Moving Through Manifestation Processes

Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 6 excerpt!

“Humanity now moves through many processes of manifestation, some more quickly than others. As this grand awakening occurs, those not yet ready to manifest on a greater level succumb to the rigors of old ways, habits and thought forms duly upon earth at this time. Those ready to step forward into the consciousness of the New Earth more fully are now experiencing a quickening, an awakening of powers long forgotten.

“Humanity’s evolution continues to accelerate at a rapid pace as those moving forward in their state of awareness, in their thoughts, emotions, and habits now manifest on a much quicker level than ever before….

“There are many within the higher realms in greater states of awareness ready and waiting to assist all earth, and yet, each form taps into a state of awareness within their own earth and other planet experience. The states of awareness are changing quickly for Mother Earth and for those upon her. One must remain heart-centered to fully manifest the New Earth and live within and upon her in a greater state of awareness.

“Although the physicality of earth continues to change, many upon her are not of the awareness in the change in their own circumstances due to their own changing state of awareness….  One must choose the state of awareness using emotion and thought consciously. The manifestation upon earth continues to rapidly change….”

Full article including Author’s Note in Book Of One : – ) Volume 6.

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