Join us on SUNday at Thubten Kunga Ling (located in the Cove Shopping Plaza, in the teal colored building upstairs), at 201 S.E.15th Terrace, Suite 207, Deerfield Beach, FL. 33441. Learn more about the venue by visiting this link:
SUNday, April 6, 2025, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“What Keeps Humanity Alive?”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (a.k.a. SAM)
Join us for discussion on the most essential part of our physical body, which gives it the necessary energy to support life, and is intimately connected to health. This subtle field also allows us to be more receptive to psychic information, sense vibrations, and see paranormal energies. Please turn off cell phones and bring pen and paper to save parts of the discussion that are important to you.
SUNday, February 9, 2025, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
“The Kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21.
As H.P.B. noted long ago, “TRUTH lies beyond any ideas we can formulate or express.” Today, however, we shall attempt to discuss Divinity, hierarchies, our reason for being, and why the earth experience and expression is vitally important at this time.
Dear SAM: Thank you so much for your presentation on “Divinity” for our T.S. group this afternoon. Two of the topics contained in your talk were our reason for being, and the crucial importance of a human aspect or expression. These mystical ideas have been carefully researched by SAM, aka Sharon Ann Meyer. She has studied spiritual literature and has also used her own work as substance for her new book, “Preparing for Death and the Afterlife,” which delves into these topics in greater detail. We applaud her for her hard work, meticulous presentation and her courageous stance grappling with topics that are not usually popular in the ordinary realm of scholarship. Your colleagues appreciate you greatly! With love and light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President Theosophical Society in Miami.
SUNday, June 9, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
Today’s sharing of“Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies” includes an interactive discussion centering on the temples of Philae, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Karnak and Luxor, past lives, patriarchal energy and dark priests, walking between two worlds and body frequency changes, cruising the Nile, and the West Bank.
Dear Sharon aka/SAM, Your second Egyptian Initiatory journey (presentation) was every bit as interesting as the first one – thanks so much. Not only is the information helpful and challenging, your presentation is very lively and positive as well. Initiatory “adventures” usually try to take us out of our comfort zone as you mentioned Sam dear. This is one of the big ways of shedding layers of our personality to reveal the Essence within. Sometimes it can be painful. However if looked at, digested and incorporated, this becomes a medium for our Essence to grow. Another way to look at it would be to “accept the challenge and see what we can learn from the experience.” It seems as though you have learned and are continuing to learn quite a lot! Thanks again – we appreciate you and we appreciate that you happily share your wisdom with us! Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President Theosophical Society in Miami.
SUNday, May 12, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
Plan to come early as parking may be a challenge…
In Person
“An Egyptian Journey of Enlightenment”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
Many people take trips to Egypt with thoughts of merely visiting a foreign country, but what really prompts the journey? Today’s sharing of “Serendipitous Egyptian Initiatic Journey: A Sacred Experience Of Transmuting Energies” will begin to shed light on how the subconscious mind always leads the way. Join in on this interactive discussion that centers on progressing enlightenment brought about via experience dealing with the concepts of initiations, vibrational disparities, the FLOW, past lives, habits and the Pearl of Egypt.
Dear Sharon (aka) SAM, What a fascinating departure from your usual interesting presentations. Today’s discussion focused on your experiences during an initiatic journey to Egypt to the tombs of the pharaohs, notably Ramses II, accompanied by your Rosicrucian colleagues. Reading excerpts from one of your books describing the experiences you had, pointed out that sometimes the situation/environment itself provides the grist for the struggle. How we handle it-manage to adjust to various uncomfortable situations, or not; or pay minimal attention to the discomforts of our lower natures can sometimes provide the means to an increase in our level of consciousness. For example, your portrayal of sharing a room with someone who has disparate energies, how you handled it, and how you listened to the wisdom of your Subconscious, seems to indicate that you accept and internalize these higher energies. The manner in which you read also makes the experience very lively. Thank you so much and please consider giving us another presentation on these lines again. We all enjoyed it so much! Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President, Theosophical Society in Miami.
