Tag Archives: JUMPing TIMElines

Considerations Afforded To Humanity

Twelve considerations afforded to humanity are of the most vital importance during these times of ever-increasing evolutionary consciousness.

First, humanity is afforded the opportunity to bring in more of the soul of which they are, the soul of which they have come to experience and express in unique, individual human physical form.

The second opportunity afforded to humanity is to recognize the innate god-like qualities afforded each and every human individual. Through the recognition of these innate god-like qualities, humanity shall continue to move along the ascending arc into a greater aspect of experience and expression, for not only the unique individual but the mass of humanity as well.

The third opportunity afforded to humanity is that of conscious awareness of the Oneness held within each and every human individual. This Oneness affords humanity with the ability to not only tap into the feelings and consciousness of one another, but to also be able to create a ripple effect within that consciousness of Oneness to uplift all into a greater experience and expression of the soul.

The fourth opportunity afforded to humanity is yet a further expansion of the consciousness by recognizing and expressing the multi-dimensional aspects of the galactic references which seeded humanity and afforded it an opportunity for further growth upon a new earth.

The fifth opportunity afforded to humanity is the crucial awareness that not only is the growth of Mother Earth continuing to occur through eruptions of consciousness in the guise of what can be referred to as disastrous conditions, but the same disastrous conditions are afforded to humanity to allow an unearthing of the innate consciousness held within a mass of humanity that continues for the greater part to sleep within the dream of dreams.

The sixth opportunity afforded to humanity is a knowingness of the crucial opportunity to remain on earth seemingly in physicality in an organic form not trifled with nor manipulated by outside forces and able to share that organic consciousness within the ripple effects of all of humanity.

The seventh opportunity afforded to humanity is one not only of the greatness held within but the ability to further increase the consciousness of its self through various ways and means that continue to lift the unique human individual out of limitation and into a field of abundance, joy, peace, harmony and health.

The eighth opportunity afforded to humanity includes not only the ability to interact with other beings of consciousness in other galactic realms but also that of Mother Earth as well. To partake of this communication is to further glean the knowledge and wisdom of those aspects of consciousness which have afforded humanity the new earth which it now experiences. As gross disruptions continue to take place upon this earth it is vitally important that humanity tap into, and listen, and follow the wisdoms of these elementals belonging to the earth’s atmosphere, the air, the fire, the water, the earth.

The ninth opportunity afforded to humanity is the opportunity to become increasingly aware of the effects of the unique human consciousness upon the mass of the whole. This is an opportunity known as the real game changer among humans, for once one realizes that what one experiences and expresses affects all of humanity, and also creates a ripple effect out into other galactic realms, the unique individual personality will change its ways of thinking, of speaking, of acting, and will respond in crucial life-affirming ways rather than negative inorganic ways.

The tenth opportunity afforded to humanity includes the ability to consciously sense the bodies of its own consciousness on a continual 24/7 basis, sensing the bodies of consciousness, the physical, the etheric, the emotional, the mental, and moving further to tap into the higher mental known as the Causal Realm. Taking those wisdoms gleaned from learning of their own effects upon mass consciousness each unique human individual shall change the world by creating new avenues causing greater streams of consciousness, climbing up the evolutionary ladder in an ever-increasing pace.

The eleventh ability afforded to humanity includes that of recognizing the stream of consciousnesses always available to communicate with, to move through what may seem as arduous times as humanity begins to recognize the opportunities it has been afforded. Taking time to recognize these streaming aspects of its own consciousness will assist greatly in coming days, weeks, and years. Sensing bodily fields of consciousness, adjusting those fields of consciousness as necessary, and tapping into the innate multidimensional wisdoms of each unique individual aspect shall continue to assist humanity in creating an atmosphere that is life-affirming in harmony and unity, affording abundance to all.

The twelfth opportunity afforded to humanity is the ability to clear all previous lifetimes of negativity, to transmute all ill will, and balance all experience and expressions in all earthly realms. This is an opportunity afforded to those members of humanity who have awakened from the earth dream of dreams to carry on experience and expression in other realms of a soul’s consciousness.

Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome at the Contact Page. Remember, experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Support those who support you in a positive, life-affirming way. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. Loving You!

Galactic Federation Of Light Warning

Intestines pop like popcorn throughout this communication—received in late July 2024—and at one point, repeated coughing as the body adjusts to a much greater stream of frequencies of consciousness. Sharing seemed out of the question then, mainly due to the revelation that there would still be four more years of trying times to move through. But I share it now upon seeing what is occurring today, and knowing the importance of holding a steady grid for those able and willing to do so, because they will not be as affected.

“We wish to inform and impress upon those of earth: the choices made today create the future of tomorrow. Of course, this is a well-known fact, and yet it is playing a hefty role in cementing the New Earth, and ways of old for those on that path of experience and expression. Choose your timeline carefully and know the choices made continue to cement that timeline into solid physical reality.

