Tag Archives: propensities


“The Lemurians have stood up for what humanity believed was true throughout the history of humanity. The propensities, habits, and actions of humans have taken them onto an unsteady course creating much unnecessary turmoil and chaos, which is now being rectified in this new age of the Dwâpara-Yuga that has already begun in a much seemingly small manner. Seamless aspects of the interwoven web in which humanity and all things exist continue to change at rapid speed. Humanity continues to merge into this new age of Dwâpara-Yuga, but it will be many hundreds, dare we say thousands of years, before humanity shall experience the full glory of this age. It is not coming; it has come, but much of humanity exists on the outskirts, while those few more aware spirits that have taken on souls that have taken on bodies for eons of time continue to lead the way.

“Within this priceless new age for humanity the habits, propensities, and actions grossly change from a denser reality to a much lighter, unified reality. Seeking to enter into this new age of Dwâpara-Yuga one must become aware of its own densities that must be eliminated, for the age of Dwâpara-Yuga will not accept denser aspects of the reality in which humanity has cherished for eons of time. These densities are the ones that humanity is now eliminating, but it will be quite some time before the majority of humanity move into these lighter aspects of beingness. In the meantime, there shall be much turmoil and chaos for those still clinging to the density of duality.

“Remaining within a steady field of unified light will assist one in moving through these times with greater ease and grace not afforded to those relishing in denser aspects of consciousness. Take care in the days ahead for humanity moves through yet another bump within the erratic frequencies created by ill-mannered consciousness within certain segments of humanity. Remain steadfast in the belief of the Oneness held within each and every human, and know that that Oneness continues to re-member, if ever so slowly, while moving through the end of the Kali-yuga period.

“We are the Lemurian Council of Twelve once again connecting with the frequency held by a unique consciousness experiencing as a human in a current period of the twenty-first century and yet, experiencing as well, countless versions, countless frequencies of consciousness.”

Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Gift card and cash donations to keep this website running are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.

Multidimensionality is a major aspect of DWARPA YUGA at the Equinox of March 20th, 2025, so do all you can to nurture that innate multidimensionality. After several years I still find it WONDERful to know that those tapped in get messages on the same subject at the same time! https://www.disclosurenews.it/the-ritual-of-the-new-becoming-cfn-20-february-2025/ . Do what you are called to do to share your unique piece of the puzzle to assist.


Listen to thy truths as all are bestowed with the knowledge held within. The process of unfoldment continues at rapid pace for all within and upon Planet Earth, and it is through this process that humanity shall move itself out of the limitation from which it has been locked within for far too long. Knowing these truths higher realms of consciousness, dimensions in which all shall eventually travel, now move, so to speak, forward in the Consciousness of all that is, was, and ever shall be, for as you know, a ripple effect occurs whenever changes are made in any aspect of the time/space continuum. This ripple effect is either greater or lesser depending upon the number of aspects of consciousness placing will and power together to create a different reality.

Realities of each aspect within the whole of all that is, was, and ever shall be continue to change at rapid pace based upon the perception held, or continually changed, by each unique human individual. Be aware that as these changes continue to take place focus upon that which one desires to experience serves best to avoid reverting to time-worn outdated states of consciousness. These outdated time-worn states of consciousness shall continue to be experienced by many choosing to stay within the comfort zone of known realities. Yet, it is only through stepping up in consciousness, via non-fearful willingness to move into the unknown realities, that one truly evolves and moves up the arc of evolution.

All levels of consciousness are valid, and it is only through the experience and expression of each unique human individual upon Planet Earth that changes are made for the greater good of humanity. Those choosing to move into previously unexperienced states of awareness, consciously moving up the arc of evolution continue to create the necessary ripple effect to eventually move all of humanity forward in the Consciousness of all that is, was, and ever shall be.

Ponder yet again what is yet to leave behind to move forward in the Consciousness of all that is, was, and ever shall be.

