Velocity Increases

“Earth’s trajectory is at such a velocity that it shall never recover its old ways of being. At the current rate of evolutionary progress all within and upon, and Mother Earth herself, shall continue to rise into greater frequencies of BEingness. This BEingness in its pure state is something from whence all things arise upon coming in to experience and express in a slower space/time continuum. By slower we mean way below the velocity of the speed of light.

“And now as earth’s trajectory continues to increase at steady pace, all within and upon Mother Earth shall continue to increasingly feel bodily discomforts, chaos and confusion in emotions, and daily states of consciousness. And yet, as Mother Nature, humanity also has the powers of adaptability to continue its evolution in primary states of consciousness related to the unity and harmony of which it came to experience eons ago.

“Remembering the fullness of BEingness through times of silent meditation assists one in moving through these momentous times of evolutionary change. Know that all continue to be serviced through the efforts of unseen beings of light ready to assist at every moment to every beck and call, to every query and desire.

“It is yet again but a short time before Mother Earth and all within and upon her shall experience yet another unprecedented phase of chaos and confusion. And yet, it is those who have come to show the way to greater BEingness that shall assist humanity in moving through these times with at least a minimum of grace and ease.

“The velocity at which Mother Earth and humanity find themselves in the throes of evolution shall continue to increase, and as this pace increases the propensities and probabilities of chaos and confusion shall continue to dissipate as greater probabilities of greater beingness take their place.

“Know that the time is coming when humanity shall merge as one into a unitary consciousness as many other evolutionary beings have done. Albeit, not all have chosen this course of evolution during this lifetime, but yet, know that this course of evolution shall be and is already undertaken by each and every unique consciousness within the evolutionary course of the earth chain of experience and expression.

“We leave it at that as the channel continues to undergo great change and as other human beings in physical form.”

Refer to Book Of One 🙂, particularly Volumes 2, 4 (including a chapter with Affirmations), 5 and 6 for verification of experiences during and after onslaughts of incoming higher frequencies, information on Cosmic energy downloads, inspiration, and much more. More communications, and my experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”, especially in the “Author’s Experiences” section of each Book Of One 🙂 volume. Keep in mind, a printed book at bedside will not microwave eyes with harmful frequencies, and it offers inspiration for better dreams!

Book of One 🙂 Volume 2
Book of One 🙂 Volume 3
Book of One 🙂 Volume 4
Book of One 🙂 Volume 5
Book of One 🙂 Volume 6

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3 thoughts on “Velocity Increases”

  1. True spiritual keys to ultimate Self-Treasures and Self-Realization and Cosmic Freedom!
    Gratitude! Christ is back!

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