Tag Archives: Lemuria

Sea Of Forgetfulness

Enjoy this full book excerpt from: Book of One 🙂 Volume 1

Many other messages for humanity are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome here and at the Contact Page. Remember, a physical book in hand cannot be erased or digitally changed, does NOT erupt harmful microwaves, and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.

Life seems often to be a dream; and yet, everything on earth feels so real. Of course, I know it is not. Everything is just a figment of my imagination. Many years passed while thinking about how this earth and its inhabitants came to be. Perhaps I have things figured out now, finally after eons of time, I remember.

The truth is we are lost in a sea of forgetfulness, playing a game called earth life. It is not, nor has it ever been, our intent to stay but just to experience, express, and expand back to All That Is. Sometime back, I’m not sure when, we decided to change the game. Allow me to start from what I now perceive as the beginning.

In the beginning there was the Word, yeah, the Word, the Word of One. But putting that aside, there was a black Void of emptiness and fullness, everywhere, including everything. That Pure Consciousness was All and still is All That Is. It somehow began to expand by thinking, manifesting if you will, parts of Itself that wished to create more and more richness of BEing.

Those parts decided to separate, in mind, from the greater Void. We are those parts, figments if you will, that decided to take on various forms to experience, express, and expand the richness of All That Is.

We lost our way. After eons of forms and experiences, after eons of words and deeds, we forgot the nature of our True Self. There is only One, and right now in bodily form, we are a part of One. But that One is a part of something much, much greater, All That Is.

As near as I can determine, we placed layer upon layer to mask our True Self. It started long before Atlantis or Lemuria. Those were just epic turning points in our illusory history; times when we decided to take on increasingly denser form. Those days are long gone. In Truth, they never existed for this is a game of mind, the small mind in each figment.

We agreed to experience this realm of consciousness but lost sight of our God-given abilities. In the course of experiencing the dream, we continued to spiral into denser and denser realms, leaving our True Self behind.

As part of this experiment, we belong to a vast entity, Soul. Many call this the Oversoul. It consists of unique and vastly different souls, all playing the game of life on earth. Throughout time, each soul takes on new personalities, new experiences, new missions to experience, expand, and express the richness of All That Is.

As souls, we agree to forget our true nature before we take on a new form. Our form and the environment we choose offer us the perfect place to experience, expand, and express. This is just one part of our journey. And now, it is ending. I don’t mean that in a negative way but only as a change, as in the change of earth seasons.

These are monumental times as we awaken to recognize our full potential. We are finally beginning to remember who we really are. The process of awakening is different for everyone but it is still a process. On earth, and perhaps other realms, we believe our soul needs to grow. And sometimes that soul has very different ideas on what experiences need to occur while the body is on earth. For some, listening to Angels, Spirits, and other guides seems necessary. And yet, we possess the best source of information within us. Many people refer to this source as the Higher or True Self.
A great disservice to humanity occurred when we invented words. Words are not important. And yet, at one point in our evolution, words became a way to communicate for the density of form became too much. Words are layers of fake reality but now we can use them to awaken.

The time to realize this is an illusion of our own making is here. Words, coupled with our sixth sense, lead the way out of the illusion. We are unique souls, parts of spirit now manifested in human form to experience life on earth. Our true nature is Love, pure unadulterated, unconditional Love. Many of us chose to lead or be an example for others to follow.

Yes, we are indeed Gods of Creation and I, as many others, chose before birth to wake up parts of me that are still asleep in the dream. Spirit blessed me during this earth experience to perceive many, vastly different, states of awareness. The bottom line is to learn unconditional love, unconditional love for everyone without a single thought of separation. Experience taught me that the unique Essence is within and we have only to listen to that one very subtle Voice. It is the Voice of inclusion and unconditional Love.

It is time to remember who we are and return to All That Is. My soul agreed to spread the word by discussing the many experiences that affected this physical body. If one is open-minded to believe beyond a rigid set of beliefs, one will clearly see, after learning of my experiences, that there is so much more to life than anyone could ever comprehend.

Humanity is one of an infinite number of entities and things that makes the whole of God. We are beautiful Light Beings, pure energy in material form, having a physical experience and it is now time to awaken the God within. The light of remembrance will glimmer brightly by the time you finish reading Book of One :-).

Our thoughts and words make our physical reality and now that physical reality is manifesting quicker than ever before. It’s vitally important that humans remain positive in thought for what we concentrate on manifests to become our reality.
It is my understanding that some souls chose to stay a bit longer in the dream of forgetfulness. But it’s important to note All That Is has never, and will never, be disrupted.

One can see All That Is as a vast collage of everything that exists. One may take a photo of the collage and make a puzzle but it does not change the collage. One may separate the photo into unique puzzle parts but that has no affect on the collage either. One may even disconnect the parts of the puzzle and separate them to the four corners of the earth, and beyond, but it still has no affect on the original collage. Eventually, the puzzle parts will come together and disintegrate having never been ‘real’ at all. The photo will be no more, but the collage remains perfect, whole, and unaffected.

Humanity is part of the dream puzzle associated with the photo of the collage. Yet, there is nothing to separate us from All That Is but human thought.

