Tag Archives: Lemurian Council of Twelve

What Guides Your Experience?

“And so it is my friends we find you in the midst of darkness. The treasures you seek are within the world in which you inhabit. As you move through this process of awakening to the Oneness of which you truly are, look upon each aspect of the Whole as yourself. Know that as you move through this process, we the Lemurian Council of Twelve, are with you always to guide, to assist, to answer any questions you may have. We are you in another form, in another frequency of time and space.

“Knowing the ultimate reality that all time and space is illusion you may move through this process more fluidly if you understand the issues, the experiences, the consequences you face as a result of your choices of free will are yours alone. The cause and effect in your world is experienced by each individual, based upon their free will using the thought forms they employ within their own mind. We are here to announce to all, the thought forms in which you believe are the thought forms that guide your experience. And we wish you to know your experience changes when the thought forms within your mind change.

“These thought forms are affected not only through the experience you currently move through but through the experiences of your total Essence in other frequencies of being. You may tap into these other frequencies, higher, lower, if you will, for lack of a better word, by mediating in a calm manner and asking to tap into those thought forms of which it is time to alleviate, to let go, to dissipate back into the Void of all possibilities. Know that as you move through this process in these coming days, in these coming months, in these coming years, assistance to reach into your very own Essence to dissipate the thought forms now outdated and no longer needed are all within you.

“We ask all to be patient with each thought form as it appears seemingly in your own private world. For each thought form is now ready to be dissipated, to be removed from the causes and effects that create the experiences in 3D and 4D realms of existence. Know that all move through this process in their own time. Many shall not choose to dissipate, to alleviate, to remove outdated concepts, outdated thought forms, for many people on your earth are not ready to awaken to their own magnificence as creators, as co-creators in a wonderful paradise of Oneness.

“Those that are ready to move into this Oneness more fully may choose to alleviate, to dissolve those thought forms keeping humanity in separation. Any thought form not based in Love is now no longer constructive in the reality of those moving fluidly toward the Oneness of all BEingness. Know that as you move though this process, those needed to assist you in alleviating these constructs of thought forms will appear in your field of consciousness. As each appears, accepting it fully with Love, as part of one’s self, assists in the process of recognizing all is but illusion in the singular mind of each seeming human form. Alleviating the constructs of thought forms is easily done upon accepting each form seeming outside oneself as a part of the self, waiting to be recognized and accepted as part of the wholeness of the self and All That Is. Know that moving through this process is a Garden of Eden for those enlightened to the ways of Oneness.

“We leave you now with this thought:

Are you, as your own thought form, ready to remove the constructs of all the thought forms that hold you within the illusion of separation?

We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we are with you always for we are you in yet another frequency of time and space having removed many thought forms and yet we too are a thought form in a reality of the illusion.”

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Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Ascension Process Cycle

Downloads continue for those able to withstand these energies. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve here to report.

This cycle in your Ascension Process is nearly complete. It shall end in mid-May. As each human body coalesces with these energies, the body undergoes crystalline changes within. These changes cause the body to function at a higher vibrational level. Changes also affect the body in what may appear as detrimental ways as the clearing and cleansing of Self continues. It is vital at this time to maintain health in all aspects, resting as desired, maintaining hydration, eating wholesome foods, for as these energies continue to enter your earth effects upon the body continue.

Know that we are with you guiding this process, which many of you have been through many times before. Know that this is a natural process that all undergo at some appointed time within their own soul plan if they have agreed to do so. Know that as each undergoes this process, the lifestyle continues to make vast changes. The old ways are dropping away quickly for those undergoing this process. Allow the new to enter and replace these old lifestyle ways. There may be a time of great void in many undergoing this process, a time where relationships dissolve, a time where gross disturbances in lifestyle occur, but one must maintain the attitude of being souls undergoing a process that has taken place many times on your earth, while in many forms.

We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we wish you to know, the guidance is there for you to tap into at any point in your time/space continuum.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. E-mail comments and questions at the Contact Page and visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Merging With Higher Self

“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we are here to report. You earth now spins out of control for many as these new energies settle more fully. All upon your earth now know the energies are quite different than before. As your full moon arrives this month of January 2019, it brings with it greater energies as well. Be prepared as these energies more fully coalesce upon your earth, for chaos may erupt in certain areas.

“Know that we are here to assist those ready and willing to help cement the energies of Oneness upon this New Earth. The chaos arrives to help in this effort as all move quickly toward the chaos and separation or the Oneness and love. There are many upon your earth assisting in this effort. If you are one, know despite your unconscious knowing, you are always guided.

