Tag Archives: Chaos

Living The Law of One

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine with news of humanity’s move on this New Earth. The catastrophic events happening in large areas of your earth are preparing the ground for these higher energies of Light and Love. Those humans who have agreed to live in these areas unknowingly are anchoring these new energies. There are those called Gridkeepers who know exactly what they are doing but there are few of them on your earth at this time. Most humans are unaware that catastrophic events help to settle the Light coming into your planet at this time.

“We are here with those of you who hold this Light of One. Yes, it is a light of Oneness that now settles onto your earth. This great assurety of Oneness is for all who do not hold separation within themselves. Remember humanity, you are One. Each person you see, each person you interact with, each person that interacts with you is a part of that Oneness, is a part of you. These are your mirrors as many say. Pay attention to the interactions of your mirrors and know the Law of One returns to earth more steadily at this time. Treat all those you interact with with the knowledge that they are you in another form. They are part of All That Is, God, whatever you wish to call it and they are here to help you come into that Oneness within yourself. All those still seeking separation will no longer be supported on this New Earth.

“Now we wish to address those living in catastrophic areas. You are there not only to assist with the settlement of new energies but also the settlement of new communities of Oneness. Reach out to those in need. Build your communities and know all on earth hold a purpose. There are none on this earth who do not have a unique goal as souls. Many may be unaware of this truth and yet each soul holds a unique gift or talent to help humanity move forward into the Law of One once again.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine. You need only ask to receive the information desired to assist you in once again living the Law of One.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, and Volumes 3-5; visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Leaving Physicality

“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine and we wish all to know, all are loved and watched over very carefully despite the tumultuous activities upon your earth. As these New Earth energies continue to settle there are many things we shall relate in time. This is not to say that your time on the New Earth will always be filled with turmoil but to relate that despite what one may experience all is indeed in Divine Order. This is, after all, a soul choice to experience life in physicality, to experience what it is like to forget ones true roots, to experience what it is like to return to those true roots after many believe there is no such thing but turmoil, chaos and disruption.

“We are here as a group of souls long ago having experienced earth life to relate, all is not lost, for nothing is gained nor loss in your experience. This may seem ill advised to believe but we want all to know your experience is yours alone, based on eons of thought forms and decisions left upon the old earth form from the beginning of your decision (as a soul) to experience physicality. We want all to know; as we did, you too shall return to the living and BEing experience in all aspects when your soul’s experience has reached its end. That time has come and is coming for many souls now upon your earth. These souls chose to leave the earth experience to continue a journey of experience in other realms of existence before finally returning in all aspects to the Truth of BEing, which no form has ever left in True Reality. This may seem difficult to follow but know all on earth chose to experience physicality as souls. All on earth are now making the decision to leave this game, if you will, or return to the full knowingness that ye are not only gods of matter but so powerful that ye have experienced life in physicality without ever leaving the Whole of One.

“All on the New Earth now conclude their journey and return to the joy of BEing, of knowing the Truth has never left their essence of awareness. It is only in the small mind of mind that one appears experiencing life in physical form.

“We leave you today with this thought: Is it your time to leave physicality? If so, perhaps you may wish to welcome the energies of Oneness and Love those within your current dream.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Radiate Love

As these energy waves of consciousness continue to move into the earth, I notice lately the truth we were told so many years ago; energy affects people in different ways. Some people deal with this energy by being angry. We can help those and others around us by spreading love and light if we are ever in the midst of anger. For instance, in the community where I live sometimes people are very angry and yelling when energies are high. When this occurs (and other times as well) I radiate Love from my heart’s core to fill the area. This not only helps the body of which my soul experiences physicality, but helps the community as well for remember everything is energy, radiating out into space, so when you focus on your heart’s core and radiate that loving energy out into the world, you help not only your body but the bodies of all those around you. And that radiation of loving energy continues to spread throughout the earth and beyond it. This is a very practical tip that one can use during times when it seems the anger within people is increasing.

Remember, the end result of chaos is nirvana but we must first move through that chaos. You can choose to be in the chaos, or not. You can choose to match and feed chaotic energies or you can choose to neutralize them and nurture harmonious thoughts by radiating loving energy out into the world.

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Gods Of Matter

“All is well my child as you move though these phases of raising consciousness for yourself and that of humanity. It is with the greatest respect that we the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine ask you to be more aware of the possibilities that lie before humanity. This is not to say become involved in these possibilities but to be aware they are there for many sleeping humans. Those still not ready to reach higher states of awareness and truth shall become increasingly burdened with consequences of their own making, by giving their power away, by using their free choice and will to allow other, what they believe to be more knowing, humans to make their choices for them.

“Much of humanity quickly moves toward these conditions while a much smaller group of humans, awakened to the Truth of BEing continue to make their own rules. Never forget, humanity may be in human form, but nevertheless are gods of creation, with the ability and tools to improve life on a much grander scale than ever before.