Wayshower SAM, author of the Lightworker’s Log Book Series, founder of SAM I AM PROductions, and administrator of couples ageless wisdom with personal experience in multiple realities. She is the Corresponding Secretary for the Theosophical Society of Miami/Deerfield Beach, FL.
SUNday, April 14, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Employing Theosophical Concepts While Moving Through Chaos”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
Choosing a course of action while moving through chaos can be difficult to do. Yet, experience proves that it helps greatly to employ theosophical concepts as circumstances change rapidly based on the varied frequencies of earth conditions, people, and conditions involved. Join us for a discussion of an example of moving through months of distracting bedlam while employing theosophical concepts and maintaining heart-centered Christ Consciousness.
Dear Sam, What a heart-centered presentation you gave us this afternoon! So compassionate, well-organized and practical. “Employing Theosophical Concepts While Moving Through Chaos” is such a germane theme to help us navigate this difficult period we as guests on planet Earth are experiencing. The events you spoke about regarding a family member and how you steered him through a very difficult path of bureaucratic red tape was impressive. You set a good example for others dealing with similar situations. A few of the heart-centered consciousness practices you suggest are: replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, rest and meditation, mantras such as AUM. Energy must be fed to exist. So if we step away and view situations from a point of response and not reaction, we are not feeding the negativity. We so appreciate these offerings Sam, and look forward to others. Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President Theosophical Society in Miami/Deerfiled Beach.
SUNday, March 17, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Detachment: Compassionate Neutrality”
Neutrality places ones consciousness in a space of non-local reality, while recognizing the true nature of everything and everyone. Join us for a discussion on unresolved imprints, how to clear them, and meditations.
Short Audio Class Excerpt
Dear Sam, Thank you so much for your important presentation on Neutrality from the Soul’s view point and why Meditation is a crucial practice. We understand that you will follow-up on these topics for your next offering. For now, we have much to ponder – especially the valuable lesson that facing an unusually strong reaction will be a clue that certain issues have not yet been processed. And also understanding that “the aim of Meditation is to bring the lower nature under the control of the Egoic aspect of man’s nature.” In other words, Meditation is a vital tool to raise one’s level of consciousness. We so appreciate all the effort that goes into your fine presentations Sam. Thanks so very much, Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President
SUNday, Feb 11, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Detachment: Multidimensional Living”
The process of detachment becomes easier while tapping into innate multidimensional aspects. This way of living is quickly becoming the rule in 2024 amid major changes in every arena of life. Join us to share the multiple ways one can detach from chaos and confusion to live in a Heaven on earth.
Dear Sam (aka) Sharon, How you do it is beyond me, but your current presentation was even better (if that is possible) than your last one. “Detachment: Multidimensional Living,” the second portion of this three part series was packed with crucial theosophical information gleaned from classic sources such as: Gottfried de Purucker and the prolific yet somewhat controversial Alice Bailey. Passing around your striking and radiant crystal so all could hold and work with it individually; was a unique way to show the foundational Theosophical principle of unity, “We Are All One”. Part three is scheduled for March 17th – we look forward to it! Thank you Sam. With Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President, Theosophical Society in Miami.
SUNday, Jan 14, 2024, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Detachment: Making Room For Divine Frequencies”
The process of detachment leads one to a place of Christ Consciousness where the only moment is NOW and filled with Love. How does this detachment unfold?
SUNday, Dec 17, 2023, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Communication Frequencies”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
Today we continue group discussion on how Spiritual Intuition unfolds to assist us in moving through unprecedented times. Discussion Keywords Are: evolution, geomagnetic frequencies, and physical effects. Join us in person as we continue to raise our frequencies.
Nov 19, 2023, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Communication Frequencies”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
This class series intends to relate how Spiritual Intuition unfolds; hone frequency communication skills; offer opportunities for open sharing; and assist us in moving through unprecedented times. Join us as we collectively share our very own unique piece of the puzzle that continues to evolve to greater and greater frequencies. It’s always advantageous to meet in person, for sharing higher frequencies serves to heighten them even more. Support your spiritual truths because unsupported they no longer exist.
