Tag Archives: Multidimensional Living

Waves Of Consciousness Adjusting Planet Earth

Many of us continue to adjust to unrelenting waves of Consciousness flowing into Planet Earth via various methods from multiple sources, some of which are outside of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Love and Light filled non-local assistance is always available to answer questions and receive helpful guidance. At dusk the seers feed into a twilight atmosphere to merge with those on earth ready to listen and enlarge ways of living in what seems as physical form.

“We are, so to speak, those graduates of multiple experiences and expressions upon a planet referred to as earth that has not, yet, for those still seeming upon and within it, evolved to grander states of BEing. There are countless states of Consciousness, all awaiting those ready to partake of inert and currently latent abilities.”

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log!

“Further adjustments must be made to travel the bounds of all now occurring on what appears as your Planet Earth. Pave the way to these adjustments, for with each seeming catastrophic occurrence another adjustment has been made not only within Mother Earth but the physical body itself.

“Traveling the waves of Consciousness currently within the bounds of time and space is not an easy concept to understand for many humans. It is, however, a concept easily comprehended by those having greater than the slightest bit of experience within non-local reality. This meaning anyone who has experienced what may be referred to as a melding resulting in Buddhic Consciousness, an experience of etheric or astral vision, or what seems as a communication stemming from a benevolent aspect seemingly outside one’s self.

“Traveling the bounds of consciousness within this planetary realm assists the human in making sense of the chaos and confusion, which now runs rampant. Know that in these coming days further adjustments shall continue to occur and those seeming affected by these occurrences have agreed as souls to further evolve through the experience.

“We leave you now, we higher aspects of what may be referred to as your very own self, knowing that this passage as many others before it has seemed to be most arduous.”

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Support those who support you in positive, life-affirming ways. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! My latest creation, Proficient Wisdom Scratching the Surface, holds additional guidance, support and inspiration. This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009, and knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Amber and Sandalwood Essential Oil is on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”).

Also consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book Of One 🙂 Series. It holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of moving between frequencies/dimensions of reality, ascension tools, signs of light activation, affirmations, and conscious living tips. Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased digitally, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.
Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the
Contact Page.

5D Living: Realities Shift and Blend

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log!
Waking from another reality before dawn, an exaggerated dream of … intestinal distress continues, even knowing it is all what seems as my own reality, turning on the trusty laptop to document the experience seems in order…
Living in these strange times brings periods of blending realities, mainly experienced and recognized during sleeping hours. For instance, one may wake recalling past experiences blended with those of present day occurrences. These mainly happen during full moon periods when the Planet of Death is expelling fragments … profound sleep, awakens to its full power and Divine Expression.
These times may be curious and spell-binding, and yet, they are totally necessary to move further up the spiral of remembrance, to… time.
These periods of multidimensional experience will continue to increase and one must eventually, if not now, recognize them for what they ultimately are, a period of time in a space designed to experience and express as a human being…
Switching channels….
Body shaking as …
“We are the Galactic Federation of Light and we are here to explain the rules of coexisting on a planet that is being torn apart in many ways. Formless beings of Light continue to enter … soulless beings, those who have over massive periods of time and space lost their true core by repeatedly performing experiences and expressions not of Light nor Love. This time for humanity will last for a period… .
“We are aware of the distractions now continuing on earth and … to play the unique human role chosen as souls.
“Let not these strange times of changing weather disturb, nor focus on negative aspects of what appears as a ‘world gone mad,’ but continue to focus on the purity and Oneness from which all things came. It is but for a ….
“We take our leave knowing the peace lies within each human to access at will.”

Full communication in Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log!

There is much happening that cannot be explained, nor ignored, so continue to focus on the BIGGER picture! Stay hydrated with good quality SPRING water, if you can get it, rest as needed, and eat wholesome organic foods. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”.

A Few Words About The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”
Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of October 2023, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of the 19 books noted below.

The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun

Book Two: A Change in Perception

Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation

Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log

Bits of Wisdom

Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2

Book of One 🙂 Volume 3

Book of One 🙂 Volume 4

Book of One 🙂 Volume 5

Book of One 🙂 Volume 6

Return to Light: John of God Helps

After Death Communications…WOW!

Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures

Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

Earth Angels

Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log

Adventures in Greece and Turkey

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds. Use the above associated links to purchase books or for the year 2023 purchase any of SAM’s PRINTED books and get FREE shipping/handling WITHIN the U.S.A. by sending the rounded off dollar cash amount of the book ($11.11 would be $11 while $14.95 would be $15), the book name, your email address (for verification of order received), name and mailing address to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to the address above.

Blossoming During Chaotic Times

Enjoy this book excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching the Surface

“Humanity now moves through a time of great difficulty, yet each human individual holds the key to moving though this time with ease and grace… .

“It is only through times of great difficulty that one, as human, blossoms into an evolved beingness, unaffected in any way. Know that as these times continue to unfold… .

“Each soul has chosen its experience as humanity now moves through what may be referred to as the Kali-Yuga period. Know that as the common experiences of solar and lunar eclipses, of winter solstice, and spring equinox unfold …  the playing field for all within and upon Mother/Planet Earth.

“Remain steadfast in continuing to change the habits and propensities known for eons of time as humanity continues to move through this great shift in consciousness for not only Planet Earth  … reverberating throughout the time/space continuum.

“We the Galactic Federation of Light continue to remain available to those willing and able to tap into this untainted, unmanipulated frequency state. Clear the human mind to open to greater possibilities, experiences, and expressions, while seeming to exist in unique individual form.”

Full communication in Proficient Wisdom Scratching the Surface. There is much happening that cannot be explained, nor ignored, so continue to focus on the BIGGER picture! Stay hydrated with good quality SPRING water, if you can get it, rest as needed, and eat wholesome organic foods. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

This website, Lightworker’s Log and published books have been solely supported by the author since 2009. This mission has resulted in a gross disruption in living circumstances, but knowing the immense importance of these times the work continues, albeit while now living in what many may refer to as “the belly of the beast,” and yet protected and continually guided. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.
Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. The paypal account has been closed but charge cards are accepted by amazon. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

5D Living: Physical Loss Bereavement

Enjoy this FULL excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

While viewing the third video of my Egyptian adventure and working on the next book a surprise comes at the end. Footage of a birthday trip WOW graciously agree to take with me plays of the time we spent in St. John. “Let it go,” I hear . “I am you. You are me. We are one.” I then see her in my mind’s eye, as she was in physicality, pat me on the head before her energy dissipates.

Days later at the end of January 2023, the Magnavox display screen switches all by itself from AV2, which I use to watch DVDs to HDMI so I tap in to sense WOW’s energies once again. She speaks of completed karmic contracts in few words as I immediately get the download, knowing contracts are complete with everyone known as blood family and friends. “Have fun and add joy to life”, I hear, a repeated message that I continue to look forward to because these terms are experienced in totally different aspects by totally different states of consciousness. Having left the state of ignorance I am now seemingly alone physically. “Add more people to your life,” flashes into my mind and then “invites will come soon.” The following week I’m amazed to experience an explosion of people wanting to be Facebook friends, most of them appearing to posess higher states of awareness with large followings. Since at least 400 people dropped friendship over the past three years, it’s now a laborious process to approve friends, within two weeks I again achieve that 5K mark where no more are allowed but people can choose to follow posts.

While working on the new book near sunset on 2-15-2023, I hear a noise coming from the kitchen, as if something fell to the floor, and so I rise to investigate. Two plastic 32-ounce yogurt container lids sit on the floor. A strong sense permeates my brain, of WOW and knowing that right in this moment of now family releases her ashes, finally, more than seven years after her physical departure. These lids sat on top of yogurt containers stored behind a heavy sheet like material meant to keep dust from shelves. Obviously, to me, it took a bit of energy to levitate them off the lids just enough to move them beyond the barrier without disturbing the containers.

“Well, that was a really good trick,” I calmly voice to seemingly empty air. “I see you are using energy in more different ways to get my attention.”