“Yes, for those that know, all is illusion, yet the game continues to play—and it must be played out in what seems a physical atmosphere of ones choosing. The pressure of this atmosphere continues to change with incoming galactic frequencies planned for eons of time. The steady state of incoming frequencies shall not subsist (manage to survive) for quite some time, for those that hold what can be referred to as a steady state of conscious choice creating it will make it necessary to balance the scales, so to speak, for those choosing much different experience and expression.

“We the Galactic Federation of Light know that in these trying times it is of utmost concern to most humans to remain in a steady state of peace and calm while moving through unceasing survival issues. We wish to inform and impress upon those upon earth that this state of unceasing survival issues shall continue for four more years and yet, it is but a whisper away for those maintaining a steady state of conscious awareness balanced in higher frequencies of the New Earth.

“Those remaining in place know who they are in truth, steady anchors, pillars of LIGHT holding the grid—the web of photonic light for all of humanity. Remember the choices made must continue to center within the highest good of all concerned and not just the few.

“We leave now as the channel adjusts to yet greater frequencies of consciousness within what seems as a physical frame. We remain available for those willing and able to tap into the more evolved conscious state of their own experiences and expressions, not only upon what seems as a Planet Earth but other realms of illusion within the experience of a Monadic Essence.”

As a single human it’s easy to see the many, many times timelines changed, with each child’s transition, with each marriage, with each divorce, with each move the experience changed, and set ways of living were relinquished to make way for greater ways of living and being. With each change in beliefs and perceptions it becomes easier to move through the process of jumping timelines. Becoming consciously aware of the Seven Keys (emotions, thoughts, words, deeds, reactions, responses, neutrality) in maintaining a steady forward movement in consciousness continues to be the best choice for at least what seems as me. For those interested, the latest book PREPARING FOR DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE holds many tips and tools to assist us in jumping timelines to reach the best possible one upon our physical transition, for consciousness does NOT die but continues on in other states of experience and expression.

Also, Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures assists us in making sense of certain occurrences when tapping into our innate multidimensionality, and After Death Communications…WOW holds wisdoms and information for those experiencing the loss of loved ones.


As chaos continues to escalate around the globe one must pay attention to one’s very own unique energy field to quell the source of separation, for as much as one would prefer to seek outside one’s self for cause, the cause of all chaos lies inside each and every unique human individual that focuses on separation. Know that in coming days, weeks, and throughout the next six months the escalating chaos will seem to come to a head, burst forth into further chaos causing confusion, and then finally begin to settle into a pattern of rapid change and development.

The development of new systems is already in progress, but time must match its birth into the current reality of humanity. When more unique human individuals concentrate on the greater good of all the time shall ripen as a fruit dropping from the tree of life, escalating the process of further change, minus the chaos and confusion previously experienced.

Know that in coming weeks, especially for those areas now in the throes of major political changes, rapidity of change continues to escalate as more unique human individuals step up to be heard and make necessary changes for the greater good of all. The select few shall no longer rule but sequester what is left of old ideas and ways until these too dissipate for lack of energy. Remember, each unique human individual holds the power to make necessary local changes, and it is only through this participation that MAJOR CHANGES SHALL COME TO FRUITION FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF HUMANITY.

Timelines continue to merge as humanity continues to pay attention to only individual thoughts, ideas, and notions of progress. It is but for a short time before humanity finally lands in the timeline in which all will come together in thought, word, and deed. Pay attention to those around you for clues as to when a timeline jump is necessary to meet up with more evolved souls seeking Unity Consciousness, and know: ALL IS AND CONTINUES TO BE IN DIVINE ORDER! THANKS for playing your unique role to radiate Love and Light! Feel free to share my posts as long as credit is given to SamIAMproductions.com.

As Alice. A. Bailey noted, the Hierarchy uses the New Group of World Servers to quell so-called “forces of evil,” which are only deep rooted ancient ideals and habits of thought. It’s high time to uproot them. They have served their purpose, but must now disappear for humanity to further evolve. New laws and modes of procedure must supersede the old to institute the more inclusive system and new social order. SO, keep JUMPing TIMElines. We got this! Think Life-Affirming Thoughts https://www.lightworkerslog.com/revsam/page10.html (y) https://samiamproductions.com/wp/higher-realms-assistance/ (y) https://samiamproductions.com/wp/the-tipping-point/ https://samiamproductions.com/wp/ecstasy-and-agony/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwYygxQ0B7s (PS: You can avoid ads if you download the video to watch later. ) #BiggerPictureFocus

The Lightworker’s Log Book Series holds a plethora of valuable insights into life on earth, channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between dimensions, ascension tools, information on Light Activation symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life.