“There are those among you that know they are guided and tap into this source of wisdom regularly. Take the time to tap into this wisdom. Reach out for the higher aspect of your own Self and know it is what you came to earth to achieve in this lifetime – the merging of the higher self with the physical body to eventually, finally, rid your Self of the need, the desire, for separation.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion from the Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log series! Visit SAM I AM Productions Books to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Catastrophic Events And Radiating Light

“We Are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we wish to report on the earth changes around you. The earth changes in your world, on your earth, are immense at this time as catastrophic events continue to occur. Gridkeepers, gatekeepers, starseeds and those that know continue to hold the grid in place. The grid continues to radiate the Light of One as each gridkeeper, gatekeeper, lightworker, wayshower, starseed and all others holding that Light of One continue to hold their position within the grid. This grid is filled and ready.

“Let nothing dissuade you from the truth that this New Earth is yours to create new beginnings for all of humanity. We leave you now with this short message knowing that all that holding the Light of One will continue to do so as their soul leads the way.”


Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at https://samiamproductions.com/wp/about-2/contact/. Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self or loved ones. Loving You!

Frequencies In Dimensions

“You are moving into another dimension of your time and space. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we are here to assist you. The dizziness you feel is a difference between the frequencies in dimensions. The frequencies in magnetics of your earth are changing more rapidly than ever before. It is important that you continue to ground yourself using Mother Earth herself. You must do this daily. You must walk on your Mother Earth to more fully coalesce with the frequency in magnetics within her. This is your soul’s charge. If you do not wish to follow this soul plan you do not need to do so but cementing these energies, more fully coalescing with the frequencies and magnetics of your Mother Earth, will assist you to do so.

“We are with all those now ready to make this switch in frequency. As your earth frequency and magnetics continue to change, many shall experience what is commonly referred to as vertigo. To lessen the trauma of this experience it is necessary to perform this grounding daily. We are with you as you move though this process. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve and we wish you to know you are never alone. This process is one that has been moved though in previous times upon your earth. This is the last coalescing of energies, of frequencies and magnetics your earth shall experience. This shall take an age as you define it of two-thousand years. This age has begun on your 12/21/2012. Although you may seem human, you are not. You are a soul using a human form to experience through the experience of time.

“We are with you now as you move through this process and you may call upon us to assist you at any time. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, and Volumes 3-5; visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Parallel Lives, Clearing, Transmuting, And Cleansing

“You are clearing, transmuting, and cleansing parallel lives to become non-attached. If this is your wish to move into the long ago forgotten ethereal light form it is best to be non-attached to all that transpired upon taking on dense form. We the Lemurian Council Of Twelve know this is not an easy task for humanity. It is because of this that many humans, as souls, did not choose this transformation at this time.

“The non-attachment to dense physical form will take many lifetimes for many humans. But for those few that have chosen to move through this process, in this life, we salute you, knowing it was not an easy soul choice. It is not an easy human choice. And yet, to leave these attachments behind serves the ethereal form by maintaining its purity and Oneness. For recall please, in ethereal form all are already connected, all are already, as you would note, attached. And yet, there is no attachment to singular, separate forms. For in the ethereal form, all are recognized as parts of one another, aspects of All That Is. All in this state of being are aware of their unique attributes adding to the Wholeness of the One Thing in which all reside. And yet, as ethereal beings it is known there is no separation among you.

“So now we return to those of you in human form and we ask, ‘Is this necessary process yet another movement you as a human wish to make?’ Consider your attachments if so. Consider your attachments and continue or begin to free them, to let them go. This does not mean you must step away from anyone in your life, nor in parallel lives. We ask only that you use your resonance and your discernment to attract like energies, for moving into this process will become most cumbersome if still attached to the drama of duality.

“We are the Lemurian Council Of Twelve and we bid you good day knowing your choices are alone yours to make.”

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ at Book of One 🙂 Volume 2. Loving You!

Behaviors During Energy Downloads

“Behaviors will change with these downloads of Light, Consciousness/Energy. These behaviors will change with those taking on the Light as well as those not assimilating the Light so effectively or efficiently. Humans unaware of the process do not assimilate the Light as effectively or efficiently. Those not choosing to undergo the process will return to the New Earth to assimilate the process at other times in humanity’s awareness.

“Yes, in your small mind of one, all is illusion, as in the Course (A Course In Miracles), and yet as you move through this illusion, is it not easier to know these things to help you move through them more smoothly and fluidly? This is the question we ask the channel as she continues to repeatedly question.