“We wish all to know: the Truth of BEing lies inside each individual form waiting to be recognized and utilized for the good of all. There is nothing to stop humanity from this recognition but its own small self of one. Each human holds and must recognize this power held within or succumb to another life on other planets to receive the blessing. Your earth as it is now is changing and shall not be in the state held for eons of time.

“We are the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine here to assist those ready to move forward on the New Earth, knowing ye are gods of matter.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, and Volumes 3-5; visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Speak Your Truth

“It is time to speak your truth, Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, your specific actions help to cement the crystalline grid. Your earth changes rapidly as all unseen realms watch from afar, distant galaxies, distant planets, and yet, distance is only a state of mind. It is time to speak the truth of the Law of One. In coming days, all shall become more aware of this Oneness as your world yet again experiences mass confusion, mass chaos. This is yet another new beginning for humanity and Mother Earth.

“The Law of One, simply stated, you are a part of one another; you are part of the Oneness of All That Is. You are part of the very consciousness that fills the air, between, within, among you. Go out and spread this word of One to all who seek it. It is time for the Law of One to be practiced once again. This is done by treating others as yourself, knowing you are each a part of the Oneness of all things.”

In my mind, I ask for a source to name, even knowing it is all illusion and every message comes from my own consciousness. If I must name a source for this message, I hear, make it Amanda.

“I am Amanda and I come to you now as part of the entity through which this channel comes. It is after all only one.”

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Cementing New Earth Energies

“We, the Lemurian Council of Twelve, wish to express our gratitude to those of you moving forward. Gridkeepers, gatekeepers, we are grateful for your assistance in helping to cement New Earth energies. Your world becomes a place of wholeness it once was many eons ago but this will take some time. In the meantime, we wish to inform and bless all involved in this process, the process of returning to the original form of Light.

“And so it is that we move on knowing the task is achieved for earth is but our path as well. With the assistance of those upon the earth, we move forward in evolution as well. So we thank those stepping forward to replace us.

“We, the Lemurian Council of Twelve, wish to salute you as the world returns to its original form, Light. This too shall take many eons of time. Yet, those of you on the earth now are assisting in this change to cement the process for those to come. We express our gratitude. We know this process is not a steady movement for many. We know this process may seem gruesome and burdensome to many humans on earth. But we wish you to know, it is already achieved in other spaces of time.”

Visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3. Loving You!

Energy Update From Lemurian Council of Twelve


“Relish in these energies as earth continues to change. We the Lemurian Council of Twelve are with humanity, watching, waiting for those ready to make the next shift. This shift shall assure your permanent vibrational frequency with the New Earth into the 5D realm of existence.

“We are with you as you move through your world and we ask that you continue to move through these frequencies of Light carefully to assure your safe journey to the other side of BEing. This is not a state in which many of your people currently exist but one reserved for those ready to move into the class of Oneness once again.

“Assure your safe arrival by knowing, you are one with each person you relate with; each person you come in contact with holds a key for your further awakening to this class of consciousness. Pay attention to your cluesto move into this state of BEing. Pay attention to the movement of energies as they surround you and know you are loved dearly. You are now moving forward as all unseen realms continue to cheer you on. You are becoming One once again and we applaud this supreme effort of will to again meet those parts of your Self left behind so many eons ago.

“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve are here to assist as all watch and cheer.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Souls Of One Speak


“As you move though these changes of physicality, know you are watched and guided by those helpful unseen realms. We are with you as you awaken to meet your chosen day. We are with you as you choose to move through that day filled with love or fear. And we know you shall always reap the experience you alone choose to experience. We ask you to consider the best possible choice for the growth of your soul.

“Yes, we are aware that many do not believe in the birth and death of soul thought-forms, for various reasons, but we ask that you become aware that there are always choices to make as long as you seem to be a body in form on earth.

“The vast changes before humanity now coalesce into a mix of ecstasy and agony as all becomes aware, you are not alone in any sense of the word. We are with you as you move though these vast changes and we ask you to consider, ‘Will I achieve the soul’s growth?’

“We are the Souls Of One here to convey this vital message to all who care to listen. The Souls Of One are a conglomeration of all souls chosen to be in earth form for the purpose of extending the knowledge of Oneness throughout humanity and the Cosmos. We too shall dissipate as all thought-forms merge at the end of time.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Introducing Volume 4!  Sales through the author get a bonus of “Prayer Treatments: Lightworker’s Log” with each order (mention “BONUS PT” when ordering). E-mail me at Page 2 for details and free shipping.

Consider Ascension Tools & Resources To Support Your Spiritual Growth.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Humanities Ascension During Chaotic Energies

Beloved Soul Family,

Energies continue to be chaotic for many people. We chose as souls to experience this time of humanity’s ascension and it is up to us to move through them with as little negativity as possible while remaining in the flow of Love and Light. Going with the flow takes little effort. Ego is not very pleased to do this for it means taking a back seat to Spirit, All That Is. And yet, in these times of massive soul growth, it is the only way to BE.

