Tag Archives: Manipulation

Changing DNA Amid Chaos And Confusion

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

The integration of DNA in the physical body is yet another aspect of international change. We, the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine, now ask that all remain open to this adjustment as wave upon wave of solar, lunar, and planetary energy continues to assist humanity with this process. The changing of human DNA is necessary, as many now know, to remain upon planet earth as she too changes what can be referred to as her own DNA. As this process continues to unfold within all upon earth, scores and scores of people who are not ready to remain shall continue to leave the earth’s atmosphere.

It is not, nor has it ever been, in the best interests of any higher realm frequency to manipulate DNA on any level, and yet, that is the attempt of lower frequencies within the earth’s atmosphere. Asking all to participate within an atmosphere of chaos and hysteria changes the DNA in yet another aspect made possible through the stress produced upon those confused individuals within the earth of humanity. Confusion yet fuels the stress creating further change within the DNA of those experiencing dilemma after dilemma. …

… throughout what may be referred to as the earth’s America. The knowledge of those in the upper echelons of the American hierarchy shall continue attempts to hone their skills of manipulation. And yet, these attempts shall continue to fail… elite group of manipulation only to recognize that that manipulation is gross misuse and abuse of human powers.

To all of humanity that now experience the chaos and confusion caused by the few remaining within the upper echelons of earth’s hierarchy, the knowledge of gross misuse and abuse of power is becoming known, and disregarding the consequences of this misuse and abuse of power is now spreading throughout the hierarchy. These coming …

Allow those that have come to earth as souls to experience the gross misuse and abuse of power have their experience, while many within the realm of humanity step back to wait….

The chaos and confusion shall lead all of humanity closer to the truth that ye are gods of physical matter experiencing what may be referred to as a roller coaster ride of discovery and delight in final recognition of truth on all levels.

It is with the greatest respect that …

Remember voids always fill. The process many of us are going through at this point in time is through sleep time, through dreams. We are revisiting, clearing, cleansing, and purging all memories of the past, to make room, to fill that void with the New Earth’s moments of Now. So allow yourself the time to sleep as much as possible, to move through this process… This cannot be stressed enough as we continue to move on this Mother Ship Earth spiraling further and further upwards to greater and greater states of consciousness.

Full communication with Author’s Notes in
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

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Elite Few

Enjoy this excerpt from After Death Communications…WOW!

As most days, the task I sought to complete led to a completely different task, one of what may be referred to as assisting humanity. And so, today’s post is the result…

The Elite Few

“Let’s talk about public humiliation and defeat of the elite, shall we?

“Many people now know that things have been manipulated by the elite few who think they are in control of the game on earth. To them this is more than a game. It is a time to gain more prosperity at the expense of others, a time to defeat what they believe to be enemies and a time to let go of anything that reeks of Love or Oneness. Some of these humans know they are souls and have garnered attention in this manner before. Some of these humans even know it is a game between the Light and the dark, so to speak, the evil and the good, the right and the wrong, if you will.

“And yet, some of these humans are beginning to tire of the earth game and know they too can have a different experience. Some of them even long for the experience of love and affection. Some of them long for the Oneness they have avoided for eons of time. And it is these individual humans that will blow open the game, turn the tables on their comrades, if you will.

“Look for this in coming months, as those humans who are tired of separation now give up control to help those humans hopelessly lost in the game of dark and Light.

“…to distract anyone from the experience their soul chose to have this time around on the wheel of earth life….just know all you in human form, the game is ending and it is up to you to take care and follow your own intuition…”

Full message to humanity in After Death Communications…WOW!

See more book excerpts from “After Death Communications…WOW!” by clicking on the the link!

manipulating D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions): The Race Accelerates!

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

Not being a scientist nor scholar, and certainly  …  so much is changing in today’s world that seems incomprehensible. Perhaps the most important of these, and yet rarely discussed, is the changing of human makeup, D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions). As many may know, or not, D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions) is what makes a human what it is. This fiber of humanity’s current being is now changing at a rapid rate, due to dualistic efforts in a dualistic world.

On the one hand, incoming energies from sources such as meteors, comets, planetary alignments, solar and geomagnetic activity and the like seem to now continually bombard humanity, causing a wide variety of what may be referred to as malfunctions, exhaustion, heart palpitations, interrupted sleep patterns and …. This onslaught of energies makes it possible to change from a 2-strand to a 12-strand D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions) – and more, which is closer to the formless, although nothing like energetic state we arrived in on earth to play the game. This constant influx of higher realm energies, for lack of a better term, continues to move humanity and earth back toward its original pristine star state.

On the other hand, there are foods and other substances designed to change the human form as well. Yes, ge NET ically modified foods do change human D(ualistic) N(on-human) A(ctions). In fact, other things change it as well as the dualistic race continues in this earth game. Consider the thought that everything put into or on the human form, whether via consumption, interaction with other humans (such as sex), or just breathing modified air affects the human make-up.  … !

Full article in Book Of One : – ) Volume 6.


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