Conscious Creation

One cannot be too redundant when it comes to repeatedly noting that the 7 keys of manifestation build the world. They are emotions, thoughts, words, deeds, responses, reactions and neutrality.

What Do You Feed?

PLEASE be careful using these magic keys for they do produce and sustain the world in which you as an individual and we as a mass consciousness exist within. As noted repeatedly in the Book Of One 🙂 we are all aspects of All That Is, was, and ever shall be, and what we do causes a ripple effect in the field of Consciousness.

Honing Your Energy Field

PLEASE pay particular attention to what you feed your mind with, things you read, listen to or watch, PARTICULARLY before bedtime, for EVERYTHING carries over into the sleeping state within the astral realm in which our consciousness goes to every night (for those of us who actually sleep ;-)), AND it is where our consciousness resides AFTER physical death!

In any event, you may wish to listen to inspirational material before bedtime, and that is one of the reasons for the audio publication of Book Of One Volume 1 (subsequent volumes are to be placed on audio as well, whew!)  Book Of One : -) Volume 1 (Lightworker’s Log) is now available to RAISE body vibrational rates for purchase on Audible, iTunes and Amazon. A pure, heart-felt 6 Hours and 19 minutes of inspirational channeled communications! The audio book is $19.95 OR currently 99 cents with membership. EnJOY!

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No matter what you read, watch, listen to or do, PLEASE continue to take daily time to tap into your own Beloved Source of wisdom, which lies inside each and every one of us!

Let’s Talk About Energy

Support your Self or a Loved One with another inspiring book, which is especially helpful for those who have experienced the physical loss of a loved one.

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