The Return

There is nothing missing. There is nothing lost. There is nothing gained. All is here. All is now. All shall continue to be coalesced consciousnesses merging together, returning to the consciousness of the Oneness from which all things come. Nothing is to be gained or lost in coming days as humanity moves through yet another seemingly arduous time of chaos, confusion, distraught, and dismay.

Continuing to tap into the higher aspect of one’s self will always reap the greater benefit to assist one wholly and fully to move around the mass confusion caused by imbalance in words, thoughts, emotion, and deeds. Not recognizing the Oneness in which all things derive, many now act out in the confusion of not knowing why the turmoil continues to exist seemingly within what seems a physical form.

Know that in coming days and weeks the illusionary nature of matter shall continue to be revealed through gross acts, and yet it is only the uncovering of the shining facet of the diamond of which one is. Yet another undisclosed fact comes forth to reveal to all that humanity is not only NOT alone in the universe, but of a substantial nature, of beingness, as compared to less evolved aspects of consciousness. And yet, humanity has much to learn, to experience, to evolve to greater aspects of its very own self, which have already been played out within the field of consciousness. This is to say, all is here, all is now in one state having already occurred, and yet seeming to be in a timeline within a time/space continuum that holds a past, present, and future.

Many know that tapping into that zero-point consciousness within the present moment reveals all things to be known by that particular, unique human consciousness, based upon that particular unique human’s evolutionary progress. This is to say that each human being taps into the consciousness within it’s self that is more evolved, thereby leading it into greater aspects of awareness of what it truly is.

There are many that choose not to move into these greater aspects of evolution, and as previously revealed, they shall continue to leave current physical form to take on yet another new form upon a new Planet Earth, for yes, there are many evolutionary progressions of Planet Earth just as there are evolutionary progressions of what seems as a human form.

Know that in coming days, weeks, and months there shall continue to be confusion, chaos, and turmoil for those not understanding the true nature of Reality. But for those that understand the experience and expression unfolding along the path of consciousness of which they travel the chaos, confusion, and turmoil shall be limited to that which remains unbalanced within themselves.

We aspects having moved through this chaos, confusion and turmoil, many times via many time/space continuum experiences and expressions, shall continue to merge with the consciousnesses of lesser and greater evolved aspects of the very own consciousness which chose to experience and express on what seems as a Planet Earth for the purpose of balancing all souls expressions.

We leave you now knowing the consciousness of which much of humanity seeks now unfolds in a timely, progressively much greater state than ever before.
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Guided to publish a book about family power games, and then 18 more surface… The Lightworker’s Log Book Series . The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates ascension tools and tips, and multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates.