Moving Forward As One Soul

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

More of the world continues to move through the chaos of ages. … … it is time for those ready to do so to move forward as one soul. Knowing the rampant separation upon earth at this time, it is duly noted: those aware of the Oneness within all things are now moving forth, merging into the one soul of which it is to experience the New Earth in all aspects.

We know as the illusion holds many layers of deceit and denial it also holds many layers of joy and wonder. Those moving forward choosing to merge into the Oneness of all things now experience the New Earth as one beingness tapped into telepathic consciousness. … …

As stated many times upon your earth, the beingness is non-exclusionary, all have access to the truth of this aspect already achieved and yet forgotten. Moving forward now, those with the insight to tap into their own telepathic abilities will now merge and move forward as one Oversoul, so to speak, in the new world. We ask that all hold the faith of knowing, for it is only in the knowing that one can move forward into this true consciousness of being.

As the world continually erupts into chaos keeping those not aware in limitation and fear, those tapping into the consciousness of one soul, moving forward upon a New Earth of joy, wonder, non-limitation and love for all, create full of the consciousness necessary to open this path for all humanity.

It is with the greatest respect that we ask those moving forward in this true effort to know; assistance from higher realms is always available. Moving forth via this telepathic connection opens wider the possibilities of joy, wonder and Oneness for all.

Full article in Book Of One : – ) Volume 6.

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