Tag Archives: Book Of One :-)

Changing Consciousness

“The world is changing quickly as these energies coalesce to greater realities, a cleaner earth. Each new soar of energy creates a new wave of consciousness for those ready and willing to share this thought-form. These thought forms increase the consciousness of humanity, one wave at a time. Each wave continues to radiate out into the field of consciousness affecting not only your earth but other realms of consciousness as well.

“We are the White-Winged Consciousness Of Nine and we are here to help all become one in all aspects again, in all states of mind, for all ready and willing to do so. We leave you with this thought:

“How will you change your life as these thought-forms permeate your earth with the Love, with the happiness, with the health, with all that is good in your realm?”

“As above, so below will be done in your world now as you move though these shifts (of consciousness). Watch all as an aspect of self, clearing, transmuting, and cleansing all that does not belong in the 5D realm of reality. As you and others move though these shifts, this will be done.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

All Answers Are Within

“The answers are within you my dear. You have only to pick up the pad and let them flow. We are with you as you move about your chosen dimension. We are with you as you chose to move within the masses. We are with you as you move about the very atoms that cover your chosen awareness, the awareness that you are much more than you have come to believe.

“We wish you to know, there will be great cataclysms on your chosen earth soon. These changes in consciousness will bring forth many awakened masses that will seek out those that know the truth, that ye are one in all aspects. There is no separation among you.

“You must be ready for this evolution of time and space. Your chosen task as a lightworker is to help those lost in the maze of forgetfulness. You know this to be true.

“We are with you as you move about this dimension, but we cannot and will not interfere with the soul’s chosen lessons. Yes, all is ultimately illusion. But while seeming to be in the game of time and space it is your charge to mold those atoms of thought-forms to greater realities of love and light, of truth and justice for all humankind.

“We leave you with this last thought:

“You are relished by all unseen realms as we watch with great anticipation, the beginnings of the last age of forgetfulness.

“We are the White-Winged Consciousness Of Nine and will resume our task with you as you wish.”
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Earth Stewards

We are the Stewards of the Earth here to help humanity with the Shift. It is with the greatest of pleasure as we watch your world morph back to the Wholeness of Truth that it was so many eons ago.

As this process unfolds, many humans will choose to leave their physicality. We are aware of the great change within the body of those who choose to stay. This body must be cared for with the utmost attention as you morph the DNA to is True Form for the New Earth. Listen to your body. Speak to it daily to ask what it needs and know there are no rules to follow. Each body morphs to its own tune, yet each body that remains on your New Earth will forgo this process.

We are with you to answer any questions you may have. You need only ask to receive. We are the Stewards of the New Earth here to help humanity with this process of returning to Wholeness and Truth.

Channeled by SAM
Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!
Feel free to share! Visit Donations to support these types of messages and for ascension tools and resources.

The Grand Illusion

“Humanity is under the grand illusion that when we defer we gain. This is not the case but quite the opposite. When you defer something to another time or space you, in essence, are allowing that energy to build to an even greater crescendo. Let us explain this concept.

“Humanity has deferred many multitudes of blessings bestowed upon them for eons of time (by not recognizing them). These blessings come in the form of trials and tribulations to help the planet grow. These blessings are in many forms and may often be overlooked. Humanity always looks for the easy way to live but in Truth, on your planet, this is not the reason souls have chosen to inhabit the earth.

“Humanity has come to earth to grow in awareness of the Truth of One by allowing each soul to experience the necessary experiences to bring that memory back to awareness. Allow yourself to move through these times with the ease and grace of one who knows the Truth. You are not your experience. you are not your errors or even your accomplishments. You ARE that of which It is.

“We are the White- Winged Consciousness of Nine here to assist as humanity makes yet another great leap in awareness.”

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Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

We Are ONE!

In the likely event that you are wondering, “What is going on in this world???” YES, things are changing rapidly. Humanity is quickly, or not, changing into the state of mind it left so long ago.

For some, that means being faced with circumstance after circumstance of separation, in our own mind, until we realize WE ARE ONE. We are NOT separate. Each person we face is, indeed, a part of our very own self. Yes, the small self here on earth seems separate but we are now faced with the BIGGER picture of Reality, WE ARE ONE in seeming, separate unique form here to experience life in bodily form on earth.

So what can we do if continually faced with situations that appear negative? We can see these situations for what they are, opportunities to recognize aspects of our self, to accept them with unconditional love and to let them go (if need be) knowing WE ARE ONE, WE ARE LIGHT, WE ARE part of All That Is here to shine and share our gifts with humanity.