“Know, assimilating these energies are best done as discussed in previous channels. Rest is of the utmost importance as is hydration and a lighter diet. The exercise is not as important as these waves are coming though for the body is taxed to the utmost adjusting with these waves. The mineral composition of the body is changing drastically and of course, many are requiring additional minerals, magnesium to be specific. There are other minerals and requirements the human form takes on as these changes coalesce more fluidly on the earth. Each is guided in its own way.

“We, the Lemurian Council Of Twelve, will continue to be with those who wish to be guided. Remember, all here now were on, in, the consciousness of Lemuria. The true state of humanity is not a dense human form as it is now; that form is finally moving back to the form we held as true Lemurians. Know that as this process unfolds, those wishing to move though it will move through it with more fluidity and grace when seeking the guidance of their own unique aspects.

“We are Lemurian Council Of Twelve and we are here to help humanity adjust back to the frequency it held so effortlessly upon first arrival on planet earth. We ask you to choose your awareness and to remember that that choice can always be changed. We are One. In Peace, the Lights evolve within you.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, and Volumes 3-5; visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Lightbody Holding And Building

“We are with you now as you move through these changes. The progress is steady and smooth for some and not so steady and smooth for others. The earth changes rapidly and along with these changes the human psyche, consciousness, changes as well. Knowing all is one, knowing all is, after all, illusion in your mind of one, the small one, it is still of the utmost importance to continue the practices of holding and building the lightbody. These practices are much more easily done when one is with ones self rather than in groups of uninformed people.

“Each human has chosen its path carefully as a soul and now is the time that many souls step away from their families, from the group consciousness in which they were raised and believed to be true, to move into their own state of increasing awareness of the Oneness of all life. This Oneness is not an illusion. This Oneness is of All That Is and ever will be, and this Oneness does not change. As the human form takes on more of the attributes of the lightbody, it becomes necessary to achieve awareness of this Oneness.

“This Oneness will help all as moving through these changes progresses more smoothly and fluidly for those that know the truth. Ye are gods in human form and that human form continues to change at a steady rate with these waves of consciousness entering the earth’s atmosphere. This step towards Oneness is a necessary process to move though the bodily changes fluidly, progressing at a state unheard of on any level of awareness.

“Know that all are watched over carefully. Know that all, each form is guided. It is only in the small mind of one that chooses not to listen to the guidance received, not to believe the guidance received, that one continues to enter the field of mass chaos, which is now upon your earth. Know that all those who listen to the guidance within, all those who have honed their human body to the point where only Love and Light can enter, will continue to be guided through this process with smooth and steady progress. The Oneness of which you seek is already yours and we cannot stress enough to remain within that Oneness of the small self and within that awareness that ye are human gods in matter, now changing the course of humanity in an unheard of way.

“We are the Lemurian Council Of Twelve and we are with you always.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Cementing New Earth Energies

“We, the Lemurian Council of Twelve, wish to express our gratitude to those of you moving forward. Gridkeepers, gatekeepers, we are grateful for your assistance in helping to cement New Earth energies. Your world becomes a place of wholeness it once was many eons ago but this will take some time. In the meantime, we wish to inform and bless all involved in this process, the process of returning to the original form of Light.

“And so it is that we move on knowing the task is achieved for earth is but our path as well. With the assistance of those upon the earth, we move forward in evolution as well. So we thank those stepping forward to replace us.

“We, the Lemurian Council of Twelve, wish to salute you as the world returns to its original form, Light. This too shall take many eons of time. Yet, those of you on the earth now are assisting in this change to cement the process for those to come. We express our gratitude. We know this process is not a steady movement for many. We know this process may seem gruesome and burdensome to many humans on earth. But we wish you to know, it is already achieved in other spaces of time.”

Visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3. Loving You!

Grand Awakening of Self

“We are here to share news of your sisters and brothers upon this earth. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve here to help humanity at this time. We are you in another form, another level of awareness, another state of consciousness and we tell you now, you are all Lemurians. You are all Lemurians from your past lives and this is why you, as souls, chose to come to earth (in your awareness) at this time.

“Many earth changes lie before you. Many changes in the state of consciousness for humanity occurs now and will continue to occur as all move forward to the awareness of one state of Being, the state of consciousness in which all aspects of the Whole first arrived on earth. This is the state from which humanity chose (as a Whole) to experience, denser and denser forms of BEing. Humanity now returns to the original state of awareness as all unseen realms watch from other states of awareness.

“Be assured no one will be left behind in this Grand Awakening of Self. No one will be left to fend for one’s small self. You need merely ask for assistance to receive it. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve here to assist.”“This event will take some time in the small minds of self, the self of each soul on earth. But be assured it has already occurred. We are here to assist as humanity moves through this process. And we do so in your various states of awareness, meaning we assist each aspect of the Whole based on their current human state of awareness.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!