Tag Archives: Experiencing Geomagnetic Frequencies

Unprecedented Activity Continues

EXTREMELY intense energies these past few days, still, and today we got another unprecedented one, I think (X5.8 and then MORE X flares which I verified after rising).…

“Unprecedented clearing, cleansing, and transmuting of time-worn old earth programs continues at rapid rates compliments of cosmic frequencies entering surrounding atmospheres. Heady experiences continue to be experienced by those sensitive to these energies and consciously aware of what is occurring. Humanity continues to clear these denser energies letting go of gravitational pulls, while increasing in frequency and decreasing in magnetic activity. Much galactic assistance continues with this effort to uplift humanity into higher realms of existence.

“The current timeline in which one experiences is based upon the consistent and steadfast perspective of what one holds or continues to rapidly change based upon an open mind and knowledge of the semantics within an earth time/space atmosphere. Those human beings consciously aware of what is occurring, the evolution of earth and all upon and within her, continue to experience vastly different occurrences based upon unique states of awareness.

“It is not, nor shall it ever be, for a higher frequency aspect to dwell or report upon anything of a subjective nature.

“The continuing onslaughts of cosmic frequencies complimenting the evolutionary change upon earth shall continue in an unprecedented manner for many days, weeks, and months to come. And yet it is only, as all things, another cycle in the continuing earth game. Know that as these incoming frequencies continue to steadily warp all systems and states of consciousness, the remaining systems and states of consciousness shall be vastly changed after the mass exodus of those unable to withstand these energies.

“It is with the greatest respect and honor that frequencies of a greater nature attune to and assist those with open minds ready to communicate with previously unexperienced frequencies.”

Being what seems as a human I note that as mentioned throughout the Lightworker’s Log Book Series there are many instances of documented real-time experiences of solar bursts causing a bevy of signs when they occur, and then other body changes some time later when the human body assimilates them. Later publications such as

Book Of One : – ) Volume 6


Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log

are more useful for those aware of these occurrences. One will certainly find disclosurenews.it (an Italian website) with articles by knowledgeable Dr. Shavi also most helpful.
Remember, earth life and earth itself are mere blips in the BIGGER Picture!

Do yourself a favor and try not to get wrapped up in the drama, but be aware and move through each experience remembering that what we feed helps greatly to continue its existence! I AM THAT of which it is, Perfect, Whole and Free, assimilating these frequencies with Joy and Ease! I AM Blessed by Source Light! Many more affirmations throughut the book series and especially

Book Of One : – ) Volume 4.

Bumping Up!

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

Within our own unique state of awareness there exists an immutable, untouchable source of wisdom that is rarely expressed nor experienced if we remain caught up in the everyday state of what seems as outside ourselves. This source if free, unerring, and always ready to guide throughout chaos, confusion, times of trails and tribulations and other states that may lead us down a spiral of what seems as never-ending despair. There has never been a more opportune time to tap into this source of wisdom than now during what many refer to as the times of gross duality, where we seem to struggle against our own heart-centered Self.

Knowing that we are each our own universe, unfolding Consciousness from within helps to carry us through the maze of what appears as outside interference always striving to pull one down the spiral of Consciousness. Continuing to be pulled into the drama of separation, judgment and states of awareness outside own heart-centeredness is paramount to saying, “Forget about evolving consciousness, allow me to stay in a cocoon of ignorance where I seek outside my Self for answers to questions brought about by outside forces.”

It is not, nor has it ever been our intention as souls to remain in a state of ignorance, nor to continually remain in a circle, repeating experiences and expressions. As souls we have entered into this current state of Consciousness (oops, it’s gone, having been in the Now Moment!) to at one point (and this is the time) spiral up into yet another soul experience and expression. Yes, that most likely means as unique individuals we leave behind EVERYTHING previously expressed or experienced, but it is now the only way to spiral up to yet another unique expression and experience we as souls came to unfold.

So, as we continue to pay attention to what is in each of our own unique energy fields let us be aware of our own frequency, at which time we can determine the frequency that seems to invite us to play. Does that external frequency take us out of our higher heart-centered awareness? Does it raise our frequency to greater states of awareness without subtle manipulation? Does it cause us to spiral up or down in our state of awareness, causing states of duality? Let us be clear in our intentions when initiating actions, for the new game is neutrality and heart-centered consciousness.

As a human, for many, many years, I have paid close attention to changes in the world, each step of the way, noting differences between unfretted human contact, and monitored aspects—designed to keep one in a state of duality outside the control of heart-centered stability. Some things came to my attention upon experiencing the use of so-called free tools and resources that crept onto my computer to delete programs that I’d paid for to make my mission easier. Some revelations came upon researching the original source of ownership or fully reading all rules and regulations of use, but the best revelations now come from heart-centered consciousness, knowing my own frequency and being able to not only sense the frequency of what seems as others, but the intentions behind so-called technological advances that can be used in non life-affirming ways. For me the best source of wisdom lies within, and as we move through these momentous days and nights of revelation our next evolutionary step as humanity will become indisputably clear.
Unrelenting geomagnetic activity continues causing the usual body discomforts. It’s clear; the time to ‘bump up’ is here, again!

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Consider Multidimensional Living: Moving Beyond Astral Adventures to learn how the process of tapping into your very own Source of wisdom unfolds as a natural course.

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Experiencing Geomagnetic Frequencies

It seems as if the downloads of higher energies never stop but change in experience. Last nights experience included the usual signs such as insomnia near dawn, a restlessness causing me to move body parts around via Qi Gong and light exercise, frequent urination, thirst and incessant upper body heat; and then, finally, as usual after dawn, falling into periods of deep sleep for mere minutes with subsequent recall of vivid dreams, before finally sleeping peacefully for hours.

Of course, when I bother to check certain websites it is clear we are in the midst of either geomagnetic activity or some other controlling factors, which change human experience, sometimes drastically as when pilots find their instruments unable to work.

Indeed, we are clearing, cleansing and transmuting not only the physical form—making way for less density—but also clearing, cleansing and transmuting many, many lifetimes lived on earth. The experience and expression keeps changing for those of us agreeing to move through this process of ascension, moving on in body, mind, and soul to greater experiences and expressions. Have faith that you are not alone and the ascension process, as all experience and expression, although different for everyone, does have similar aspects and the next phase will occur upon incorporation of current energies.

As things continue to unfold it is wise to remain neutral while also aware of probabilities. Stock up on food, water and other necessities and if you have not already lessened the risk of losing life savings do the best you can to do so as institutions, including the banking industry, drastically change. Prepare for more disturbances and a subsequent ‘standstill’.

Reliable Resources

The Innate Immune System
World Doctors Alliance
Americas Front Line Doctors

Consider a book such as Book Of One : – ) Volume 2


The Book Of One series assists in raising the body’s vibration.


Also consider
Manifesting: Lightworker’s Log
for tips on raising the body’s vibration through the transmutation of lower energies and manifesting a better reality.

Everything on this website is free and donations to keep it operating are very much appreciated. Support those who support you.
It is as simple as that.

Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page. Visit SAM I AM Productions to purchase books there and not through greedy corporations. Loving You!


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