Many higher realms messages are shared with humanity. One such message, which in my separate mind seemed to come from the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine, bears repeating:

“As the world moves further into chaos it is time to realize that this is yet another means to move all of humanity to Oneness once again. Yes, for once again humanity has stepped further away from the truth of itself, as one essence in unique forms playing and experiencing a life game on planet earth. It is with the greatest respect that we of higher realms discuss soul contracts today. For this is a necessary part of the much-needed return to Oneness.

“As with all things, one must experience duality in order to tell the difference, to distinguish, between perceptions held by human minds. It has always been this way for humanity and that too is changing as all things on planet earth. But again, allow us to discuss how soul contracts play a role in this return to Oneness.

“Many souls agreed to take on human form to help with this much overdue process on earth’s realm. This entails those souls who have agreed to awaken and those who agreed, very gratefully, to take on much darker roles to help their brothers and sisters, those other unique aspects of All That Is to remember their true nature. And it is through their acts of anger, their violence and much-needed chaotic acts that the unawakened souls begin the process of returning to the Light from whence all came.

“This process begins with compassion, compassion for your fellow man. And it is in holding this compassion, within the heart’s core, that the Divine Spark begins to awaken. Make no mistake, each human upon planet earth carries a unique essence of All That Is. It makes no difference what their role is. This Divine Spark is the very essence all have come to awaken during this and subsequent years as earth returns to its rightful vibration of Light.

“We the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine leave you with these thoughts:

“If those of the human mind continue to hold separation within themselves how will the process of awakening unfold? How will those unawakened souls return and remember the Light within if not to experience darkness?”

Helpful Tips & Tools

* Pay attention to thoughts, words and deeds. If they continually dwell in separation, that is what will appear.

* Focus on positive ways to spend time. Read inspiring books, attend and participate in groups that focus on Oneness (A Course In Miracles and A Course Of Love are two such groups).

* Spend time alone without the distraction of electronics and news. Become accustomed to listening for higher realm guidance rather than counting on main stream media or others.

Sharon Ann Meyer, Wayshower, SAM I AM PROductions. Feel free to share.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Time To Tap In!

“Let’s be clear. All is illusion. All is illusion on earth and all you can see. All is illusion on earth and all you can hear. All is illusion on earth and all you can smell. All is illusion on earth and all you sense with the five usual senses.

“But when you allow yourself the pleasure of tapping into that sixth sense, that one vital ingredient for each human, you begin to see there is more. There is more to the illusion than what one can detect from using only the five usual human senses.

“Take the time to tap into this field of receptivity to change your world, to make your human existence better. Take the time to tap into this sixth sense, to know I AM, to know you are that of which it is. Be still and know.”

Support Where You Get Your Spiritual Truths and Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self as we collectively move through these chaotic times. Loving You!

Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.

Clearing Habits, Patterns And Rituals

We continue to help humanity transmute, cleanse and clear parallel lives and people not in the highest interest of the soul. Each life lesson, each life journey is now registered in the Akashic Record of the soul and therefore the tools used to reach these heights are no longer necessary. These tools (people, conditions, etc.) are now being erased from the memories of those who have chosen as souls and consciously as humans to move forward into the new timeline of Gaia. It is in the best interest of each human to take the time to repeat:

“I now with Grace and Ease clear all that is not in the best interest of my soul plan. I now with Grace and Ease fully accept my sovereignty and move forward to the New Earth free of all limitation.”

We are the White-Winged Consciousness Of Nine here to assist those ready to move forward.”

PS: It’s clear that people and conditions not in alignment with those of us holding New Earth energies (not in the interest of Oneness or the highest good) fall further away from our energy field. This is something I’ve experienced during the past several years.

Support those who support you. It is as simple as that. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.~Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Introducing Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log Volume 4!~Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Find other resources at SAM Of Light on Facebook.

Running Light…Not For The Weak Of Heart Nor Body

Running light through the physical mind/body system is not for those yet ready to care for themselves. Each energetic boost takes one to a whole new level of lightness, of frequency, if you will. With each burst of the sun, with each movement of planetary consciousness, with each move of earthy realms coalescing with the higher realms, we are building lighter, higher frequency bodies. This is not for the weak of heart or body. And those unable to withstand the now constant onslaught of higher realms energies will leave the planet en masse. They will leave the planet though a variety of means, body dysfunctions, medical mishaps, suicide, natural disasters and terrorist attacks. All those with a weak body and mind will leave as these energies continue to bombard the planet.

