Tag Archives: conscious souls

Accelerated Kingdom Of Souls

Clearing started by many more Lightbearers within the Kingdom of Souls started with fervor in 2008; that clearing and replacing body cells with infused galactic Light continues to this day with many more people knowingly participating, all aware of the great necessity to assist humanity on a grand scale. One may become aware of this ongoing process upon waking from vivid dreams, waking to realize odd breathing, or becoming attuned to ethereal activities where many souls energetically hold hands while focusing on enLIGHTening the world’s globe.

Pay attention to those moments upon waking and when on the cusp of sleep, and take time throughout your days and waking nights to continue this effort as plans underway for eons of time accelerate to again unprecedented levels.

We are the ones making monumental change; it is why we are all here at this earth-shattering time, to turn the tides of consciousness and spiral up the ladder of evolution as one great unit of conscious souls, united in positivity and LIGHT-infused actions.

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2 holds the first steps in this light-building process: Radiating Heart Energy; Anchoring Light; Building The Lightbody; and Lightbody Expansion.

We Are Merging Out Of Darkness! Coming forward into fruition are the fruits of labor seeded many eons ago. As all of humanity continues to evolve based on soul plans, the seed begins to grow, to bloom above ground, to merge out of the darkness to be heard and seen as it truly is, a seeming separate unit of consciousness, yet united in effort and will to expand.

It is with the greatest of respect that we of more evolved frequencies within the time/space continuum watch over and guide those ready to take this next evolutionary step forward, to become what every soul will in time become, a fully-realized god of matter, expressing and experiencing in various form and formless states of matter until such time as completion reaches its point in each segment of Consciousness.

This is not to say that all human beings now take this step forward, but all humans do follow their soul’s plan regardless of conscious effort, for the still, small, subtle voice within becomes heard in wondrous ways. Each and every human now hears this voice in a wide variety of ways. Listen in the stillness of night, when on the cusp of sleep, and during waking hours to take advantage of the wisdom and experience gained in other reams of existence. Know that this experience is yours alone, as a soul, but united in the effort to become One in all aspects despite trials and tribulations. Know that this voice continues to guide those willing and able to listen, and every human on earth is afforded this luxury of Life.

Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion.Remember, printed books in hand are always available when the grid erupts, and they do not detrimentally affect human bodies in ways that digital devices do! Contact the author with comments, suggestions, or questions. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.