As many previous blogs, this one is included in the Book Of One : – ) Series. Many more affirmations and a glossary are in Volume 4. Book Of One :- ) Volume 5 holds many channels very pertinent to today’s world.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with the Book of One 🙂 Series. Support your Self, a loved one or a friend by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets that emit microwave frequencies.
Inspiring and meaningful, The Book of One : – ) Series holds channeled messages, the Author’s Experiences of higher realms and moving between 3D and 5D, ascension tools, ascension symptoms, affirmations, and conscious living tips to move through daily life. Inspire yourself today with a perfect bedside companion. As of Summer 2023 the Book of One : – ) Series consists of 6 books:
Book of One : – ) Volume 1

Book of One : – ) Volume 2

Book of One : – ) Volume 3

Book of One : – ) Volume 4

Book of One : – ) Volume 4 Lightworker’s Log helps humanity to deal with world events and body changes. It holds various insights, extraordinary experiences, notes signs of body changes for those choosing to evolve with Mother Earth and offers affirmations and conscious living tips. You’ll relate to this book deeply if you are beginning to awaken, have felt a connection to the Oneness of life and All That Is, or are aware that you are here to spread the Light of One. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for it holds a wealth of information and ascension tools.

Book of One : – ) Volume 5

This volume, Book of One : – ) Volume 5: Group Consciousness Messages helps readers to understand the role of higher realm Group Consciousness in humanity’s ascension. Inspiring messages from groups such as the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine, Lemurian Council Of Twelve and the Galactic Federation reach people in different states of wakefulness, while relating earth and ethereal events during humanity’s ascension. SAM also shares various extraordinary experiences making this volume an excellent bedside companion. You’ll enjoy this book regardless of your state of awareness for the messages within it serve as reminders from Home, relate current events, and hint at what’s ahead for humanity. This volume holds an Index to make finding topics of interest much easier.
Book Of One : – ) Volume 6!

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Galactic Federation: 2024

“We are the Galactic Federation and we are here to report. Major changes for your planet are closer than ever before. As your year 2023 concludes, and the year 2024 unfolds, these major changes of stepping up in consciousness shall be made for many humans now holding the bee hive consciousness of Oneness, Equality, Abundance, Wholeness, Health, and Truth for all.
“We do not wish to alarm those not seeking this change in experience, but leaving behind the limiting consciousness—savored for so long in eons of lifetimes—is considered to be the best choice to avoid unnecessary hardships that shall continue to occur to those remaining in lower states of consciousness. Seeking only to change the consciousness within one’s self is best during this time as humanity makes this quantum forward leap in consciousness.
“We, the Galactic Federation of Nine, are here to guide and continue to support all, regardless of choice in experience and expression. Know that moving forward into the 2024 year will continue to challenge many as the letting go of all belief systems continues with attempts to keep one in a steady familiar state. Leaving this state of awareness to enter what many say is to be in the flow is the best course of action to allow the flow to carry you into the necessary state that reaps the abundance of humanity’s 2024 year.
“The great shift many have spoken of and waited for is only in the minds of those who are ready and willing to let go of the old habits and propensities keeping one within a steady familiar state.
“We leave you now, and know the treasures you seek as a whole of humanity shall continue to unfold in rapid pace for those holding a beehive consciousness of Oneness, Equality, Abundance, Wholeness, Health, and Peace for all.”
Support your Self or a loved one with an inspiring bedside companion. Many multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”.
Many people are realizing that life on earth is not all it appears to be. As some people, Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM) became more aware of this fact upon the transition of her son. She was guided to publish a book about family power games four years later in 2008. Now guided to quickly assist humanity, as if on an unknown schedule, SAM then published a book every year for the next fifteen years. The “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” unfolds as SAM reveals each step of her way to spiritual awakening. Each book in the series relates ascension tools and tips, and multidimensional experiences coupled with increasing awareness of greater states of the reality in which humanity functions. This multi-dimensionality can be confusing if not clearly identified as such and is now being experienced by many people at increasing rates. Her thirteenth book “After Death Communications…WOW!” consists of channeled material seeming to come after her daughter’s chosen transition.
The entire “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” assists those who are beginning to realize there is more to life than previously thought. The series offers verification, inspiration, and timely tips to help humanity move though the Matrix to FREEDOM from limitation. Later books in the series are more in tune with those already awakened and well on the path. As of October 2023, the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series” consists of 19 books.
The hardcover Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies is now available “Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies”.