Enjoy this Book Of One : – ) Volume 5 excerpt!
…Courses of action remain steady within the host carrying the field of Oneness, within the host in the field of Oneness. Varied courses of action now continue to unfold in unprecedented ways upon Planet Earth as days and nights consistently meld to form one cohesive wavering path to varied states of consciousness for all of humanity, for all within and upon earth.
Courses of action vary with unique frequencies of individuals ready to adhere to the call of the ages, to make the necessary changes increasing probabilities within the matrix of illusion. These probabilities have existed for eons of time, and now many coalesce as groups with consistent, passion-filled, powerful thoughts and emotions. Move forward in consciousness to right what may be perceived as wrongs in a consistent field of chaos and confusion for those not following the inner guidance, which is recognized by those making these changes.
In coming days, weeks, and months the vast changes within the systems upon earth shall continue to burst forth into a more steady playing field for all. It is not the charge of any one single, unique human being to make any changes, but to remain within the flow of consciousness which carries them into a group of similar emotions, thoughts, words, and deeds to make these necessary changes for the highest good of all. Other unique souls in human form remain in place continuing to assist in maintaining a steady state of consciousness within the field.