Tag Archives: Manipulation

manipulating D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions): The Race Accelerates!

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

Not being a scientist nor scholar, and certainly  …  so much is changing in today’s world that seems incomprehensible. Perhaps the most important of these, and yet rarely discussed, is the changing of human makeup, D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions). As many may know, or not, D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions) is what makes a human what it is. This fiber of humanity’s current being is now changing at a rapid rate, due to dualistic efforts in a dualistic world.

On the one hand, incoming energies from sources such as meteors, comets, planetary alignments, solar and geomagnetic activity and the like seem to now continually bombard humanity, causing a wide variety of what may be referred to as malfunctions, exhaustion, heart palpitations, interrupted sleep patterns and …. This onslaught of energies makes it possible to change from a 2-strand to a 12-strand D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions) – and more, which is closer to the formless, although nothing like energetic state we arrived in on earth to play the game. This constant influx of higher realm energies, for lack of a better term, continues to move humanity and earth back toward its original pristine star state.

On the other hand, there are foods and other substances designed to change the human form as well. Yes, ge NET ically modified foods do change human D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions). In fact, other things change it as well as the dualistic race continues in this earth game. Consider the thought that everything put into or on the human form, whether via consumption, interaction with other humans (such as sex), or just breathing modified air affects the human make-up.  … !

Full article in Book Of One : – ) Volume 6.


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