We are in the process of transporting many pages from the Lightworker’s Log Website so visit Lightworker’s Log for links to videos and articles and more!
Moving Through Chaos
“As one moves through these times it is important to remember you are a spirit in human form. It is time to bear witness to the falsities of the 3-D world. During these next few months as things ripen to a peak of chaos, you shall bear witness to these falsities as the 3-D earth finally moves forward in consciousness. This consciousness is more in tune with Gaia as she too steps up, so to speak, matching the vibration more closely in tune with other planets immersed in the Oneness of All.
“These next few months will be cumbersome at best. Those who have prepared, in mind, in physicality, shall move through the process more gracefully. Those not yet awakened will be immersed fully in the chaos and not prepared for what is to come. Remember, this is an experience in the mind of humanity, of which all souls on earth agreed to. Moving though these levels, these states of consciousness, one shall find many (people) who are not in tune with their own states of awareness. Allow these precious souls to come to their own conclusions, through their own experiences, and judge them not, for recall each soul has chosen to experience uniquely on this earth. Each experience and each expression of each soul holds a unique signature of a unique soul, having a unique experience in its own small mind, if you will, for lack of a better word.
“During these next few months, before your Summer months arrive, the consciousness on earth shall shift to be more in tune with the Christ Consciousness it is headed for fully. Know, again, not all souls have agreed to awaken to this Christ Consciousness or move into this Christ Consciousness. Albeit, few will move toward this consciousness with the knowledge they are a conscious, sentinel being. As these days and months unfold on your earth, remember, judge not lest ye too fall sway to the separation many souls have chosen to experience.
“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we wish all to know assistance from your own higher self is but a whisper away in your own small mind of one.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at Comments and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!
Ascension And Christ Consciousness
“Those that wish to do so now move into a higher level of consciousness on your earth. Many are experiencing a fluey feeling that is not the usual flu or cold. These are signs of raising the body’s frequency with light codes now coming into earth. Know that as each human body assimilates these light codes the body must make its own adjustments. Some may feel as if they have the flu, a cold or combination of both. Some may experience periods of great body heat with a subsequent cooling down period. Still others may seem to experience headaches, body aches, or changes in eating and sleeping habits. These are common occurrences when human bodies assimilate light codes subsequently changing the DNA within physical frames. Know that as your earth continues to change its frequency those upon her choosing to move into this Christ Consciousness, this light-filled DNA consciousness, shall continue to experience these changes within the physical frame.
“Not all have chosen to move into this consciousness of One. It is of the utmost importance to be patient
with those that have not chosen, in this lifetime, to move into Christ Consciousness. All souls choose before birth. These choices are not made after birth. All souls come in to experience and express uniquely in each life. Those willing to undergo this process of souls do so through a group consciousness, as souls determining, striving to experience and express the Christ Consciousness together.
“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we wish you to know, not all experience is chosen as a soul, for the free will of humans can lead to unique experiences not planned for. Know that as humanity continues to raise its frequency, chaos erupts, for through chaos Nirvana is reached. Know that each soul moves through this experience and expression as a human with the knowledge that there will be subsequent lives, if not in human form in other expressions of experience and frequencies. Be grateful for this gift of human life and now changes as your winter months unfold. Know that each unique human you see has chosen to experience and express life on your earth at this time of the Grand Awakening and the return to Christ Consciousness for all.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at https://samiamproductions.com/wp/about-2/contact/ and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!
Fears, Worries and Latent Abilities
There are often those who are misguided in thinking they tap into Source energy. Here are a few tips to those moving toward this long-lost ability.
Frequency changes when tapping into higher realms. The body begins to vibrate at an advanced level, sometimes in the beginning shaking as it adjusts. With this change in frequency comes a change in temperature. The body begins to feel heat as this frequency increases. Some may not wish to withstand this change in frequency and so tap into the astral energies to avoid it.
Those wishing to tap into these higher realms, available to all, must prepare their host. Knowing that a host free of negativity makes a better channel of higher realms. Ponder these words:
Do I wish to be a channel of higher realms?
Am I willing to let go of all I know of how the world revolves and devolves?
Am I willing to change all beliefs to recognize that I AM the Creator?
Support your Self. Find a FREE 90-minute workshop on channeling at SAM I AM PROductions.
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion from the Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log series! Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!
Expanding LIGHT!
Click on the following link to download and save this video : http://lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/Expanding_Light_iphone_Version.mp4
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Right Click on the link above.
Choose “Save Link As” to save to a file folder.
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion from the Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log series! Visit SAM I AM Productions Books to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!
Dimensions of Consciousness
Dimensions of consciousness are easily left behind as the human mind forgoes the characteristics of each thought form. Each thought form is merely a construct of beliefs taken on when in human form. As this human form changes its beliefs, the constructs that hold these beliefs begin to dissipate (to break apart) into the nothingness from whence they arrived.
Ridding ones self of the thought forms upon the earth dimension becomes cumbersome when one is mired in the dramas of everyday life, when one has chosen to experience family life, expressing and experiencing each unique family member in human form. Dimensions of consciousness are easily traveled when the thought forms of earth are left behind.