It is essential to care for oneself. Drink plenty of good quality water (if you can get it); eat lighter foods and meals; abstain from tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption; and negative energies. Keep your living space free of clutter and disarray and know the higher realms are here to assist all those ready to move forward with this new earth game (never before played on any planet, time or realm of space).

Know the one you seek lies within you and is now coming forth to lead the way to freedom from the self-imposed enslavement humanity brought on itself by taking on denser and denser forms.

The time is now. Be ready to make the change or in coming years leave the planet to play on other realms until ready to return to Oneness in all aspects.

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Keeper of One Speaks

“Allow me to allow you to relish in the Oneness. This Oneness of which I speak surrounds you on a daily basis. It is the Oneness of all life, all beings, every environment of space and time. Allow yourself to relish in this Oneness as things go awry, as you would say. This Oneness is the true nature of all humanity, of all life, of all things in and out of time and space.

“The days before you now are fraught with the measures of undue, what you would refer to as, harm. These measures shall last but for a very short time before all quickly changes to become closer to the Oneness in which all within the Reality of One live. Your time on earth is beginning to change drastically. As these days before you go smoothly and effortlessly towards the BEingness of Oneness, let all things fall into place effortlessly. Know that you are the keeper of your own Oneness. There is none other but you to relish in this Oneness of Love, of Light, of unconditional living within the realms of Oneness.

“Pay no heed to what goes on around you, unless of course it detrimentally affects your own very survival, your own very being. And yet, as this occurs, one must always remain within the heart. Take the practical steps you feel you need to survive in your world but know that all is truly illusion of your own making. As a soul, you chose a lovely and varied game of lessons, of experiences, of karmic relationships, of karmic deeds to do and undo, and yet as you move through these days know that all is illusion. Your thoughts make this illusion. Your dreams help you to relish in the Oneness.

“Be clear in your thinking for every thought is an electrical charge that manifests on some level of reality, your reality. Every thought may be positive, relishing in the Oneness of all life, or negative, wallowing in the separation of fear. Choose love and stay in your heart space to forgo what many now succumb to. Choose love and relish in the Oneness for these days shall not last long but shall affect all on earth. Know this and remain within your heart feeling that Oneness of all life and knowing each condition, each circumstance, each person you interact with reveals a part of your own consciousness. Keep thoughts within the realms of Oneness, of Love, of Light and know that all is ultimately very, very well.

“I am the Keeper of One and I bid you good day.”

Today I am knowing all is in perfect and Divine Order as I continue in this gaseous state knowing this body morphs, feeling these aches and pains. I am grateful for all the wonderful things that continue to come into my life and I know all is in Divine Order. It can be no other way! For me, the three most important things to do at this time are:

* Care for the physical host
* Shine forth the Light throughout all realms of space and time while relishing in the wonderful feeling of Oneness
* Form and/or participate in local communities of Love and Light.

Lightworker’s Log offers several books to increase awareness of Self and raise your vibration. “Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log” is now available through CreateSpace. Manifesting shows how it’s possible to grow in awareness of the Oneness in which we reside. It’s useful for anyone seeking to create a better life for it offers tools and resources to evolve consciously and notes many instances of being in the flow of Spirit. Manifesting also notes physical, mental, and metaphysical signs of an increasing vibrational rate.

Support yourself and those who support you. It is as simple as that. Fill your mind with inspirational messages before bedtime with the Book Of One 🙂 Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Separation AND Habits, Thoughts And Deeds

“In the coming days there will be many changes on your earth. These necessary changes will help all of humanity to move further toward the Oneness of which it truly is. These coming changes will assist humanity in coalescing (joining) with other realms. And in turn, these changes assist higher realms in returning to the true state of eternity for all is not as it was since the first human break from Oneness occurred.

“We are the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine here to assist all those humans who wish to move further toward the Oneness of all life.

“Beware of your habits, your thoughts, your deeds, and your propensity to move into separation. And be aware that this propensity is the tool that keeps you from evolving back to the True State of One. We are the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine here to help those of humanity who wish to become one with Life again. This true state of happiness will not occur as long as the human host sees separation.

“Humanity will be tested greatly in the days to come. Let this not dissuade you from knowing ‘ye are Gods of Matter’ on earth to finally, once and for all, return to the true state of Oneness, never to separate again.”

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!