form and formless states.
We are becoming multidimensional HU-mans!
We are all meant to be multidimensional HU-mans, unfolding the god-given gifts of clairvoyance and intuition, which helps us to see, hear, and know more than what our usual five senses allow. In Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures author Sharon Ann Meyer offers a collection of selected examples beyond limited 3D-4D frequencies and gives us glimpses of how a multidimensional HU-man lives in today’s world. In addition to discussing human potentials, beginning astral frequency adventures, precognitive dreams, and changing reality while in the Astral Realm, the author describes numerous instances of multidimensional living made possible by tapping into our built-in natural gifts.
We are all meant to be multidimensional HU-mans, unfolding the god-given gifts of clairvoyance and intuition, which helps us to see, hear, and know more than what our usual five senses allow. In Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures author Sharon Ann Meyer offers a collection of selected examples beyond limited 3D-4D frequencies and gives us glimpses of how a multidimensional HU-man lives in today’s world. In addition to discussing human potentials, beginning astral frequency adventures, precognitive dreams, and changing reality while in the Astral Realm, the author describes numerous instances of multidimensional living made possible by tapping into our built-in natural gifts.
This fourteenth book in the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” is a collection of life experiences helping readers to understand aspects of consciousness, and it gives hope to those experiencing unprecedented struggle and strife.
About the Author: Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM), author of the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series,” is a minister (ordained by Sanctuary of the Beloved Church Priesthood and Order of Melchizedek), channel of higher realms, metaphysical teacher, founder of SAM I AM PROductions and administrator of the popular Internet resource, Lightworker’s Log.
Spreading Spirit’s message of Oneness throughout the globe, SAM is a wayshower helping humanity to learn the truth of being so humanity can unfold from within and return all unique figments back to All That Is.
There is much happening that cannot be explained, nor ignored, so continue to focus on the BIGGER picture! Stay hydrated with good quality SPRING water, if you can get it, rest as needed, and eat wholesome organic foods. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009. This mission has resulted in a gross disruption in living circumstances, but knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues, albeit while now living in what many may refer to as “the belly of the beast,” and yet protected and continually guided. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.
I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series. Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of moving between frequencies/dimensions of reality, ascension tools, light ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2022 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 volumes.
Find Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures on Amazon.