My books help those lost in the maze to raise their energy sequentially. One of many surprising moments comes while drafting the fourth book. The light bulb in my head glows brightly as words fill my brain.

“This is not the book you are to write at this time. It is time to begin the Book of One.”

Instantaneously, I know the book will hold many messages received over the past four years.
This is the Book of One :-). It helps us to tap into the True Self.

Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. The paypal account has been closed as a means of WALKING OUR TALK by not feeding aberrant energies that attempt to control by limiting access to funds when it suits them. If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Enjoy the audio version!

We are each a piece of the matrix puzzle, and upon sharing open up possibilities to meet and compare notes with similar minds to boost the frequency of everything and everyone. Consider, and play your role with intention for the highest good of ALL.

Returning To Light

From the beginning of time, life has taken on new forms in every manner of being. Humanity comes and goes as planetary changes, floods and so-called other catastrophes occur. As our planet gradually makes its shift back to light, ever so slowly, during these next several hundred years, scores of humans will leave the planet choosing to return to a New Earth in a new form or to continue their soul’s experience on other planets.

Just as the Atlanteans, Lemurians, Mayans and others, some are now choosing to play a new game instead of extinction. Those who chose as souls to play this new game knew it included leaving everything behind, to experience life on a New Earth in an entirely new form, a lightbody filled with less dense carbon-based matter to one of crystalline, filled with photons that energize it as a mass of light, able to withstand current and coming changes as humanity moves though the process with Mother Earth to be more in tune with the surrounding space.

It is for this reason that today’s communication comes, to alert those interested about these earth and body changes, to make all more comfortable as they occur and to cement a new thought in those with doubtful minds.

You may ask, “Am I one of those dying in physicality to leave the planet, or has my soul chosen to take on this unknown body of light?” If you must ask, the answer should be clear. Many humans chose as souls to begin the process in their current human form but very few chose to withstand the pressures and changes to complete the cycle of returning to light in merely one life. Those doing so are now leading the way, so to speak, answering the call to alert other humans of the new game. Again, very few shall achieve the feat of morphing their physicality in this lifetime, for it involves not only morphing the physical form but the emotions, thoughts and memories of this and any other life lived on earth. Consider this as you see mass catastrophes occur throughout the world. These are meant to clear the land before it floods with the water necessary for her future cleansing.

Yes, of course, there are always other perspectives, but this particular communication addresses the issue of mass human death in a way that many humans understand; to reach out to those with greater understandings of the way consciousness works on earth, until one realizes that after all is said it done, one’s life here is merely a whisper of a minute aspect of the Void that came into being though consciousness and focused energy. Be patient as the process of returning to light continues for those remembering a life in Lemuria when the body was less dense for this is the new game played by those remembering their Lemurian life.

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Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Grand Awakening of Self

“We are here to share news of your sisters and brothers upon this earth. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve here to help humanity at this time. We are you in another form, another level of awareness, another state of consciousness and we tell you now, you are all Lemurians. You are all Lemurians from your past lives and this is why you, as souls, chose to come to earth (in your awareness) at this time.

“Many earth changes lie before you. Many changes in the state of consciousness for humanity occurs now and will continue to occur as all move forward to the awareness of one state of Being, the state of consciousness in which all aspects of the Whole first arrived on earth. This is the state from which humanity chose (as a Whole) to experience, denser and denser forms of BEing. Humanity now returns to the original state of awareness as all unseen realms watch from other states of awareness.

“Be assured no one will be left behind in this Grand Awakening of Self. No one will be left to fend for one’s small self. You need merely ask for assistance to receive it. We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve here to assist.”“This event will take some time in the small minds of self, the self of each soul on earth. But be assured it has already occurred. We are here to assist as humanity moves through this process. And we do so in your various states of awareness, meaning we assist each aspect of the Whole based on their current human state of awareness.

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing, Book of One 🙂 Volume 2, and Book of One 🙂 Volume 3 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!

Energy Update From Lemurian Council of Twelve


“Relish in these energies as earth continues to change. We the Lemurian Council of Twelve are with humanity, watching, waiting for those ready to make the next shift. This shift shall assure your permanent vibrational frequency with the New Earth into the 5D realm of existence.

“We are with you as you move through your world and we ask that you continue to move through these frequencies of Light carefully to assure your safe journey to the other side of BEing. This is not a state in which many of your people currently exist but one reserved for those ready to move into the class of Oneness once again.

“Assure your safe arrival by knowing, you are one with each person you relate with; each person you come in contact with holds a key for your further awakening to this class of consciousness. Pay attention to your cluesto move into this state of BEing. Pay attention to the movement of energies as they surround you and know you are loved dearly. You are now moving forward as all unseen realms continue to cheer you on. You are becoming One once again and we applaud this supreme effort of will to again meet those parts of your Self left behind so many eons ago.

“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve are here to assist as all watch and cheer.”

Experiences of good often increase when we concentrate on inspirational thoughts. Find more channeled messages in “Book of One 🙂 Volume 1″ available through New Leaf Distributing at , Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 OR visit SAM I AM Productions to support the author by purchasing books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!