Each thought form holds unique aspects. Upon dissipation, each thought form shatters (breaks apart) as unique aspects are separated from it. Take, for instance, the thought form of your body. The body holds many constructs, the arms, the legs, brain, organs, heart and so forth. Taking each of these, doing away with them in the mind, and allowing the body to become an ethereal form without organs, without arms or legs, without feet or eyes or hands, etc, helps to rid one of this construct that can be limiting when traveling in other dimensions of awareness.
Each dimension holds clues to the humans awakening. Traveling these dimensions is easily done in the sleeping state as one dissipates the human thought form to move though dimensions as not a human but as an experience, as an experience had in mind, the small mind of one. This can be the beginning step to moving into greater states of awareness, for it is only when one leaves behind the human form that greater states of awareness are achieved.
We leave you now with this thought: the characteristics of each thought form must be thoroughly dissipated to move though increasing states of awareness beyond your earth.
Consider an inspiring bedside companion such as Book Of One Volume 2 available through New Leaf Distributing at http://go.newleaf-dist.com/scripts/ps?TEMPLATE_SELLSHEET.PUBLIC~iact~handle=117695
Support those who support you.
It is as simple as that.
Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self or a loved one with an inspiring bedside companion. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!
Radiating Heart Energy
Radiating Heart Energy
Beloved Soul Family,
As we move through these vast changes I sense it is now more important to share with you one of my daily world service practices. If it resonates, please view this video and employ this method to unite us all in Love. Remember, when you radiate LOVE from your heart’s core it not only radiates LOVE but heat as well to radiate out into space on, and on, and on…
Abundant Blessings
Click on the following link to download and save this video : http://lightworkerslog.com/video/2019/Radiating_Heart_Energy_Phone.mp4
PC users:
Right Click on the link above.
Choose “Save Link As” to save to a file folder.
Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!
A Message From Your I AM Presence
A Message From Your
I AM Presence
“Invite yourself to play with these years of experience upon your earth. As things fall apart for many you are rewarded with the truth and knowledge that this is not the real world of anyone’s making. Know that as earth moves though these changes all upon her shall continue to experience discordant energies until they return to their True Self. Within all breeds recognition and it is humanity’s goal to experience, in somewhat human form (for the human form changes as we change our DNA), recognition of the I AM Presence. Each I AM Presence within each human form desires this experience yet all experience is unnecessary in the totality of what many refer to as God or All That Is. This totality knows no bounds.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at https://samiamproductions.com/wp/about-2/contact/ and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!
Evolution Through Chaos
“Stay in your own field of consciousness. We are the White Winged Conscious of Nine and we are here to invite you to stay in your own state of consciousness for all is in Divine Order. Each soul experiences what they have come to experience in physical form. Each soul now moves forward in their physical form’s evolution as these cataclysms take place upon your earth.
“Know that the consciousness you seek is already held within you. It is the consciousness of One. This Oneness spreads like wildfire throughout your world, throughout your consciousness. Know that all who seek to nurture this consciousness are guided and watched over very carefully. We are here to report; you are never alone. You have never been alone. You never will be alone for the Oneness to which many seek lies inside. This Oneness is held by all, yes nourished by few, but held by all upon your earth and beyond.
“As these winter months unfold on your earth, know that each soul now moves forward in its evolution, experiencing either gross disturbances to return to the Oneness or periods of Nirvana and great happiness. For all, the consciousness of Oneness lies inside. This consciousness continues to reveal itself upon your earth. Know for many this may seem difficult to watch as the consciousness, which seems to be outside oneself, unfolds, evolves through chaos. But recall, each aspect of the whole, which seems in physical form is merely a part of your own consciousness.
“Once you have secured your own consciousness within your Self you will know and be aware that when chaos appears before you it is but something that needs to be addressed within your own small self of one. We leave you now with this thought, what needs to be addressed within you will reveal itself in coming months.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion from the Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log series! Visit SAM I AM Productions Books to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!
Merging With Higher Self
“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we are here to report. You earth now spins out of control for many as these new energies settle more fully. All upon your earth now know the energies are quite different than before. As your full moon arrives this month of January 2019, it brings with it greater energies as well. Be prepared as these energies more fully coalesce upon your earth, for chaos may erupt in certain areas.
“Know that we are here to assist those ready and willing to help cement the energies of Oneness upon this New Earth. The chaos arrives to help in this effort as all move quickly toward the chaos and separation or the Oneness and love. There are many upon your earth assisting in this effort. If you are one, know despite your unconscious knowing, you are always guided.
“There are those among you that know they are guided and tap into this source of wisdom regularly. Take the time to tap into this wisdom. Reach out for the higher aspect of your own Self and know it is what you came to earth to achieve in this lifetime – the merging of the higher self with the physical body to eventually, finally, rid your Self of the need, the desire, for separation.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion from the Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log series! Visit SAM I AM Productions Books to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!