“Feel my JOY, I’m FREE Momma!” fills brain cells as watch sun setting beyond the kitchen window. Upon closing both eyes I see an image much like a video, with WOW’s energy, now appearing as a very small wispy white trail weaving in, and out, and all around a circle of people I know are family and her best friend.

“Thanks for coming to include me,” I announce still feeling her JOY, just as I felt Momma’s and DAD’s upon their experience of leaving human form. Exquisite JOY moves me well beyond the thoughts of a human mother not even invited or alerted of the release. Clearly, we are all in our own world experiencing and expressing with like-minded people as humanity continues to move through the process of awakening.

By the way, the bridge image was one WOW posted on her Facebook page to remind family that she wanted her ashes spread from the Bahia Honda Bridge (holding years of fond family vacation memories), just as her brother’s were.

And that is a glimpse of what it’s like to be a multidimensional being. Many more instanes of 5D living are in Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

Consider Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

AND Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures

to learn how the process of tapping into your very own Source of wisdom unfolds as a natural course.
Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion that does not detrimentally affect the physical body. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed but in 2023, you can purchase any PRINTED Lightworker’s Log book through the author by sending the rounded off dollar cash amount of the book ($11.11 would be $11), the book name, your e-mail address (for verification of order received), name and mailing address to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. Please add $5 for shipping and handling.

Go To Lightworker’s Log Main Page

Life Atoms Abandoning Ship

Enjoy this excerpt from Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

Unprecedented geomagnetic activity continues along with global changes such as floods in the desert, volcanoes and earthquakes in more areas than usual…

Theosophical teachings note the human form consists of life atoms… incoming life atoms more suited to the body’s ever-changing DNA.

This process greatly accelerates with heightened Cosmic activity and, for what seems as a ‘me’, in the wee hours of the night when atmospheric layers disappear (see The Tipping Point video on this website), occasionally includes these graphically stated signs: sudden bouts of coughing; sudden, repeated sneezing followed by ….

…For those unfamiliar with Theosophical teachings allow me to merely note that as humans we experience time and space using numerous bodies/vehicles of consciousness, the most familiar of which are the physical, etheric and astral states.

… to move humanity into previously unexperienced states of awareness and body consciousness….

…we are not here to escape life in a time/space continuum but to morph our consciousness, to surpass it by moving into multidimensional bodies of consciousness, states of awareness while still seeming to be in a physical form. We are here to transcend, to experience and express multidimensionality as a new normal state of being….

Support your Spiritual Truths!

I cannot stress enough the value of being aware of what ‘s occurring on multiple levels of Consciousness by tapping into your own source of Ageless Wisdom, avoiding manipulation, and inspiring yourself with material that raises the body’s frequency! Perception is EVERYthing, Frequency, rate of Vibration…

Everything on this website is free and donations to keep it operating are very much appreciated. Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Connect through the CONTACT page!

Consider Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log AND Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures to learn how the process of tapping into your very own Source of wisdom unfolds as a natural course.

Inspire Your self with Lightworker’s Log Books

Go To Lightworker’s Log Main Page

Spiritual Beings Upon Earth

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

“We are spiritual beings taking on body after body, forms that are built up around us, as cushions to veil the layer of true spiritual consciousness, the knowledge of which we truly are. With each body, each form, each veil taken on another layer adds to the illusion, another layer covers the Consciousness of true beingness, another layer adds to the confusion of what we, as spiritual beings, truly are.

“We are not truly humans, but we continued to take on form after form to experience and express as unique beings of a Consciousness, a unique Consciousness within each aspect, filament, life atom, if you will, that chooses to seem separate from the Whole. And yet, we are never separate; we are merely expressing and experiencing in unique ways, in many what seem as locations and times, in many what seems as forms and formless states.

“And yet, as the illusion of the soul continues to evolve, it still desires to express as a human, for as a human it experiences many aspects of its very own consciousness that cannot be expressed in other forms or ways. As humans, the various bodies–veils taken on to cover up the consciousness of its true state—continue to add to the illusion of separation. Yet that illusion of separation is now dissolving as many aspects of the Consciousness of all that is, was, and ever will be desire now to return to experience the Wholeness once again. And as these aspects of Consciousness, these humans, continue to gather, to merge in thought and deed, it is with the celebration of consciousness that all realms of Consciousness, all aspects of Consciousness, continue evolving to the true state of beingness.

