A newsfeed post from Storm Chasers draws attention while quickly sharing on social media.Of a consistent mind to avoid newsfeed posts, this is a rare occurrence, but upon visiting the page it is clear to see how this world includes facets of the diamond of duality. The good, bad, and ugly show a clear picture of our world via warnings well ahead of expected storms (both good to alert those in soon to be affected areas, and bad for they feed the occurrence to unfold). And then there’s the ugly of multiple images after the event. Sleep comes easily, but subtle waking guidance leads me to record a bit more audio of Book Of One 🙂 Volume 4, yet another collection of ageless wisdoms, inspirational messages, warnings, and other practical advice. Of course, the first page to be recorded is even more pertinent to today’s world.
Necessary Experiences
“Humanity is under the grand illusion that when we defer we gain. This is not the case but quite the opposite. When you defer something to another time or space you, in essence, are allowing that energy to build to an even greater crescendo. Let us explain this concept.
“Humanity has deferred many multitudes of blessings bestowed upon them for eons of time (by not recognizing them). These blessings come in the form of trials and tribulations to help the planet grow. These blessings are in many forms and may often be overlooked. Humanity always looks for the easy way to live but in Truth, on your planet, this is not the reason souls have chosen to inhabit the earth.
“Humanity has come to earth to grow in awareness of the Truth of One by allowing each soul to experience the necessary experiences to bring that memory back to awareness. Allow yourself to move through these times with the ease and grace of one who knows the Truth. You are not your experience. You are not your errors or even your accomplishments. You ARE that of which It is.
“We are the White Winged Consciousness of Nine here to assist as humanity makes yet another great leap in awareness.”
This volume is currently available in paperback form. Many other multidimensional experiences are documented throughout the “Lightworker’s Log Book Series”. Support your Self or a loved one by purchasing an inspiring bedside companion. Gift card and cash donations help to keep this website running and are received via SAM, P.O. Box 39385, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339-9385.