Going with the natural flow means taking a back seat to the physical happenings that seem apparent. These last vestiges of old continue unabated for days to come, while newer, more loving and peaceful, energies fill earth’s atmosphere. Taking into account all that has transcribed over these past few years, one must assure themselves that going with the flow, as opposed to ‘making things happen’ serves one best. As the natural flow of Life continues to mold a better world for humanity, go with the flow. Just BE, relishing in each moment of bliss as it comes, pushing no agendas, but BEing for the sake of living life to its fullest in Truth, in Love, in the Light that your soul came to be.

Find inspiring Book Of One 🙂 videos at Lightworkers Log and Videos. “Radiating Heart Energy” helps to increase loving frequiencies during these momentual times of increasing cosmic energy, making it easier to assimilate the constant onslaught of higher frequiencies. You may also wish to revisit earlier videos in this order:

* Sending White Light 🙂 and for older PC download (right click and “save as”) Sending White Light

* Lightworker Soul Stretch and for older PC download (right click and “save as”) Lightworker Soul Stretch

* Lightbody Activation – and for older PC download (right click and “save as”) Lightbody Activation

* For older PC download (right click and “save as”) Lightbody Expansion

* For older PC download (right click and “save as”) Radiating Heart Energy

Email me if you are unable to download any of these resources and wish a copy for your own use. Also, Lightworker’s Log books are available through Lightworker’s Log Book Series and the first two books are very good at leading readers towards another viewpoint with excerpts from “A Course in Miracles” and “The Science of Mind.”

“As things quickly unfold, take all changes in stride as necessary. The throes of awakening are upon many more people than ever before and all those on the path ahead are needed to lead. Greatness lies within and calling upon the greatness of I AM serves one best. Let nothing dissuade you from the truth. Ye ARE Gods of Matter.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at theContact Page. Support your Self by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Introducing Book Of One 🙂 Lightworker’s Log Volume 4! Visit SAM I AM Productions to support your Self and the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Shine on through the chaos and beyond 🙂

We Are ONE!

In the likely event that you are wondering, “What is going on in this world???” YES, things are changing rapidly. Humanity is quickly, or not, changing into the state of mind it left so long ago.

For some, that means being faced with circumstance after circumstance of separation, in our own mind, until we realize WE ARE ONE. We are NOT separate. Each person we face is, indeed, a part of our very own self. Yes, the small self here on earth seems separate but we are now faced with the BIGGER picture of Reality, WE ARE ONE in seeming, separate unique form here to experience life in bodily form on earth.

So what can we do if continually faced with situations that appear negative? We can see these situations for what they are, opportunities to recognize aspects of our self, to accept them with unconditional love and to let them go (if need be) knowing WE ARE ONE, WE ARE LIGHT, WE ARE part of All That Is here to shine and share our gifts with humanity.

Many higher realms messages are shared with humanity. One such message, which in my separate mind seemed to come from the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine, bears repeating:

“As the world moves further into chaos it is time to realize that this is yet another means to move all of humanity to Oneness once again. Yes, for once again humanity has stepped further away from the truth of itself, as one essence in unique forms playing and experiencing a life game on planet earth. It is with the greatest respect that we of higher realms discuss soul contracts today. For this is a necessary part of the much-needed return to Oneness.

“As with all things, one must experience duality in order to tell the difference, to distinguish, between perceptions held by human minds. It has always been this way for humanity and that too is changing as all things on planet earth. But again, allow us to discuss how soul contracts play a role in this return to Oneness.

“Many souls agreed to take on human form to help with this much overdue process on earth’s realm. This entails those souls who have agreed to awaken and those who agreed, very gratefully, to take on much darker roles to help their brothers and sisters, those other unique aspects of All That Is to remember their true nature. And it is through their acts of anger, their violence and much-needed chaotic acts that the unawakened souls begin the process of returning to the Light from whence all came.

“This process begins with compassion, compassion for your fellow man. And it is in holding this compassion, within the heart’s core, that the Divine Spark begins to awaken. Make no mistake, each human upon planet earth carries a unique essence of All That Is. It makes no difference what their role is. This Divine Spark is the very essence all have come to awaken during this and subsequent years as earth returns to its rightful vibration of Light.

“We the White-Winged Consciousness of Nine leave you with these thoughts:

“If those of the human mind continue to hold separation within themselves how will the process of awakening unfold? How will those unawakened souls return and remember the Light within if not to experience darkness?”

Helpful Tips & Tools

* Pay attention to thoughts, words and deeds. If they continually dwell in separation, that is what will appear.

* Focus on positive ways to spend time. Read inspiring books, attend and participate in groups that focus on Oneness (A Course In Miracles and A Course Of Love are two such groups).

* Spend time alone without the distraction of electronics and news. Become accustomed to listening for higher realm guidance rather than counting on main stream media or others.

Sharon Ann Meyer, Wayshower, SAM I AM PROductions. Feel free to share.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!