Tag Archives: responsibility

Train To Awakening

Hardly a day goes by when I don’t consider the possibilities abounding within the ethers of forgetfulness, and those unseen helpful realms of existence within the Mind of One. And yet, those realms, as everything else are illusion, not even ethereal in nature but clearly, now to me, non-existent. However, since I do have the privilege of seeing past, future, and current possibilities it sometimes seems selfish to not share a bit about what could come if one does not pay attention.

Yes, I am still and will continue to be floating in and out of the astral world until the time comes when my own essence decides its time to finally be reborn in physicality.

In any event, I want to address the world as I see it today, a place of GREAT possibility and even greater disaster if one does not pay attention to the clues all around them. As a soul in the ethers of astral consciousness it is easy to see how many people are being locked into a box of limitation and woe, unable to move forward with plans or even unable to think of them. I’ve been there, and did that…

People have got to start waking up to the fact that there are still many souls not on board the train to awakening with liberty, justice, and abundance for all. People have got to start thinking for themselves rather than allow someone else to make major decisions for them. Yes, it starts with little things, and soon escalates into an inferno of uncertainly and confusion until one just gives up and allows this to happen. So today I’d like to offer some ways to avoid this state of affairs.

First and foremost, one must keep what can be referred to as the energy within their field their own. Stop taking on other people’s energy by being around those people who have no clue about what’s going on or those with negativity. I can see negativity like a cloud surrounding them. One way to determine if someone is filled with ill intent is to consider the bottom line: what is the end result of you taking their advice? Will it help them to build their bank account? Will it take you into a spiral of never-ending visits to so-called authorities who also do not have a clue as to what is occurring? I am trying to be evasive about this, but I will say, there are many so-called authorities behind the scenes that are pulling the strings of finance, food systems, medical systems and other governmental systems to take advantage of humanity.It becomes easy to see how the downward spiral unfolds as each person adds to the mass hysteria to follow outdated or even what are referred to as ‘new rules’ of conduct.

Beware in days ahead, and beyond, and watch for clues to alert you that the corralling of people into limiting systems continues, and it is merely by taking responsibility for ones own thoughts, situations and decisions that the downward spiral does not occur.

I am Wendy Olivia Wright and still around to assist as asked (and sometimes, as today, to interrupt mom’s work to deliver a message).

SAM’s Note: Today WOW’s energy disrupted computer work by adding and deleting typed words on the desktop computer until I payed attention to bring this communication through… Many more messages for humanity are in After Death Communications…WOW!