Dear Sharon aka SAM, Thank you for your fine presentation today on Communication Frequencies. Nice to hear from each of the participants – all seemed to have positive motivations for attending your presentation. And it was a bonus that you encouraged the sharing. The talk you gave us today was a logical progression – previous offerings dealt with the various bodies of man. This one aimed at showing that we do have a choice regarding which energies we accept and which we reject. What we feed gets stronger. You advise us to not feed the chaos. And that we are all part of the One, even though we superficially seem separate; this is but an illusion. We are going through unprecedented times. Energies are affecting us in many ways while our basic structures are changing. We can make a difference by radiating out positive energy to others, help lift them up, and remember that we are all One. Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President.
10-22-2023 Dear SAM, The way you conducted your offering this afternoon – weaving together a talk on “Communication Frequencies” with a meaningful group sharing, was truly admirable. Our time spent together was cohesive and fun. We are grateful to you for providing us with this valuable class. Drawing from your rich knowledge of various spiritual modalities, you were able to suggest techniques that we can incorporate into our individual spiritual practices; in order to make efforts to raise our own vibratory level. “Experience, expand and express” to reach our high intuitive frequencies is what you spoke about. – In order for us to grow, we need to focus on unconditional love and inclusiveness. Thank you SAM, for giving us the tools and pointing us in the right direction, so we too can make efforts and aspire toward attaining higher frequencies. Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President
Theosophical Society in Miami
Sept 24, 2023, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Esoterically Speaking”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
Connecting with bodies of consciousness, accessible via non-local reality (beyond our five senses), is a process that unfolds via various lifetimes. Humanity continues to move toward this achievement as never before to become multidimensional beings with greater awareness of ageless wisdoms. Today we begin group discussion on these communication frequencies, THEOsophical aspects of the Seven Planes of Nature, and their merging while still seeming to be in physical form. Join us to share amid similar minds.
Dear Sharon aka SAM, Thank you so much for your beneficial and intelligent offering to our TS lodge yesterday “Connecting with our Bodies of Consciousness.” Your extraordinary meditation and discussion on how to raise our vibratory level was very much appreciated by the attendees. Looking forward to your future presentations on the unfolding of spiritual initiation and assisting us in moving into this realm. In Love & Light, Lillian for Brian Burns, President, Theosophical Society in Miami
We continue to move rapidly through tumultuous times, with everything changing, including physical bodies and systems counted on for eons of time. One of the intentions of sharing my classes is to assist us in moving through these unprecedented times with more Grace and Ease as opportunities for open sharing of wisdoms from Higher Self aspects occurs. Additional intentions are to relate how Spiritual Intuition unfolds; assist us in honing communication skills with higher frequencies; and to discuss occurrences and their esoteric meanings. We are at a point where the division of worlds is most prominent. Remember, group activity offers much more than online events to nourish body and soul. These sharings often contain what has previously been known as confidential information to only be shared with initiates. Attending members of The Theosophical Society and our lodge receive printed copies of each class upon request.
Greetings Dear Sam, Your presentation this afternoon on Chakras 3 was outstanding! Thanks so much for the wealth of information, professional quality charts, and the amazing and intelligent effort you put into coordinating all this theosophical data. The handouts you generously gave us will require many precious hours of study and scrutiny in order to internalize the particulars and make them our own – well worth the effort! Your offering was much appreciated – thanks so very much! Love & Light, Lillian, for Brian Burns, President, Theosophical Society in Miami.
June 25, 2023, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Etheric & Astral Chakras”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
This second class in our series covers 3D force centers (details including physical body associations), energetics, physical health & flow, and kundalini awakening. We shall then discuss some minor chakras, 4-5D force centers, signs of imbalances/blockages, and techniques to heal and balance chakras to improve our earth experience and expression.
