Tag Archives: planetary alignments


Keep in mind as you read that I am not an expert in any sense of the word, and hold very little book knowledge of astrology or anything else! Take what resonates with you and discard the rest as I share bits of information gleaned from both theosophical and esoteric sources.

Energies continue to be erratic as full moons, planetary alignments, coronal holes in the sun, and more assist humanity up the evolutionary spiral, known as the Ascending Arc. And in case you are not consciously aware, mass exodus from Planet Earth has accelerated. It now steps up with yet another unprecedented wave as bright Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, along with the less visible Uranus and Neptune appear together in the same part of the sky in the evening of January 25, 2025. This collection of planets along with Mercury, which is seen in the morning, is in part responsible for seeding humanity. Mercury is seen along with the waning crescent moon that lies close to red Antares, the gateway to Andromeda.

For those unaware, the sacred planet of Venus is to earth what the Higher Self is to man. Uranus is the 7th major planet outward from our sun, and Neptune is the 8th planet outward from the sun. Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Vulcan—a planet no one seems to be mentioning—all affect the fusion of body and soul. Neptune and Uranus are associated with spiritual awakening and universal connection.

Each planet offers its own spiritual energy, and their influences affect everything upon and within earth. These influences may catalyze shifts in collective consciousness and societal trends sparking global changes and cultural transformations. This is not a chance of a lifetime, but one of countless lifetimes that offers opportunities to move on in experience and expression, not only for already departed souls, but those ready to make this lifetime’s physical transition. It’s a new game of leap frog, offering the opportunity for souls to follow the chain of aligned sacred and non-sacred planets, to choose their next destination of experience and expression. This is an opportunity to return to the Logos, if one is in that state of body and mind, and if one so chooses.

As composite beings, we are derived in part from the Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Earth. Each of them (and other Cosmic Elements and Forces in the Solar System), are all innately connected to function as a whole new system of experience and expression upon Mother Earth. It is my understanding that this group of planets seen in the same part of the sky aligns our bodies of consciousness as never before.

We are experiencing a shift that has not occurred for approximately 26,000 years, and not only have free will, but also the ability to be transmitters and receivers of energy (information) from all of the cosmos. Each major chakra within the physical body is associated with a planet. And those planets are: Saturn; Mars; Jupiter; Venus; Mercury; Moon; and the Sun. Each planet brings specific spiritual influences and energies creating a portal for growth, manifestation, and spiritual insight. All seven of these planets that seeded Mother Earth are now visible. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Vulcan, Uranus, and Neptune are referred to as ‘sacred’ meaning they are expressive of the soul and spirit. Mars, Pluto, Earth, the Sun, and the Moon—the symbol and ruler of form—are non-sacred, meaning they are expressive of the personality.

This planetary alignment, a junction point, is a two-way street also allowing greater frequencies of LIGHT—for Planet Earth will no longer support denser energies to enter. Incoming life-atoms now affect humanity with greater frequencies of Consciousness making it possible to further evolve via divine timing. We can communicate with energetic essences of certain planets upon reaching the point where our matching body of consciousness attunes. Communications stemming from more evolved aspects of ourselves are more likely to occur than those messages from more evolved consciousnesses outside of our soul’s experiences and expressions in a single solar system. There are, however, those times that a more evolved human with purified body and mind can reach experiences and expressions of what may be referred to as their very own Monadic consciousnesses. These rare occasions are possible when frequencies are more matched due to planetary frequency alignments, such as those of January 25, 2025!

DNA transformation, a collective evolutionary process, is also heightened at this momentous time. Human bodies continue to feel the effects of this month’s planetary display even though cloudy skies may block physical eyes from seeing it.

This time of great opportunity beckons everyone to make the changes necessary to remain and prosper, or leave the planet to carry on soul experience and expression in other ways. Each planet that seeded humanity calls now for Mother Earth’s inhabitants to make the choice: leave to return to the home base or continue on to move through, as enLIGHTened souls, to and through the Logos to experience and express in other solar systems. It is a rare opportunity to do so and allowed only to those old souls who have relinquished all personalities from all expressions of existence.

I do not mean this in an unnatural way, but only as an opportunity for those with open minds to consider the choices of not only their own soul but those they may still be attached to in some form of matter. For it is only in allowing others to make their own choices, and to allow those choices without regret, that one then becomes able to make those same choices, along with the soul’s calling when still in bodily form.

Connecting to these energetic portals of consciousness is easier during times of meditation, spiritual practices, and intention-setting, so set your intention NOW!

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It is as simple as that.

If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Myrrh, Amber, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”). Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.

I cannot stress enough the value of keeping an inspirational book in print at bedside! Consider boosting your vibrational rate with Proficient Wisdom Scratching The Surface: Lightworker’s Log AND/OR the Book of One 🙂 Series. Remember, a physical book in your hand cannot be erased digitally and is easier on the eyes and soul than gadgets.