“Make no mistake of what you as a part of humanity are: a life atom, brilliant spark of Light, experiencing and expressing in what seems as human form, for some aspects for the very last time.

“It is with the greatest respect that the more evolved, if you will, aspects of ones very own consciousness continues to now coalesce and move into that multidimensional being to experience and express others in yet another unique way, as a multidimensional being knowing its true power and purpose: to express the Oneness and Love of All That Is.”

“So be it now and forevermore. I AM that of which it is, perfect, whole, and free, expressing on earth in unique multidimensional ways, returning to the Light of One as humanity also moves forward into the consciousness of its true beingness as a community of life atoms evolving in Consciousness, increasing states of awareness.”

Energies continue to be intense but last night was a bit better than the night before. This is the first recognized channel with two seemingly separate aspects, the first of which appears more evolved than the second stating the last two lines.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series.

Support your Self, a loved one or a friend by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.

Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books:
Book of One Series
Book of One : – ) Volume 1

Book of One : – ) Volume 2

Book of One : – ) Volume 3

Book of One : – ) Volume 4

Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.
Book of One : – ) Volume 5
Book Of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

Contact Page!

Multidimensional Living

Those that follow the writings at samiam productions dot com know there are numerous posts on multidimensional living and the bottom line; we live in a world of our own making, an impure illusion filled with soul experience and expression, consisting of lives on earth and other planets and spaces, in form and formless states.

Today we shall discuss the current state of affairs, looking at things from different states of awareness, dimensions, if you will.


In a past class we discussed holding different states of awareness about the hurricane we named Katrina. Now, living in a 3D state of awareness/perception we usually experience an increasing consciousness of life, unless of course that state becomes unavailable due to various things, which we shall not discuss here. Living from a 3D programmed state of consciousness, we view life from a purely physical state, fearful and separate from others. We identify with physical appearance, possessions, and social status, having little or no control over our reality, relying only on five senses. Remember, within each dimension there are multiple states of awareness. For instance, within 3D we could view catastrophes such as Katrina in various ways (but they are all coming from the viewpoint of separation):

* God created the storm to punish those in affected areas.
* Government developed and used HAARP to create fear.
* Negative thoughts/mass consciousness drew the storm to dense areas.
* A conglomeration of soul plans to help humanity awaken to Oneness created a disaster resulting in increased compassion, and so on.

As humans, we are here to evolve and that means seeing things, such as illnesses like the flu or viruses, in various ways. But this is only possible when we live out of fear and rely on our sixth intuitive sense. The veil between what many refer to as dimensions is thinning, getting thinner all the time and many of us are now able to use our intuition to determine what is out of step with what may be referred to as logical reality.

In this illusion, many circumstances are moving us into more evolved states, other states of awareness/bands of consciousness.

We can choose to be aware of how reactions, emotions and thoughts mold our world and experience and choose increasing states of awareness by deciding what is right for us after fully researching all the available information on a subject that causes negative reactions, emotions and thoughts. Or we can take the shorter route to sanity by tapping into our very own Source of Awareness. We do this by becoming still, connecting with the Divine Spark within us and asking for answers to the questions we hold within our brain. Whichever method we choose gets us to a place of serenity, only one gets us to that point much, much sooner than the other.

Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates ascension tools and tips, and multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of 11-11-23, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of 19 books.

The hardcover Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies is now available.

The End of My Soap Opera Life 🙂 Book One: Death of the Sun

Book Two: A Change in Perception

Lightworker’s Log 🙂 Transformation

Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log

Bits of Wisdom

Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2

Book of One 🙂 Volume 3

Book of One 🙂 Volume 4

Book of One 🙂 Volume 5

Book of One 🙂 Volume 6

Return to Light: John of God Helps

After Death Communications…WOW!

Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures

Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

Earth Angels

Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log

Adventures in Greece and Turkey

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.
Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds. Use the above associated links to purchase books.
Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Visit The Lightworker’s Log Main Page