Thank you!!! From Lillian Mayer on 2023-06-25 19:33 Beloved Sharon (aka SAM),
Thank you so much for this, your second class on “Etheric & Astral Chakras”. You are taking us right into the lofty realms of occult learning and Theosophy. Very few could manage this as well as you do, dear SAM.
Each class you share with us builds on the one before. Even though the subject is quite enigmatic and arcane – you have that rare facility of clarifying these concepts for those of us not steeped in Theosophical learning. The complicated chart that you fashioned and shared with us represents the best of scholarship and you arranged it brilliantly!
In the words of our dearly departed Carol Hurd who was herself a very fine theosophical scholar and teacher, “Thank you ever so much!”
Namaste, Love & Light,
Lillian for Brian Burns, President
Theosophical Society in Miami.
April 23, 2023, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Bridge Over Troubled Waters”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
Join us as we continue to discuss classic theosophical aspects of the Seven Planes of Nature. Antahkarana is the bridge between lower self, which gives in to emotional and seemingly logical demands and Spiritual Soul that keeps us free from limitation and disharmony. Today, discussion includes the strengthening of this bridge and use of its healing symbols.
2023-05-28 15:57
Dear SAM, We appreciate all the effort and scholarship that went into your important talk on the affect that the Rays have on the chakras. This is a complex topic with many aspects, so it is especially admirable that you are taking on this formidable subject and handling it with aplomb.
Since we have not quite settled in to our newly altered meeting place,it is to your credit, SAM, that even with this additional challenge, you have handled your talk with your usual poise.
Looking forward to your next valuable group sharing. Thanks ever so much.
Love, Light & OM,
Lillian Mayer, Recording Secretary
for Brian Burns, President,
Theosophical Society in Miami.
Dear SAM,
We so benefited from and enjoyed your presentation this afternoon at our lodge on, “Exploring Energy Bodies/The Antahkarana (Power Source of Creation)”. Starting off with a discussion of our findings of the exercise you suggested, and then absorbing the very esoteric information (wisdom) you shared, was a powerful and valuable experience. It is clear that you put a tremendous amount of time and effort compiling, sifting through and focusing in on your material. We are fortunate to have you present this important and arcane theosophical material to us. The Antahkarana is a topic rarely dealt with due to its abstruse nature. You handled it very deftly and were able to make it clear for us. Thank you ever so much for your pivotal TS presentation.
Namaste, Love & Light,
Lillian for Brian Burns, President
Theosophical Society in Miami.
Dear SAM,
On behalf of our president, Brian and all the attendees who were fortunate enough to be privy to your presentation; we thank you for your fine offering on the Antahkarana – one of the most esoteric and complicated topics of Classical Theosophy. Sharon dear, you have this exceptional facility of taking a difficult topic and making it clear even for those unfamiliar with theosophical wisdom or parlance.
Thank you! We understand that you will be sharing part two of this topic during Sunday, April 23. Can hardly wait to take this in! Even though there is still much to ‘digest’ from today’s talk.
Thanks ever so much! Love & Light,
Lillian Mayer, Recording Secretary
Theosophical Society, Miami/Deerfield lodge.
Feb 2023
Hello Sam, Your class was wonderful! I learned so much. I love to be around liked mind people and you truly hold a sense of grace and desire to help others. I visited your website and I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
I wish that Sunday class was LONGER!! I could live in these subjects all day. I hope to see you this Sunday.
Jan 22, 2023
In Person
“Sleep And After-Death States Of Consciousness”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
We continue to mold our future with thoughts, words and deeds. Sometimes the thoughts, words and deeds of those nearby create unnecessary turmoil. The purging, cleansing process continues as we let go of all that is not in tune with higher aspects through the dream state. Once we become conscious of our dreams we can hone the ability to move through astral states of consciousness after physical death to reach higher states of consciousness. Today we continue our discussion of astral vehicles of consciousness (experienced during both sleep and physical death), astral states after physical body death, thought forms, after death life principles, and particulars. Knowledge of these states, and how to fluidly move through them offers opportunities to forgo denser states of consciousness.