Distracting, Completing Energies

“Distracting, competing energies are always prominent during times of what may be referred to as junction points (resets) offering times of greater possibilities for humanity. As the dualistic nature of humanity continues to unfold at rapid rate, one may clearly see the focus of attention must remain upon evolutionary waves of Consciousness at what may be referred to as higher cosmic frequencies.

“The channel desires to explain in human terms what occurs during these junction points. And so we, the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine just step aside to allow this transmission to continue…”

Junction points can be considered times of new and full moons, solar and lunar eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, planetary alignments, and other changes affecting humanity from what may be referred to as greater frequencies of Consciousness. As humanity continues to spiral up the ladder of evolution towards completion of its cycle, ending the Kali Yuga age, it shall continually be faced with grosser and grosser disparities between light and darkness.

“Focusing on the aspects of neutrality serves one best at this time upon knowing that these incoming frequencies of a greater nature shall continue to allow humanity to reset time and time again. There will come a time when the mass majority of humanity (rather than the few knowing now) recognize that times of disparate, competing frequencies are merely false flags attempting to keep one’s consciousness in frequencies lower than the required frequency tipping point to jump from a junction point into greater states of awareness.

“The Consciousness of all that is, was, and ever shall be knows not of human disparities amid light and dark, but remains in a constant state of neutrality, a perfect void of possibility, allowing all aspects of all that is, was, and ever shall be to experience its consciousness in such a way that remains unique.

“Know that as these times continue to unfold, humanity shall continue to be faced with grosser, and grosser, distracting, competing frequencies, until such time that the breaking point of awareness allows the mass of humanity to become aware of its very own frequency keeping consciousness at lower states of awareness.

“As the channel would say, nervous system rewire is necessary, particularly for those manipulatively trained (via frequencies of TV, i-phones, AI, etc.) to seek excitement from outside ones very own bodies of consciousness. Recall that, humanity must coalesce in greater numbers these linguistic thought systems creating what appears as unique experiences within a time/space continuum.

“We, the White Winged Consciousness Of Nine are always available to those who seek to move out of the matrix of illusion. It is not, nor shall it ever be, desired to create separation within the void of Consciousness in which all live, and move, and have all being.

“Those of greater frequencies must now remain in place maintaining the higher frequency of Love and neutrality at all times.”

Reports of beheaded babies come (along with reports of false flags) at a time of massive influxes of more evolved Cosmic frequencies during the solar eclipse. As a human I’m reminded that this dualistic aspect of humanity’s nature always, without fail, occurs, always attempting to keep one in lower frequencies. It seems that each news report becomes grosser and grosser with each greater and greater incoming wave of Cosmic frequency to uplift humanity. And so, one must make a choice to either remember the true nature of each aspect of all that is, was, and ever shall be, or to separate into the consciousness of division.

As souls playing the earth game, many are aware that some humans have truly forgotten the true nature of which they are and from which they came. And desiring to keep illusionary power and control over what seems as undeserving humanity, the propensity to create these acts increases. But that does not necessarily mean that the acts are created.

Remember the ability of mass media to control public awareness and manipulate reality by controlling humanity through false reports, which was clearly revealed in graphic form during what was called the CV19 ‘pandemic’. Many revelations subsequently unfolded to reveal that the majority of that presented to the public consisted of deceitful, manipulative ways to lead one into what may be referred to as a corral—like sheep being paraded into stalls of limitation, ending their freedom to freely roam.

Please recall this, and know that what may be reported via media outlets may not necessarily have occurred, but always, whatever is presented is meant to lead ones thoughts and beliefs into manipulated corrals of limitation. As individuals, the choice between Love and fear is ours to make. Choose Love, radiating it out with gratitude, knowing that the earth game is ending, and some souls have chosen to experience gross acts of violence to raise the compassion and unity of humanity. The human experience has reached its culmination point and it’s time to unify once again!

The following video and resource was shared during one of the many informative classes at The Theosophical Society In Miami/Deerfield:

The Science Behind The GCI – https://lightworkerslog.com/video/2023/Science_Behind_GCI.mp4

This recent eclipse will be followed by a lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28. We can join the shift of human consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation, and increased peace. Groups continuously form to upgrade consciousness and to facilitate positive outcomes. In-person groups are the most nurturing and offer valuable local connections. All groups/individuals add to the grid and are energetically connected to each other at the heart level to serve the greater whole. Through the global coherence initiative (GCI) https://www.heartmath.org/gci/global-coherence-app, we can commit to planetary harmony and healing in an expanded way.

If you value the information received please consider balancing receiving and giving with a cash or gift card donation sent via postal mail to: SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385. P.S: Myrrh, Amber, and Sandalwood Essential Oil are on my Manifestation List (formerly known as a “Wish List”). Comments, questions and suggestions welcome at the Contact Page.