Dear SAM,
Once again it is a pleasure to send you a well-deserved thank you note for your very valuable, generous and educative talk on the Astral Level(s).
It is as we know, an enormous topic, very involved and weighty. It is a lot to absorb and one needs to ponder all the aspects of which you are making us aware. I use the present tense as you had such a bounty of information to share, there was not enough time to include all the material you brought. So happily we will have more next month!
Thanks ever so much for bringing our lodge serious Theosophy. We have many other interesting presenters on various topics, but your rendering of Theosophical wisdom is unrivaled!
Looking forward to your talk next month.
With Love & Light,
Lillian Mayer, Recording Secretary
Theosophical Society, Miami/Deerfield lodge.
Nov 27, 2022, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“Tapping Into Multiple Planes of Nature”
Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM)
Everything is energy in a state of constant motion, and humans have the ability to tap into these multiple Planes of Nature. Our three vehicles of consciousness (physical, astral, and mental) use the instruments of desire, thought, and action to co-create worlds within these planes, but how do we determine what state of awareness we are experiencing? Join us as we continue to examine this dilemma by discussing states of awareness that we all move through before attaining enlightenment.
Beloved SAM,
Once again you have presented our lodge with an excellent talk. This time on the various levels of the Astral Realm and an examination of how our actions can “co-create varying states of awareness as we move through these levels before attaining enlightenment.”
You consistently prepare well for your offerings and explain the material in a clear and interesting manner so it is both well-understood and lively for the attendees. Superb job!!! Thanks ever so much!
Love, Light & OM,
Lillian S. Mayer, Recording Secretary
Theosophical Society in Miami..
Oct 30, 2022, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
“The Path To Esoteric Ageless Wisdom”
with Sharon Ann Meyer (aka SAM)
A ceaseless stream of vibrations expresses according to frequency, and we humans possess the ability to be receivers and transmitters of this energy (information) from Earth and all of the Cosmos. This is an open discussion on the various dimensions of consciousness offering subtle guidance, insights and support. We review various teachings on the constitution of man, messages received, and their source. Today we discuss the astral body and realms of consciousness.
Aug 14, 2022, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
The Path To Ageless Wisdom
with Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM)
A ceaseless stream of vibrations expresses according to frequency, and we humans possess the ability to be receivers and transmitters of this energy (information) from Earth and all of the Cosmos. Continuing our theosophical studies of the third object, we shall review and discuss various teachings on the constitution of man, messages, and where they originate. Remember, as Cosmic frequencies continue to make it easier to ‘tap in’ we shall all eventually see everything as multidimensional HU-mans. This is an open discussion on the various dimensions of consciousness now unfolding from within to offer subtle guidance, insights and support. Bring a paper and pen to record your insights.
Thank you so much for your erudite and interesting presentation this afternoon on, “The Path to Esoteric Ageless Wisdom”. Your offering – a combination of lecture and inter-active discussion; was very lively and educative. It seems that with each of your fine talks more is unfolded not unlike our consciousness “embracing all in Oneness” as Annie Besant stated in her famous mantra. Even though your audience varied in their level of understanding, all of us seemed to derive precisely what we needed from your talk. Looking forward eagerly to your next dialogue. Thanks again!
Blessings of love and peace, Lillian S. Mayer, Recording Secretary for Brian Burns, President
Enjoy this video excerpt from the first workshop. Remember, we energetically support what we participate in.
Feb 13, 2022, 3:30―5 PM
In Person
Transformation Using 7 Keys
with Sharon Ann Meyer (SAM)
Join us as we explore the 7 Keys of Transformation focusing on the works of sages such as H.P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, C.W. Leadbeater, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Enjoy this video excerpt from a two-part workshop held at Thubten Kunga Ling. Remember, we energetically support what we participate in.
“The Tipping Point”
with Sharon Ann Meyer
(aka SAM)